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Android Authority On Air - Episode 50 - Now with less Dalmore

welcome to android authority on air the original android hang out chill on google+ I'm Derek Ross and I am Scotty Anderson and with us this week we have rookie AKA Christopher book not the other way around from android authority as well as Johnathan Franklin and Dan Charlton CPU expert hi everyone um so thanks for joining us this week we have a whole bunch of rumors to talk about unfortunately there wasn't a whole lot of major news in the Android world but we have a few topics such as you know what's Android and Windows going to do here in the near future you know is Android going to take over the windows desktop with tablets and everything uh we actually had a big story about that on android authority this week we're talk about some upcoming device rumors because like i said it's rumor week we're gonna talk about some chromebook rumors we're gonna even dig into some processor rumors ah and we have some Android ecosystem news is usual and uh Dan do we have any Dan's wani time to talk about patent wars this week or no uh there's been some news and patents but not really a whole lot this week I'm sure you can find something to yell about right alright so Oh before we get started on the Android news let's talk about some android authority news we had some milestones this past week actually two major milestones we we had a hundred thousand subscribers on youtube so those of you that are watching via YouTube right now thank you very much what's due time if you subscribed if you did not subscribe yet go and hit that little subscribe button that's up in that corner or maybe it's up in that corner wherever it's at you know go ahead and hit that if you're watching on Google+ right now thank you very much for watching Google+ we now have 100 thousand plus ones if you have them plus one android authority yet go ahead and hit that it's you know it's over there actually it's like I down that way go ahead and the plus one that and yeah help us get towards a 200k so anyways to celebrate us getting a hundred thousand youtube subscribers and a hundred thousand plus ones on google+ we're going to give away a nexus 4 fan is at an international giveaway why yes yes it is good to know no matter where you're from on planet earth you are eligible and usually on these type of contest now we're saying hey go here circles follow us like a share share share you know you know we we don't really need you to do that we you know what would you want you to do is give us some feedback so we're gonna go and put the comment in the show feed here and you can get in the in the comments the link to where you can go give us some feedback so just go to the website you'll find the form just ask for a mule hey how we're doing you know uh you know what can we do to better serve you what can we do to improve and I'm really interested in is what can we do to do better on air because well obviously we're doing some hell something wrong you know Scott he can't even give away a contest he's a lot of giveaway contest anymore but uh hello there was no more Nexus back door Fiasco's if with your life I would like to add is that people don't even have to tell us anything yeah that's awesome we've really appreciated if they did but you can say nothing and still enter the content exactly say something because they do take courage but you just click the button then you're eligible but if you want to say rookie he is doing great but he could improve upon such things as yeah it was more guitars more guitars yeah yeah boring guitars on the back wall yes green maybe sometime Noah hey that's definitely an area you need to focus on good put a pillow in the corner over there then to be a definite improvement yeah maybe add a mandolin or a full drum kit set up in the back a little drums in the background that's what yeah that's a good suggestion I could see that maybe you could do a live intro and outro for she dual jam session you know maybe a soldier yeah no I yeah yeah like what's the table on I'll do it any suggestion for me would be and make my bed what that actually i'll tell you right now if you submit a suggestion to have scott maybe then make his bed for a show that will be amazing I can't go my way too i'd asked him i will listen to all the feedback that people give me um whether it's outrageous or whether it's constructive criticism i will listen to all of it and I will do all of it all right so so anyways android authority on air has a big announcement coming up as you notice this is episode 50 now with less now more an episode 50 is two weeks away obviously from 50 to 52 weeks in a year that means we're going to be year old soon so we're gonna do some cool stuff as well in two weeks we're gonna have a ton ton of giveaways uh we have a few things lined up a few things in the works such as we're gonna give away a hundred and fifty dollars worth of cruzerlite gift codes so if you like need some cases need some plushies some you know cruzerlite cool stuff we're gonna have that and a whole bunch more we have planned so we're gonna be announcing a little bit more next week about we have planned as well and obviously in two weeks we'll have giveaways for those of you that watch the show live web some special stuff for you but we know everybody can't make it lives we're gonna make it fair so we're gonna give away some stuff after the show for people that you know watch on youtube later or they listen on soundcloud or stitcher or wherever else you can find us on the web which is pretty much like everyone right alright so let's get to some android stuff ah android 4.2 point2 has been making the rounds via leaks over the past week or so who saw in yo show up in brazil with a blurry screen shot we saw another blurry screenshot of somebody else running Android 4.2 point2 and people so that said you know what you can fake a screenshot you can edit a build prop which yes you can I could be running android seven-point 53 right now I wanted to buy editing my build up problems what's that Dan I would cause some interesting problems yeah but either way i can edit my build up prop to say i'm running whatever I want um so a lot of people said you know it has screenshots or you know kind of inconclusive and we know it's obviously coming and you know but we need some more evidence so I asked our webmaster here at Android authority Derek Scott to dig into our logs and book the Apache web server logs and show me everything that said android 4.2 point2 and I saw