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Android Authority On Air - Episode 58 - Nexus 4 Charging Orb Giveaway, Facebook's New Home

welcome to android authority on air the original Google+ Hangout show I am Scott Anderson and I'm Dan Charlton I'm Johnathan Franklin and Joshua Vergara what's going on everybody this week we got a giveaway going on Josh want to give us a little bit more information about the giveaway absolutely so for those that are follow our YouTube channel I recently reviewed the nexus for charging orb it's nice little orb right here that does the Qi wireless standard for the Nexus form so we're going to be given away the very unit that I reviewed and this is how you can enter you can comment on the Google+ listing for this very episode of the podcast or hang out and we're going to announce a winner next week on the next episode pretty much the way that you would have to enter is in your comment have the hashtag android authority term inside of your comment and i will go through all of those comments only one don't comment a bunch of times because i'm only going to count you as one and i will find somebody among all those people just randomly pick someone to win this very charging for okay so some of you may notice derek is feeling a little bit under the weather so he's not gonna be joining us tonight look later Tarek okay so let's get started with some April Fool's Day roundup stuff we had some gmail so Google sniffing and some google map stuff John you wanna elaborate yeah we have probably the big three um gmail blue was one of them and if you catch all Google's YouTube then you get to watch all these videos but gmail blue is gmail in blue where they highlighted everything about gmail the comment the all dat aleksander lying buttons in the composer and pretty much everything about gmail has been revamped to the color blue so uh a little bit disappointed that they didn't choose hollow blue for that one and as april fools day jokes i suppose they didn't have to go on that farm google nose is another one and they elaborated on basically the next generation of google search which is H smell search where you can actually do similar to you do to how you do it with google now right now where you can actually hit a button on your phone and actually hold your device up and it will actually smell out something and tell you what it is or identify something might smell and the last one was a google match treasure hunt and google match treasure hunt was a video highlighting that they have found a bunch of maps off the coast of madagascar and essentially digitized the maps it was going to be rolled into google maps where you can do random things to try to figure out the clues as to how you're going to find this help them find this treasure or worldwide search to try to decode all the hidden able to essentially come to the treasure here there was one other which was youtube and essentially what they came up with was that youtube was a search essentially to find the best video and it has now been found the work is opening to be shut down that video and it's it's over with guys what was your guys's a favorite mine was a YouTube one I like the gmail blue I thought the video is pretty fallacious yeah nose was pretty funny but I have to say yeah in gmail blue though I have to say they got some good people to act on that because it really made you believe that they really believed yeah they're so into it and so I piping it on the back like how much after nike converging to it really good now it's finally blew and the YouTube one was good also did anybody catch the the actual naming ceremony what they were not naming off all the nominees for the best video or something I'm for life just see how it was awesome yeah there was a live feed that went on for like 12 hours of just naming off all these great videos no something else that happened on the first that was not actually a um hey April Fool's joke was Apple apologizing to China I thought more than until I realized it wasn't a joke yeah do you think it wasn't you at first yeah it was April Fool's it seemed very big hairy guys is horrible i saw i did saw 1 c 1 april fool's joke or someone was praising apples web services as being the strength of what they've been doing like mobile me and my iCloud and they were dead serious about it talking about all the developer tools that they've given for the web has been really the core strength of all their product line us for the last couple of years so we've got kind of humor okay so kind of the big news today and you know the amount of news that's leading up to it is Facebook's replacement for Android the home replacement we last episode we had a little bit of and I went through what we what we thought was going to happen some people were right some people were wrong but for the most part is pretty interesting and will elaborate on that first of all it's going to be exclusive to a device and Dan our Hardware resident why don't you go over the device yeah so that's exclusive to start this that it's coming to several other phones and there's list out there somewhere included a few different galaxies and some HTC's um so the first device the big main device that I'm launching with it is the HTC first which has a Qualcomm Snapdragon dragon 400 processors this is the first device to ship with this kind of mid-range Qualcomm