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AMOLED vs IPS LCD vs Retina vs Infinity Display - Gary Explains

hello I'm Gary Simms from and or authority and one of the main ways we interact with our smartphones of course is by its display and there are different types of display technology that exist today that are chosen by different manufacturers because they have different advantages and disadvantage you may have heard of AMOLED you may have heard of IPS LCD then of course we've got infinity display and Super AMOLED and super LCD and infinity display and retina hate lead II and there's all these different things so what are they and which one's the best well let me explain first of all let's cut through all the marketing there are these different types of displays that people and manufacturers talk about Super AMOLED and retina and infinity and there's basically two types of display there's led based displays and there's LCD based displays now an LED display is as you find in AMOLED is the LED part starts for light emitting diode just like you get on that little red light you get a little TV that tells you whether your TV is on or off that's basically an LED now in an AMOLED display they are reduced down to very very very small sizes and there are red LEDs and blue LEDs and green LEDs and they group together a little kind of pixelated forms little triangles okay that when you light them up together at different intensities you can get all the different color ranges so if they're all off yet black if the rule on you get white and if you kind of have more red on than you have other code you get a red color and so on and that's how it works and basically the RA for the AMOLED part basically means active active matrix because basically what happens is is that there is a way of putting a thin layer of transistors over the connecting up to these LEDs and it makes them turn on and off very very fast which gives you this active-matrix organic LED display and basically this is the advantage of a AMOLED is that you get this great contrast because when the LEDs are off they're off and you get these deep blacks and that means that when they're on and you get this great difference in contrast ratio but you get these deep blacks and these bright whites that come up you also get great viewing angles okay and there are some disadvantages though and one of them is this problem of screen burning after having a whole video about screen burning I'll link that here in the scription below that tells you about why they burn him basically the LEDs are after you use them over time they're cursed after fade which means that when they're in when you turn it on to white for example you can see the outline of the LEDs at after a fade out then it looks like the battery symbol the HOME key single or the clock or something because they aren't so bright anymore now when people talk about Super AMOLED basically Super AMOLED is an AMOLED display and a touch screen matrix that have been put together in a single unit rather than there being two that go on top of each other or with some glass or other kind of substrate between them they're all part of one display and that's what they call Super AMOLED and infinity display is basically an AMOLED display that you find on the SAT si plus and of course on the note eight the base leakage of this idea of is edge to edge bezel as display but it's basically still an AMOLED or a Super AMOLED display now the counterpart to a Milady's LCD an LCD liquid crystal display now I'm sure I'm gonna say LCD display which really means liquid crystal display display okay everybody does it don't worry about it LCD basically means that there are crystals that when you apply current to them they can let a certain amount a light through or not let a certain amount of light through and they all work by having a backlight which shines a light across the whole display and then you change the crystals to let certain light through and then watch on in some polarization and some color filters you can basically get red green and blue coming up at each little place on the screen by controlling what light is able to go through from the backlight now the problem with LCD is that when you have a black display the backlight is still powering at full power and all the crystals are sets and no light goes through it so you're still using the same amount of energy on a dark display on a bright display the same battery power is always being used now when you hear IPS as in-plane switching that's basically a second generation of LCD display that's got great viewing angles and also has some great color reproduction and basically all displays today are IPS I haven't seen an old TN type of LCD display for several years now they're all basically IPs now with AMOLED you have this idea or problem of burning now we're there isn't a burning problem with LCD but you do have the possibility of image retention which is where a crystal has been twisted into a certain position a certain amount of currents been applied to it Senate mounted lights going through it if it stays there too long not always that crystal wants to return back to its natural relaxed state and therefore you can get kind of different images artifacts appearing on the screen now basically that's normally temporary if the display is driven to drive you know different colors and those exits those crystals are exercised again they generally sort of free up and there any ghosting or burning you see should be temporary so LCD also has its problems but not the same type of problem as you get with AMOLED now just like you've got Super AMOLED you've also got super LCD that basically means a display and a touch screen that are built together as one single unit and when it comes to Apple products they've got this idea or retina now retina displays are generally LCD displays we'll just talk about the one that isn't in a moment but basic LCD displays and it first came out in Mobile with the iPhone 4 because it had a greater screen pixels per each than the previous iPhone 3GS and then when you got to Apple device that got a 720p or greater that gave us retina HD but retina and retina HD are basically LCD displays but now with a launch of the iPhone team you've got super retina HD which is basically an amethyst but an AMOLED display and that is using a higher resolution so Apple have moved to an AMOLED display with the iPhone 10 now when it comes to color accuracy in the past AMOLED displays have always been better at showing colors than LCD displays here is some graphs from white test that I did for some devices from 2015-2016 and you can see that the AMOLED display did a much better job than the LCD display so ever I've done some more testing now in 2017 and there is a less difference between the LCD displays and the AMOLED displays when comes to showing kind of that pure white on the screen so which is better on the one hand mo displays a got this advantage of having the off means off you get less power being news you've got good color reproduction however you've got this problem with burning on some devices they are tend to be found more in high-end flagship phones because they are more expensive to manufacture on the other side LCDs don't have burning but they do have image retention the color reproduction of today's IPS LCD displays are pretty good and certainly comparable to those of the AMOLED displays however of course the backlight is always on even when you're showing a black pixel the battery power is still being used to power up that light and then it's just being blocked so no like get through now you'll find they'll IPS else you need to play more on mid-range phones and more on low-end phones but of course there are still lots of high-end phones including quad HD phones that are using LCD so both technologies are moving side by side they're kind of going along together and people have a preference for one for the other personally as long as the display is good and when I pick up a device whether it be an LCD device or whether it be an AMOLED device along like a sieve but it's a good display good vibrant colors good contrast ratio personally I don't care but I hope this videos been helped you to understand the difference between the basic technologies that we find in our displays we don't worry about the marketing terms just as long as you understand now how each one works what my name is go sims render authority I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please do give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to and Rule Authority YouTube channel hit that Bell notification icon so you get a notification every time we release a new video and please go over to and because we are your source all things
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