Nexus Galaxy Nexus is running Android 4.2 point2 I saw Nexus 4 Nexus 7 Nexus 10 I saw every support a Nexus device running Android 4.2 point2 and I thought well you know somebody could really be trolling the android community right now and are editing the build-up prop on every Nexus device they own and that that's very possible but then I love your servers with whose requests well yeah so I thought okay they could do that but then I looked at a little bit further and there's multiple versions of the build such as jdq 23 which actually is the most popular one but there's there's a good half a dozen if not more different build so that means they would have to edit their build up prop again restart their phone log into the website shut down that's but I mean yeah that's a lot of work so you have four different devices six different builds showing up on each one and we saw multiple builds of chrome and Chrome Beta and also Flipboard so that's a whole hell of a lot of work to fake all that stuff and it wasn't just one or two visits it's dozens of hits hundreds of hits the actual most popular device was the the Galaxy Nexus actually and it visited the site a thousand times in the past week that is so yeah um well it's a thousand hands I guess it's on a thousand visits so it was on the site more than just one page it browsed around and opened a whole bunch of stuff so I'm gonna say that's pretty much a done deal that it the builds their it's actively being tested by internal Googlers most likely um it's you know it's probably coming soon when do we know when no come tomorrow if you come in the month who knows but it but it's definitely there and chances are somebody's watching us or reading this right now from one of those devices since it pretty much hammered our server with that so I mean the android authority websites pretty popular with google testers yeah we you know I've always wondered that do they go around visiting all the different Android news sites just to see if somebody you know figures this out or you know just to laugh at them when they get stuff wrong hahaha they think we're working on that well you know I want one of the bit I didn't mention this in the article that I wrote this past week but one of the builds actually said cyanogenmod four point to point to it was a Santa Mon nightly from November 25th 2012 so I mean that's obviously fake but soaps so somebody ended their build up prop couple months back the it was probably a CM nightly me I might not have been but either way they edited to say four point two point two and that was obviously fake and you can you can obviously tell those type of things so anyways yeah it's you can tell us someone's 12 basically I mean no offense to whoever did that I'm just saying that like when I was around that age I did that kind of stuff like I you edited your build up her off when you were 12 years old well I would like compile code and I like 20 years ago you ready to act like i I just I i programmed all this and I'd changed the name of things because I you know I knew how to compile stuff I knew how to edit little bit but I didn't know how to code yet so i have a feeling that's kind of what you're seeing there they may not be 12 they could be tomatoes McIntosh deliver to 3.1 what's that you made his Macintosh look like Windows 3.1 back in the day all right so we have some some with some other ecosystem news here the no surprise right the Android ecosystem Android continues to dominate the market q4 numbers are out and so that's all sales of devices from sep tember to the end of december and fifty three point four percent of the market share for those three months was android and that's massive but now that we know that it's actually slightly up from last quarter it's almost up by a percent so there is there's growth or from this quarter last you that was from last quarter III had apple is usually an apple comes in second place they grew two percent over the last three months so Apple you know apples are slowly slowly coming back you know two percent growth they're cute one right like that's going to be the best quarter they have because they just released these like room yeah 2013 exactly and you know coming in in the last three spots or obviously blackberry Windows Phone and and Symbian as well they but they barely to show up on the charts yes symbian Simeon comes in at Point sick point six percent you know so there's trucking along and blackberry and Windows Phone make up less than ten percent so and they're continuing losing market share as well and desperately trying to call their way back yeah and on the device front apple sold more devices than samsung and then we have HTC and then Motorola then LG actually rose a little bit i'm assuming because of you know nexus for sales because I would doubt time you like that joke huh no I'm serious they haven't sold enough for that Jews like helps there I know I know once they saw this razor thin margins about algae they never do they were the one of the lower guys to actually grow yeah but did they really didn't have anywhere to go but up hey now simians bought him and they're still going down well send ian is dead there's no device available now the simians oh yeah if we all I'm going to say I'm an LG fan I really am I probably shouldn't be I have no reason to be but if I didn't have the droid DNA right now I would have an optimist g oh yeah oh no I said their latest cluttered devices are great and there's a leak actually we're going to talk about here in a minute about the optimus g pro well that's a new vice news uh let's move on a little bit here a little more Android ecosystem news so I believe dan you have some information about Samsung and Apple yeah so the brand keys consumer loyalty index was released off in February and Samsung is leading a lot of electronic categories which really isn't all that surprising because they make tvs that people like as well as a lot of other appliances but this is the first year they're beating apple on the category smartphones they're also tying happen on the category of laptops computers in general so they've really go a long way because you know enlarge samsung was never a big computer company so for them to be catching up in laptops is a huge huge step forward for that um amazon also get out apple in the category dedicated to tablets so that's not just you know that's the ipad losing to the kindle right like that's a huge step forward for android in general and especially for amazon not a good sign for Apple at all this isn't just some little serving right like