processor it's a dual-core 1.7 yards great 200 I think so it's it's definitely not the same kind of muscle as you're seeing advices like the HTC One and the sgs4 you know all of the other top end devices only one go by to ram in as well so kind of lackluster their disability is a 4.3 inch 720 screen which mean it's only 720 with all these 1080 devices that seems like well stir but this is a pretty good screen into 342 DPI that's better than the iphone 5 so that's definitely not a bad screen 5 megapixel camera rear and 1.6 megapixel front in mid range on all your basic connectivity Bluetooth Wi-Fi GPS it will have LTE courtesy of n Snapdragon processor set and it'll be available in four colors red blue black and white and actually just going to ship with jelly bean so the latest not quite the latest it's only 4.1 but at least a relatively recent version of Android plus HTC sense 4.1 and HD and Facebook home so Scott's going to talk more about facebook home and what it means for Android and what it means for facebook users so facebook home is basically a home replacement as you would find with ADW nova launcher apex basically a replacement for your android home screen couple of us thought about this you know last show and we were somewhat right basically they're trying to make it people centric they're trying to have your feet and alter information just right there at you stirring stirring it at you in the face there are some interesting things first thing that comes to mind if you have friends or if you have people that you follow post weird or naughty stuff there is the lock screen is basically a large picture potentially be you know if you're out in public and you don't know what's going to be there you have no idea so that's pretty interesting I think that some people might frown upon that or they're like the picture smaller but I just see it where somebody posts a picture of a friend of theirs that was puking their brains out at a party last night and that's what happens when you unlock your phone yeah for something it's not safe for work as your boss walks past facebook home usage is lowered during spring break some of the interesting things that they have is the chat head basically what it is it's a picture of or pictures of all the people that you're chatting with in facebook Messenger and what it does is basically you can float it around your screen and move it to wherever you want it out of the way you can also get rid of it too but it's an easy access for messaging in general if you don't want to use the drop down bar that Android paths I think it's interesting I think it's a new interesting concept what do you guys think about the chat head I mean I don't use Facebook so I really no no I don't really want to look at this as a facebook thing I the features are you know new and they're not really you know done by on any other people and it's just kind of pushing things forward I think it's like we can applaud them for adding these types of features now it could be implemented in something different but as a feature what do you guys think about that I think it's creative honestly it's a different way to multitask yeah it's it's supposed to be able to come up no matter where you want on the phone even if you're working in a different app so I my only worry with it is if you have a lot of people who are chatting with you you're just gonna see things like book just pop up like that over and over and over again and then when you drag it you can literally drag it across your whole scream they all kind of like follow it like a dot matrix or something and I mean the design itself is kind of cool I have to admit but I don't know just am I just get annoying after a while to be honest yeah I mean I think it's interesting it's definitely nice to see a kind of a fresh look at messaging but with all the talk about Google babble on the horizon I feel like this just as a particularly impressive messaging product right like it's just facebook Messenger which is great I guess if you do all of your conversations within facebook Messenger but if not okay you gotta look at the platform for inch and I mean there are so many people that use Facebook and you know some people so many people that use facebook Messenger not texting you know and SMS is now integrated in some countries for you know facebook Messenger so they're really trying to capture all that data and I think they're doing in an interesting way um another thing the messenger has a better chance than like iMessage just because it has a potential to be cross platform yeah that's ready for yet I will personally want to see more integration of SMS in there because when you kind of weigh the options unlimited texting is about as much as only about what two gigabytes of data so kind of look at the options there if SMS starts to become more ubiquitous the way that people are trying to make messaging I messager babe a bold people whatever then I'd like to see that a little bit more too well that's mess eventual who's gonna die and yeah it will go bye-bye nobody will ever pay for SMS ever again unless I'm verizon and AT&T of rolled SMS into their plans for free yeah i was using it so but i don't have that one for free well I mean we're imagine lawyer I mean they're just rolling SMS into it making you pay more for data because they're not making money off SMS anymore no well it