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10 reasons to try Kotlin for Android development

we have never added a new programming language to Android and today we're making Kotlin an officially supported language in android so the latest Google i/o conference Google announced that soon Android studio would support Copland development out of the box this is big news but if you don't know what Koplin is then it might is going to give your head slightly so basically Copelan is a programming language and now it's going to serve as an alternative to coding in java when you build your Android apps it's a little more modern in some ways than Java and it's probably a lot simpler for a beginner so in this video I'm going to go over ten reasons why you should consider using Copelan for your next app project the number one Copland is super easy to set up people have been developing apps with Copeland's for a while now using a plug-in available through Android studio but going forwards as of Android studio 3.0 starting a caitlyn project is going to be as simple as ticking a box that says support Copland development so it's very easy to get started and there's really nothing stopping you from diving in and giving it a go number two it's interoperable with Java try saying that five times quickly so basically what this means is that the two languages are very similar and you can use Java commands and Java libraries in the same program that you're developing with Coplin so this means that there's nothing you can't do because you can always just fall back on Java number three is that it reduces boilerplate so basically boilerplate code refers to any lines of code that need to write out lots and lots of times so it don't really serve any purpose the function of your application Coquelin has been designed in a way but it stops you having to do this you basically have to write a lot fewer lines and this is also partly what makes it easier for a beginner so that's a big benefit and across the rest of this video I'm going to point out some specific examples of how it achieves this number four is the synthetic extension so synthetic is an extension for coding that can add to its functionality and it's really useful basically with a single line of code at the top of your script you're able to avoid ever having to write five views by eye again you can identify your views and then just refer to them anywhere within your code this is an example of saving boilerplate its safety having to write hundreds of lines across the course of a big project and it's one of my favorite advantages of using coding for development number five is that you can pick your own programming philosophy so basically programming languages come in a variety of flavors but the two main ones are object-oriented and procedural it's basically changes the structure and the organization of your project and there are advantages to using object-oriented which is what Java uses but it is a little more complicated and everyone has their own preferences basically with Copland you can choose how you want to structure your own project which might make it a bit easier for a beginner and is also preferable maybe to someone who comes from a functional background having choice is always a good thing number six no more null pointer exceptions often referred to as the billion dollar mistake null pointer exceptions are one of the most common errors in Java and one of the most common reasons that your apps on Android crash so Koplin attempts to do away with this making the whole process much simpler with null safety basically it's just one more way that Copland makes coding a little bit easier and a bit more friendly for beginners number seven might not sound like a big deal no semicolons basically in Java every line has to end with a semicolon which sounds like not a big deal but it is a lot of punctuation over the course of millions of lines and not only that but you can end up hunting to find where you've missed one basically Copland allows you to use semicolons but it doesn't enforce it so you won't have that little error to worry about number eight is that there's no overhead to using code min so the standard library is very small and basically this means that using codes in to build your app isn't going to make them any larger and it isn't going to make them any slower so there's really no downside if you do prefer Copland give it a go number nine that's already good support for Coplin so while it's new that Android studio will support Copland development out of the box people have been developing Android apps with Caitlyn for a while thanks to a plugin this means there's already a ton of resources and forums sample projects etc and you're not going it alone you're not exploring entirely new ground number ten learning new languages is always a good thing so if you already know Java why not learn Copeland's it's not too different from Java I mean you can pick it up quickly and then you'll be adding an extra string to your bow and expanding your skillset Copelan is also used in some server-side development in web apps so in general it's a useful thing to know it could help you get a job someday or it could just come in handy for personal project and there are many more benefits to using Coquelin as well that I haven't gone over in this video for example exceptions are unchecked and you can use lambda expressions basically totalling is a slightly more modern programming language and it's probably a bit easier like I said if you're new to Android app development certainly worth trying out there's no harm in it so give it a go hope you found this video useful guys if you did please consider leaving a like maybe showing it around and leave a comment down below and let us know what you think about Kirkland development and whether you're going to be adopting it into your own workflow going forward and of course check out Android Authority com for more on Copelan Java and Android in general where we are your source on all things Android
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