this is a 40,000 person survey that they put ninety-five percent confidence in so it's a pretty big deal and the difference between Apple and Samsung wasn't small so Apple has been leading in all these rankings for pretty long time and that lead is disappearing so we're bad news for Apple yeah I've noticed the one of my friends who have samsung phones will see laptops like I had a Sam look terrible samsung netbook for a while and they'd be like oh samsung makes computers to like they had literally started to think of them as just the phone company so what's interesting to see that they're doing more with their computer stuff which to me was more what I thought of when I thought of Samsung's but yeah I mean I before cell phones I just think of them as general electronics right like TV yeah TV is here TV is a stereo equipment yeah a DVD player whole electronics right yeah it makes sense that they jump into cell phones just like Vizio is trying to jump into computers and cell phones and tablets right like it's not a big jump from electronics manufacturers here manufacturing some other type of electronics that use him most of the same did you diversify themselves you know yeah that way they don't get bought out like Merola it was diversified and still not stable they had a pretty clean start with computers to in if you look at their computers they're beautiful I mean they're very well designed a comparable course they are they could they copied Apple right Oh games samsung products are designed for humans yeah look everybody else's products that are parently not i don't know i'll so my little samsung netbook the it started falling a play George is falling apart everywhere literally bits and pieces of plastic popping off open it up in little bits would spring that we're supposed to be covering wires it was not good alright so let's talk about some devices so anybody here and yeah oh yeah oh yeah you know however you want to say and people say different ways but uh that kid that android console Kickstarter from last summer anybody a backer no no no I gave him a hundred bucks you know I I'm not even a console gamer but I thought it was a heck of an idea so I gave a hundred bucks um they're gonna be shipping out to Kickstarter regular backers sometime next month does the developer edition has already gone out if they made an announcement recently that there's going to be a different oh yeah product every year similar to smartphones such as you know the galaxy galaxy s2 then the galaxy s3 then a galaxy s4 so they're gonna follow that hardware so roll out and that makes sense because the mobile technology is changing extremely fast you know that there's new processors there's better processors there's more RAM or you know prices are falling so that makes sense but what's interesting about this is most consoles now last four years you know the Xbox last four five seven years seen it you know I mean so nothing how the Xbox also cost hundreds of dollars and this only cost a hundred bucks so it's a little you know I'm curious yeah ill approach it they can very easily jack up the specs in different ways and you put more ram and it or put a real hard driving in it and make a three or four hundred dollar device that's more designed to compete with the other big-name consoles and eventually you know after the first like roll out I mean they might do that but I think with like the each device per year the concept is awesome if they're trying to go after the big big guys you know um I mean it's awesome in that they'll sell a lot of devices and make more money than the big guys there's for the long game but the trade-off is that you get much more in depth and you know big games on those consoles because they do last for so long and so you get game development companies to quit years into making these games so they're highly refined and highly polished in android games are getting better but they aren't on that level they have nowhere near the wherewithal of the bigger companies better console themselves yep and part of the reason for that is how fast the hardware is moving a mobile right now right like your company is not going to invest eight months into developing some game because everything that's on the market right now it's going to be obsolete in eight months well began from a development standpoint let's say right now you develop for the first generation product that's it has a Tegra 3 processor a year from now the o'yea two comes out and it has a tiger for so now developers got to make a game that is compatible with both platforms they'll want one thing I saw the both platforms what the CEO said that all games are gonna be backwards compatible the CEO can say that but when Android stops being backwards compatible he doesn't have a choice she Lydia she the program like there is a muster designed to run for android 4.2 that don't run on Android to point out yeah i mean that's nothing that any three more days gonna do is going to change that fact was very true college when they're expecting fourth parties to be developing games to sell them on their fee on soul doesn't look they make everything better agree software that's released they can't promise that and if they make anything backwards or if they don't make things backwards compatible then it will give them an incentive to purchase the new one because it all have hardware and software that's a little bit different yeah one thing that this is going to help them out as you take your games with you so when you a couple years from now you buy the oh yeah 3 you're you know you don't have to go buy all new games you know your games are gonna come forward with you and you're not going to lose those titles you're not going to lose money which is sometimes different you know some going from maybe the PlayStation 2 to about the upcoming PlayStation 4 you that those games might not work I guess you'd say that with a place for right now I mean you can get it on you know yeah I mean that's the same thing so there is trying to make throaty only one who absolutely hates this idea for a game console no because I mean for a phone yeah I understand I'm gonna buy it I'm gonna use it it's gonna get obsolete after a while but I can still make calls and things like that but with games I don't want to have something that's obsolete in a year I don't want to have something that's obsolete in three years I'm going to have something that's going to last at least four years of entertainment and your things may come out that are going to be more technologically advanced but I want to be