also just custom anything to know yeah so um basically you have the app drawer regular app drawer the default one is kind of like your favorites and then you have you guys remember launcher pro that was one of the first ones that came out with the vertical scroll scroll so your default access to all of your apps will be a vertical scroll just kind of interesting I don't know if that any settings or anything that's played with that that's still a stock Android used to be yeah and they're kind of going back to that so I just remember when I used launcher pro for on my droid x add the up and down whatever the 3d scroll up and down right yeah that too my droid x could not handle that so um yeah so then you can have your your favorites and everything just put into one thing your unlock screen is a picture of your face so your profile picture that's interesting kind of reminds me of multi users for android a little bit um I don't know but the big thing I think that this is doing is this is not ever going to be on iOS Park my words because Apple will not allow this much of a change to their whole platform so I really see this as a huge developer and huge amount of people getting access to something that is exclusively on Android mm-hmm just like you know google navigation was before a lot of people thought android phones just because you don't add navigation turn-by-turn navigation and it was free this might be another thing that people want to buy off the you know initial reaction i think the Vinny to improve some stuff but it is definitely something that is exclusive to Android and pretty exciting because it does things in a brand-new way although I do personally hate Facebook um noting because um a lot of hand would you know the perception is still the android is the number 2 platform for development that you know you make you developer iOS first and then bring it to Android later and this is an example of and I think Google needs to run with this because the number one downloaded app on both platforms just gotta focus on Android that iOS does not have will never have in the foreseeable future so it has a feature set that just iOS doesn't compare to you so for that type of user this you know is a big move because it could google needs to run with it tell you and say hey Liam if you shed all the you know because a lot of companies that determine what the developers can do with their applications tell them you need to make our your app for Android match the one on iOS you can't make it better don't you share intense don't use widgets that if you focus on Android first you can make compelling applications there are a lot richer than what I OSS so it's a good thing from that perspective and it's also a good thing to see what Google does is a reaction to it because if it's successful they're basically giving Google roadmap as to how to take the android home screen just like you know the Kindle Fire opened up the 7-inch tablet market and you know people were saying the same thing this could be the doom for Android it's like a Trojan horse and they're forking the OS basically really isn't forking it but that's what led the charge for the 7-inch tablet market was the kindle fire and google made devices like the nexus 7 to respond to it and us the consumers of benefiting for so when you mentioned up you mentioned the comparison to the kindle fire and for canon eos I mean that's the thing that I find most impressive about this is that Facebook isn't for canon eos they aren't locking it to this device then y zq not a custom rom it is running HTC Sense underneath but that's just because it's an HTC build phone facebook has said it's coming to other devices it will be an app available in the Play Store it's coming to tablets greatly anybody can download this and subscribe to this environment so it's definitely run during the Bergen right there is that's what Microsoft and they didn't integrate being searched with it that's probably really know because they could have easily put a beam search embedded into the thing yeah or they still could in the future and I could see Microsoft paying them to do that yeah definitely I agree from earlier that is it's a pretty brilliant move to make it more of a launcher like I've been saying this pretty often on the show already that I think Ubuntu should have made a launcher instead of a whole new gathering system social every manufacturer retro TouchWiz should be a launcher and we've been saying that for a couple years now we don't think it's going to happen because you know they need forks for data and something that's not easily changed because they want they want it harder to change to another device manufacturer which makes sense if for a business perspective so yeah but I think associate them that that's not necessary well especially in terms of facebook home on the you know the device that they're taking out HTC first yeah it's not the most high-end device or anything like that but if i remember correctly i looked at the listing and it's only going to be ninety nine dollars on contract with a TV and 450 off contract oh yeah it's that's that's a really good game for android yeah that's a really good gateway if people get become interested their facebook users but they're not really on android they can start with this phone and it's just an overlay once they peel back that later it's all android and