supported at least that long yeah and you also want to have the big name games that people are talking about on the other platforms and you know you might have developers develop just specifically for oh yeah and not Microsoft they might do it Dan I mean I mean and I don't know how big names are going to be but they they're gonna have to do that in order to add another luring effect there will be some games specifically just for it that only are on that better that's that's gonna be a hard thing to get because the majority of the people that develop for this are going to be independent developers that just don't have a ton of money to put into it with the other thing is you risk if you remember pc gaming especially when pc gaming started and everybody's having a rush to hug great their graphics card every couple of years because beginning to get so big and who you is going to go through the same thing if they decide that they won't use mobile hardware but when you make a game for something like that you have to cater to the lowest common denominator if i make a game for iOS and i can optimize it for an iphone 5 but there are so many people still in an iphone 4 that I really can't choose to make a game that so graphically intense this going to you know completely obsolete in a minute any get any game developer that wants to make money has to cater to that market so right now you've got consoles that are 16 years old and the pc gaming market is you know it's still going but most he's pc games are ports from games that were intended for these consoles so the piece of Enzo is nowhere near where it should be because the consoles are holding it bad and I hear everything you're saying on that but let's back up a second and then compare the two we're talking about a stick seven hundred dollar computer or a six seven hundred dollar you know new brand new playstation whenever whenever a brand new xbox versus a 100-dollar game console and so no upgrades what what is the true but that still leaves you buying them every year and it still leaves you getting new games because the games are gonna get obsolete too but the game just like I doubt and I could be wrong because it's not released yet but I doubt we're gonna see a fifty-dollar game like we do right now with the big name consoles we're gonna see five and maybe a ten dollar game you know that's the heart of the problem with having an android-based console if you're gonna get a console you want to play console level games you want ok fifty dollars we didn't play a game like halo but the thing is you want to get a console that is X amount of dollars that's significantly more so I mean you're not when you're buying this you're not thinking i'm buying a console right yeah people who are buying it are you look at it and say why the f do i want to buy a box to play Angry Birds on my TV it's very true and I think a lot of people would think that but you can also you know think that they're not necessarily you know like I'm not a you and Dan my three-year-old son would love to play Angry Birds on the TV that's a good work and I do that very I look I think they'll sell products but I mean even still when you're talking about obsolescence it's already obsolete it's coming out some months in the future yeah exactly great where is nothing extras are building devices with tegra 4 and I said that seven months ago I already hundred bucks I said seven months ago I said all right you know I'm gonna back this for sure it's coming out seven months from now it's gonna be obsolete by then but I said I had faith and I was only a hundred bucks but yeah I was very curious what their going to do and then what do we see at CES a few weeks ago Wookiee we saw project shield which is going to come out with exactly kegger for and it's going to come out I'm guessing in a few months probably shield is doing it the right way shield is saying like hey we're gonna use your computer so you can just upgrade that and you can still use shield and think of anything with it I mean because android games on the device enough to but you're never gonna them will net not never but I mean shield is not going to become as obsolete nearly as quick as anything else one thing to mention would be the dying breed of desktops all right let's move on because it is turned into whoo yeah all the things and games all the things but which is good but let's move on we'll talk about some rumors we will talk about some real news ooh I like rumors a little bit all right so fingers crossed confidence hype rumor the galaxy s4 is gonna be available very soon maybe maybe a months maybe March fifteenth who knows that that's what the latest rumor is a but supposedly it's going to roll out to Eastern countries in Europe first then all of Europe and Asia followed by that and sometime in April then the United States and Africa and Australia will follow in may and june by the time y'all us you may have to give us carriers a few months to screw things up so i'm guessing you've us if this is right won't get it till june but we'll see the international version come out maybe in in april so look I really think I don't know what you guys think but with regards to looks it's going to be between the note 2 and the s3 and they're going to form them into one thoughts I can definitely see that happening I would personally rather see something a bit more I don't know I know people love that design but it always seems a little clunky to me I don't know what it is I might go change something I'm gonna say it's not going to be extremely different from the s3 it'll be a little different but it's going to be similar enough that people are gonna are going to see it in and then home if they had a s3 prior right yeah exactly in the s3 is the best selling phone right now so they don't want to go and change everything on people yeah plus ammo similar to Apple's method you don't want to change it but you won't change it every few years not you know keep it the same for five years you know yeah I mean I think that the the hardware will be a generational update the software obviously would be the latest jelly bean come out um but I think design guys know they're going to try and sort of streamline things into making sure that people know that this device is a little generally like this our galaxy essence just like people know devices that look like iPhones or iPhones yep yeah and I don't think that devices don't look like everything else on the planet are also iphones or the hell thinks they're that stupid Damon Hart said just say no to the hardware button I'm with him one hundred-percent hundred-percent the doing it just because the history is popular does not give them an excuse to let off the gas as far as being comfortable because there's still a lot of things that Samsung could do the Samsung is very good at marketing and they've done extremely good job of making people aware that their brand exists but LG Sony HTC Motorola have really raised the bar for build quality in this if you look at the heck seriously and phones like that it makes an s3 I mean realistically samsung phones are fairly durable but they feel like T plastic and yeah step up those kinds of things then you know they don't need to let off the gas there they need to do that they need to work on touch with yeah I think it'll be interesting if they do bring up the build quality I mean you talk about them wanting to be familiar with the prior device so I don't think it will change like with leaps and bounds but I definitely think that they will screen resolution they'll definitely increase that and that will be something that will be appealing to a lot of people but they can still make the phone feel and you know be familiar with the s3 something bigger and you know better hardware and better screen resolution would be kind of the touting features but know that that build quality is I'm sorry to say I think it's crap Jeff is what Samsung does and they doing well yeah we're gonna do when the s4 comes out wiki we're gonna do another drop test like we did last year and we're gonna we're gonna see how it does you know we're gonna scrap yeah it's not even just about durability though it looks you'll feels cheap yeah it's not just like I'm not saying that the build qualities is flimsy or poor I'm just saying it feels cheap very true you know and my legs as both of those things I think I actually did this with a friend of mine today I had him take my DNA which obviously has its flaws and a note Mary and I told him they'd take him and try to twist it and he twisted the the note 2 around and did it with a DNA and and the DNA just feels more solid did not say is solid whoopee it is it's a very solid fo night yeah AJ you know I I hate and I love the phone I love the built quality I did hate with you by the way I just hate well there's a couple things i hate about it I hate that I have to use my fingernail to turn the power on or off I shouldn't have to I shouldn't have to like not like cut my thumb nail you know for weeks at a time just so I can use my phone um and not really but I'm over exaggerating a little bit and I hate I hate hardware keys i do but it's a very well-built film but anyways let's move on and talk about some other other devices here some some newer devices out the vizio co-star gotten over the air update this week Scott you have a vizio co-star correct have an opportunity you have an update right so I will so Scott and those of you that have the vizio co-star this is actually the first google TV set-top box to get the version 3 update version 3 is actually a big deal it adds a couple different things on the co-star it added amazon instant video which before it was just a web browser interface and it was absolutely horrible yeah i mean it was bad in my opinion i never used it because it was so bad the app is amazing um it also added voodoo to the co-star and at in it added the new version of MGO which you could men manually updated in the past actual MGO came out finally uh about a month ago so you can but if you didn't update it yet it added it for you food with a rocker service of buying a movie and having to digital copy available MGO is that service emgo's at service this is a boo doo de doo doos a movie round service ok so does nothing to do with buying something and having it in the cloud i'm going to say i also don't know cuz i don't i don't use voodoo I use Amazon Instant Video i use netflix i use google play for all my content I don't use voodoo so I don't know what Allah all there is to know about it um but I do know about em go except tried it and MGO izle is a locker and let's use ultraviolet um content anyways I think that's what it is haha clothes making of and in back to the the co-star co-star owners now have the primetime quick guide so when you hit guy it doesn't bring up your DVR box your cable provider box brings up a little quick guide showing you if you're watching a TV show let's a drama it'll bring up other drama shows that are currently playing right now you're watching sports I'll show you other sports shows and then you can scroll through it it's very really nice i like that primetime quick guy it's pretty awesome but we don't want no drama and it also added voice search support widget which is actually kind of interesting because the remote unlike other remotes doesn't have a mic built in the Hisense pulse has a remote that has a mic built in so you need to use another bike on the google play app doesn't fully support it the way that Google TV the new google TV version google TV version would want you to when you try to launch voice search it says something like hey a new version of the Google TV app is coming check for in the play store soon something like that but but but you can you can still do voice search like you always could have with the existing Google TV app able remote and it allows you to do searches a that way I want Google now on google TV now what Dan you said your review actually got version 3 as well it did not I don't think it got version 3 but it did get a significant update cuzzo I didn't think it was it was I was going to be shocked if it got version 3 because I was specifically told that that version 3 was not coming to the review well I mean I think that it was on some ancient version it had gotten updated honeycomb but I think that it was 3.0 and this just stepped up to 3.2 okay so okay so that man so soon as we can update over what it was yeah and thats collecting these are actually works now where's before it gave some bizarre menu for your my abs area okay didn't show any of my apps there nothing ever updated i can download anything the Play Store actually works it's a new like the fresh new UI the y an old TV and movies app that they released a while ago that's been working on the coast are for Jim that update actually been out for a while then maybe I've been yeah no no I searched for it it's never come through okay and of course it's not like you can root it not edit yourself you can read it read yet hand but it's a real oh let's cry bone right so those of you that have a coach store need to get your update yet on the legend