that's they are that in it ok so the type of user that buys a phone specifically for web browsing and facebook is the cheapo carrier freebies are you know the 100-dollar phones any news yeah so it's going to be coming on in April twelfth it's going to be launching on the HTC One X the the one x+ samsung galaxy s3 galaxy note 2 eventually the HTC One and the galaxy s4 now the nexus 4 isn't included in that I wonder how big of an earful they got from google from that facebook maybe did it on purpose i got one thing that i really do respect is the fact that they are going that they have a set schedule of days that they're going to be releasing app updates this is cool because they have days literally designated say hey we are pushing it update on this day every month so you know the roadmap and you know when to expect an app update I like that's I like that alot really really cool doesn't happen often enough I wish more big like big app developers big name app developers would do that right like Microsoft does that they have patched Tuesdays everybody knows they have patch tuesday as everybody knows Tuesday you're gonna get updates from Microsoft right like they may be very object would do it more often yeah at least on their more popular apps you know we're going to be updating it on a monthly or bimonthly uh you know thing and then you can have like a page that says we're working on these features yada yada we kind of cool um but yeah so in a nutshell I think it's awesome for Android I don't think Google's in any trouble right now from this at all and it's a new fresh type of look that features can be implemented into other apps yeah yeah alright so let's go on to some rumors damn yeah so there's been some Nexus 7 rumors or I guess nexus 7 to rumors um sources suggest that it's probably have a better screen it surprised the next generation to have a better screen but it'll be a full 1080 screen which would be nice and definitely a lot more pixel density that has now the other big news is that it's probably going to have a snapdragon processor instead of an nvidia tegra processor um I imagine part of that's because the Tegra 4 won't be ready by the june or july launch timeline that google is looking for yes ma'am I suspect it's probably else because they want easy LCD compatibility no word on the like which manufacturer it would be built by yeah I didn't see anything about that but it I mean I don't have any reason to suspect it wouldn't be aces they did a great job with everything they did note in a very good job of the last one um other big news was the cortex a57 that's the next big generation and a 64-bit ARM processor architecture was taped out by TSMC and arm on the 16 meter process so there were a lot of different tech blogs that are writing articles about how it's ready for manufacture right now that's not at all true they taped it out I want to go with a 15 taste of like they haven't fine-tuned did they ever find it they've built one one time so they're not at all close to ready to start mass-producing 16 nanometer cortex a57 processors they're looking at doing that probably late 2014 early 2015 at the soonest if not further out from there right keep in mind the chips that are shipping right now are still 28 nanometers before they get to 16 they still have to drop to the 20 / 22 and animator before they get down to 14 16 before they get down to 10 to 12 now overall just for the viewers how does nanometers affect performance battery why is smaller better significantly it impacts it significantly and it's it's really just relatively simple math right like you have to get power from point A to point B at 40 nanometers point B is further away it takes more power to get to point B because it's further away it is physically for another way so when it's smaller it takes a lot less power and it's a lot faster because it's closer together so by shrinking it down progressively it makes the entire process more efficient more power efficient more powerful you can push it up to higher clock speeds with less power and producing less heat so I mean it's all around it's a huge benefit by dropping process sighs cool um so big news but big news for very far on the horizon um other big news that's been circulating is the Exynos 5 octa apparently having a support for 20 LTE bands according to samsung and so everybody's been setting their hair on fire about why does it the sgs4 have the octa in the united states and all the other ltd markets when it's getting it with LTE in Korea first apparently people have lost a year's worth of hindsight because Samsung did exactly the same thing last year they released in X enos for carrying international version and then LTE version that had the Qualcomm processor except in Korea where they released an LTE one with the Exynos form so they're doing the exact same thing again um but the thing is that nobody ever said the octa didn't support LTE or any other XD most processor for that they all support multi hey that's not the problem they don't have integrated LTE right so Samsung if they're going to put the octa in it is still going to have to buy an LTE radio from somebody else most likely Qualcomm so when they're already throwing money at Qualcomm why that's been a little bit more and get the better radio technology that's in the newer processor great like the act is going to be paired with