a little secret if you force cliff you go into settings manage applications then you go down and you scroll down the list to the co-star dataservice if you force close that clear data if there's any data then force close it and then power off your co-star we're pull the plug out and plug it back in when you boot back up chances are the update will be available for you if it's not we just calling kind of like what you do with the framework on an Android device yeah you III that's actually how I force the update on mine and I hope I've told that to a whole bunch of other people and they've actually forced the update as well so there you go good luck um Oh moving on here let's uh grab real quick nexus 4 images are available again so if you're into root and ramen this week you want to make sure you download a copy those have so you haven't for safekeeping the probably said if you're under root and rom and you know what the nexus binaries are it's an easy way to get back to stock miners I'm sorry that's the wrong word next is 42 somatically not the binaries yeah uh yeah the actual binaries are still not available yet but the factory images are there so if you flash a bad bootloader colonel radio wrong whatever you do you can get it back to stock and they're great to have I've done numerous times on my Nexus 7 Galaxy Nexus so yeah it's it's nice to have those on the Nexus 4 as well ready for another rumor ruin all right so Verizon DNA owners such as me and Wookiee there's a rumor going around now that the HTC m7 their new flagship I hate that word but their new flagship device is going to come to verizon and it's basically the exact same phone with a little smaller screen and a little bigger processor and a little bigger camera so you're conscious for a faster processor faster faster okay okay I mean they're the really same processor just close yeah they're real a little bit bigger it'll make your device a lot heavier actually with it with a smaller screen it should actually be lighter should be but I mean it's just such a similar device I I I'm surprised but there was a leak showing a device on verizon's network or a device coming to the verizon's network called the dl X plus and if you remember the original code name for the DNA was the DLX and we commonly refer to that as next the droid d IX a while but it's a good x it looked like di X because people writing it in lowercase so a lowercase alkenyl second i knows that aged everybody called the the HTC dicks IX drug pics so so so the overall so the DL ex-con some people thought it stood for droid incredible x but after you know what I can I get into it so anyways that the Scott so anyways the HTC m7 might be coming to verizon and it might be called the DNA plus or the deluxe plus who knows i don't take rumor it's speculation do you guys think that that works I mean they dry with the HTC One X and it does it the plus version kind of just seems lackluster do you guys think that as well really I mean like just come up with a whole new thing and don't just try to improve on something else like at least add another number to it like the galaxy s3 or the egg galaxy s4 but like the plus part of it is verizon though you think so I did look how many freaking Motorola's they spit out every other month there's a new max or plus or two or drink focal LTE maximum battery life forever ok that one's coming out next month well I mean even motorola got that done this year where you had the original razr and razr maxx come out like december of 2011 yeah a few months later they had the updated version come out oh no it was like August I mean it was almost a year remains action came out then like three months later as the Razorbacks and then like three months ago racer too and the thing is it's too but the thing was it had a meaning to it it had a meeting to it the max was battery life HD but why didn't the original just come with that that's my way because they have to sell you on other devices sun-hi whatever can boost mobile verizon though he's like a surprise to see it from HTC Derek you've got to be pissed about this right I'm getting rid of the DNA anyways because I hate that damn phone who you can't do that I a 600 bucks but I can't use that damn thing anymore I hate it I loved it for the first month that I had it wiki it was awesome but I can't stand sense anymore I need an AOSP rom on it you know I know what you mean but that's the worst thing is that I have to have mine for reviews and for I mean not reviews anymore but four verses and things like that so I you know what here is I'm hearing you need a raise so you can get a new phone no no all right I can I have a note to hear that I can totally use I just can't use it on that's a will put Mike Weston to get you did it's fine why don't you know I've got it I really do I really want to like the DNA well you know working horizon keeps trying to make me not like it the authorizing typically does that's what Verizon does there's a this is their motto I believe you know yeah Google's motto is don't be evil Verizon's is like yeah we're evil within we don't care yes he really feels like as much money as you can all right so just me one let's talk about something groups let's talk about something not so much related to Android but kind of related Android but definitely related to google and we're all gonna go fans let's talk about some chromebook stuff so i give my impressions of mine of what my your own book ya know two minutes niggas because we're talking about Chromebook rumors oh my god can I just talk about mine and I got it and I'm excited okay so Chromebook pixel the google the internet on fire a couple days ago uh Chromebook pixel no what no one really knows what the hell this thing is or if it's even real and then for a hundred o mine you know thank God hangouts have mute Scott there we go okay so it's a Chromebook pixel you know it is it Rio is it a rumor is it fake is it a PR stunt who knows um it was a video that showed up on YouTube showing a very professionally done video advertisement for a supposed new Chromebook called Chromebook pixel and it has a massive display for those of you that you know for lack of better terms will just say had a Retina display I'd hate I hate using that word but that's that's really what it was it had me a 234 ppi i believe it was massive the screen had four million pixels so very very it was a touchscreen too and if you guys remember sometime back in November there was a leak out of China saying Google's building a new Chromebook it's going to have a touchscreen yada yada yada and then we don't hear anything for months then all of a sudden this video pops up so is it real is it not real well you know in my opinion nothing you know nothing confirms something like takedown requests and immediately video started to be taken down all across YouTube now there's new ones up there that are taken down but the original one was taken down so who knows if it's real or not then the the CEO of the company said that sorry the video was leaked we didn't post it our servers were hacked people stole the video and uploaded it and then the guy publicly apologizes to Sergei on google+ you know plus mentioning him which is kind of interesting you know so if you like was is this real is this a you know PR stunt nobody really knows um and who knows uh there's been other people that have looked into a little bit jr. Raphael from computer world looked into it a lot and he said that basically that he doesn't think the company is professional enough to work for Google they have you know Shawty advertisements with spelling mistakes and broken English on their website you know it doesn't look like professional operation that so chances are it's you know a fake or a PR stunt which very well could be true and then I looked into a little bit and i found out that chromebook pixel calm was registered last October and the company that is holding it right now is Mark monitor which you know they hold a lot of domains but mark monitor does various domain services for google and markmonitor list google is one of their top 100 companies that they do work for a top one on our clients now they also do work for many other clients too so i don't know oh you know i don't really know what to believe the the fact that you know we already heard about this from china leaked months ago then shortly after that the domain name was bought by a company that Google uses the video is very well done it's not you know if somebody spent a lot of time doing it I don't know you know what what do you guys believe the Chromebook pixel is it real is it not real I personally want it to be real and I think the name is badass I think it's a great name I think it's a good thing a good milestone to start off a new type of their own Chromebook that is theirs I can be cool but as to the rumors and if it's valid or not who knows we all in the Android world would love to have all the rumors be true and that would be cool but I don't know there's any validity do this yeah I mean I question whether or not they want to you know start competing with themselves yeah I think I think nothing would kill him droid tablets faster than touchscreen Chromebooks that could run android apps well and that goes along with it with other rumors you know another speculation that hey Google put out a new statue last week it is a Chrome Android hmm you know is that just supposed to be something that's cool but it's google everything has like an underlying in a meeting right you know that's what we'd like to thank you you know it's a lot of people haven't noticed that statute that statue is actually one pixel one yes I don't know Elsa some chrome colored the foil hats people there ooh so you know everything else so many people have said no they want a marriage of chrome and and an Android and could this happen could have you know eventually happened and forever ago people said no they were on different architectures and then we see projects like android x86 you know saying well it's poured into that unofficial reports and then we see chromebook running on arm I thought the samsung chromebook you know so we say okay what can be done and then we start hearing things like a touchscreen you know so Chrome OS using trem west on a touchscreen that just doesn't sound very intuitive because it's not built for touch so why in the hell would they build it you have to do a complete you know a bunch of UI changes that's my opinion I could be wrong then you start thinking well what if chrome can run android apps it just speculating and then you have a rumor such as today we're references to certain code from Nvidia showed up on chromium org the there Garrett they're their code review site and you know what does that mean who knows it means that while they're testing a new processor from Nvidia the Tegra 4 there's chances are there's a new device codenamed puppy that they're building for and Android was mentioned in one section in the code what does that mean I don't know it makes me excited to find out you know the future but it's a bunch of speculations and a bunch of rumors and you know the code doesn't lie it's obviously there it says that chromium is being built for the Tegra 4 and the code name for for that cpu is wayne we had a long discussion about that and the code that was pulled from nvidia mentioned a board that we know the nvidia to be using it for testing so maybe Google is using it for testing or on chromium you know who really knows all we know is that there's nvidia code there many videos coming out with a badass processor that probably could drive all those pixels in chromebook pixel and then we'll 4 million pixels because it has an insane amount of course nothing to GPU cores yeah so i think they just could drive tiny chorus to say FU apple brag about your quad-core GPU now yeah so so they have all these cores to drive all these pixels um it's going to be fast enough to run maybe chrome and Android who really knows it I'm just talking out loud will use the name I mean as a linux user and i'm pretty sure i know for a fashion you guys are too what in linux right nvidia is like the only company that actually supports linux even though it is a binary blob nerd do you know Linus Torvalds game entities a finger a few months re did you know what Linus said to Nvidia a few months ago right yeah and and what his gesture was right well yes I'm aware of that boom told him they were number one and what they could go do to themselves no but my reason that there's a difference between being like an open source kind of person and there's a there is using you know your your code base to actually hope people use the hardware they bought I'm sorry nvidia won't mind supporting linux after buying tegra floors i mean you know they'll support the hell out of that well my point is i only buy geforce cards because they actually work on linux yeah i mean that's you know i understand i have to click that box every time when i install some like ubuntu or something luckily fedora makes me go the hard way into it but uh you know i have to understand every time I on install anything that yes I know this is not open source and I'm tainting the colonel by doing this but at least they're letting me use my hardware we're is try to same thing what eti does the same time uh yeah except I've never had a TI actually work well that's the main difference to me but uh anyone but then the GPUs that Nvidia puts in laptops don't work with linux at all yes actually i have no experience just get the desktop system out of ships they're making art utterly and completely incapable of running linux right now that i did not run anyways anyways back on topic so anybody go my erection war chrome look android your real quick was just that i think they have a bit more experience writing for those kinds of systems so that say nvidia stuff with chrome OS not so unbelievable as it might be for somebody else yeah and they votes have been a lot better in terms of open source with arm-based production we have with some of their desktop stuff for laptops in particular hello the question is is is let's say this is true let's say pixel or puppy you know or maybe that's its code name who knows this device does come true is it going to be android based and chrome is going to run in it and chrome is going to bring web apps or is it going to be chrome chromium OS chrome OS and chrome is going to get Android app support I think Chrome OS getting android apps acuerdas far more likely of virtualizing and yes I easier than gersiol as in Chrome OS yeah yeah I definitely think the second option is definitely more doable and it seemed it makes a lot more sense so that if that actually happens that I mean what does that do to current android tablets not much I don't think so is it doesn't do much to tablets at all it's interesting though so you would have a tablet and a phone that runs just plain Android and then you would have a laptop or a debt or a chromebox or desktop that runs Chrome OS and you can go ahead and pull in all your Android apps it you know and Android content I don't think either one of those is going to be the case because I bear with me on and I was having a discussion about it the other day but I think the purpose if you look at things like Google now on android and how many native apps is that replacing but chrome in a way chrono has any way they need something because anything especially on the desktop or anything tablet form factor touch UI on a web browser is crap it is garbage if you because it is still optimized for mouse and keyboard realistically and developers just don't have anything there I think the purpose that they're going to use the chrome Chrome OS was really initially intended for business and education but also Chrome OS can be something to bring to Android to actually get the web on Android as platform because they need to find ways because Google that's their monetization method exactly they want as many people possible to be on the web so they give it away for free the more people that are on the web the more money they make but the developers have to get on board too so if they get a platformer they're dominating the desktop web browser and they're dominating you know the smartphone you know hopefully the tablet market too but you have to create ways to make mobile users use the web more than they currently do and chrome OS actually gives I don't love this I n device will be nothing but chrome but it will give them a compelling device to develop for the web yeah all i know is i'm excited for google IL to see what awesome things Google and Android and chrome have coming for us and to see if any of these things that we've talked about today end up coming true or a lot of or something we don't even we haven't even speculated yeah yeahs comes from it I think it'll be a revolved around the Nexus Q in some type of way shape or form no but I think it'll be something about bringing those features and integrating them into something which is going to be done it's going to be you know cannibalized and it's going to happen I just don't know what platform is gonna go in to be kind of cool to figure that out Bobby from the hot said it was an idea in search of a platform that they package to do a platform that was totally inappropriate for it yeah but I'm just interested to see what they form it into all right so we talked about a whole bunch of rumors this week some Android ecosystem news and for those of you that are tuning late in the show just a quick reminder that android authority we have some milestones 100k users our subscribers on youtube and 100k plus ones because of that we're giving away nexus 4 you don't have to do anything crazy just sign up enter your name into the contest that's all but if you want to go is feedback letting us know what we're doing wrong what we could improve upon or what you love what your favorite thing is we do on air on youtube as well as the website for news let us know we'd love to hear happy feedback so go ahead and check us out just go to android authority calm the contest is right up there at the top nexus for international giveaway for reaching these milestones and you can also find us on soundcloud every week we upload our show there for your listening pleasure we're also on stitcher radio YouTube as we mentioned and for those of you who use itunes for podcasts we're on iTunes as well and also after every show Derek Ross posts about the show if you go to enter authority calm let's go out a scroll down to the bottom right side little section called on air we do a little update after every show day or two after just kind of summarizing what we talked about and there's one more thing oh yeah stitcher radio got a huge update by the way if you lose your ass on stitcher radio check it out if you listen to us on there before because it was crap now it's a little bit less crappy so when you're when you're uh check us out on the web site here maybe maybe this week maybe next week you might see something new you might see a whole lot of new actually who either teaser rumors rumors rumors andrew authority calm might be releasing a new website unconfirmed reports but there have been leaks and there may or may not be a mobile website for you phone users that you be the website i still think that does it I said merely not be merely not be thanks for coming and appreciate it Johnathan Franklin my man thanks for coming Wookiee I appreciate the backdrop you bring character to our show that's all I do and that's fine with me and Scott make your damn bed if it's in the feedback I will hi guys have a good night thanks for watching
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