basically last year's LTE radio from Qualcomm as opposed to the Snapdragon 600 that has this year's LTE radio from snap turn from Qualcomm it's not available as a discrete yet so that's really the reason I don't think it's as much about supply because Samsung has some of the biggest and best fabrication systems in the world and it's definitely not a compatibility issue it's just wide spend half the money for last year's tech and sped up spending a little bit more for better tech now the Hisense pulse got updated to Google TV version 3.2 through do you can also install amazon instant video and voice search voice search is reported to be forced closing for most people using the built-in mic in the pulse remote Nozick's yeah it does suck the newly updated google TV remote app works fine however and the update also includes ir fixes and stability the clock actually keeps time which is nice to good fix the bottoms the d-pad is the best thing the non swiping d-pad oh my god that used to drive me nuts yeah speaking of app updates of the google TV remote got updated i believe this is the first update believe yeah since its release yeah I'm pretty sure I can't think of any others yeah I can't either or maybe it's just updated so infrequently that I lost interest and thought voice search support for Google TV three-point Oh replaces the swiping d-pad to the normal deep end yes like push button directions not swiping and accidentally hitting the ok button not doing what you want to stare and then also added d-pad navigation and added accessibility nice update yeah I'm happy with that I do want to see it more frequently though but you know it definitely portends well for the future that they're friendly getting around change appt it's not because obviously they finally has so many somewhere pay attention to the recent voice google voice chrome but extension got updated which means somebody Google is actually paying attention to google voice mm-hmm and then also google search got updated basically you have a real time package tracking from select carriers quick feedback settings on cards so those three dots for the menu on the cards that's gone be gone we got the circle with the i in it it's a little bit easier to touch and you can also say hey is this helpful or is it not again you know figuring out your needs and what kind of car do you like at what times of the day and also faster google search results droid-life actually did a video on this comparing the two the old version and the new version the new version is not necessarily faster it gives you more information quicker which basically means you know how when you search for something on the like google now it would always have the search results on the bottom and you'd have to scroll down to get them all right with the new update they're actually up top so you see more this is especially useful on tablets because it's already there so it's returning the results at the same speed it's just making them accessible faster it actually in the process of making accessible faster it is a tad bit slower because it's pulling more cleaning bill it's pulling automation so bringing in are essentially yeah used to be worth something like search result from non-existent though yeah I mean you would just see a literal card and you wouldn't see anything relevant but the other kind of noxious top screen that asks you if you would like to search the internet to find the answer also the launching of it is a lot faster navigation through it as a lot faster which you know everybody ninety percent of the time is launching it and you know you're doing it to get a quick answer so launching speak it is definitely awesome I mean is there anything else that they add it to that um in the settings they had it and a dedicated my stuff place and where instead of having to go to the actual card and edit the card itself like when your sports teams and your stocks and places and stuff like that you have a dedicated place in settings where you can set this stuff up now so it's a little bit less confusing to somebody that doesn't know the difference between the contextual part and the manual part yeah that is nice I mean I do know the difference in I thought it was confusing yeah exactly especially new users especially yeah then Diana have you been blinking no I have it but Google is going to fork the WebKit the little browser platform for blink and call it blank rather so they have have pretty much said that they're going to wash their hands of apples BS and fork the platform and do it themselves better because right now it doesn't really get updated so they've pretty much said f you to apple and they're going to build their own mobile platform opera is also on board with this so that's you know that's different good news other people are seeing the problems with WebKit and looking for a new solution samsung and mozilla though are apparently working on their own new browser engine for armed and they're pushing hard on the optimized for harm because apparently WebKit and blink and several others don't run on arm so that that was fairly confusing from them and that's an odd pairing to work on a new special browser since one of the two is already a browser company so what does this for mean does it mean faster innovation doesn't mean google has their way more more of the time does it mean developers are gonna have to do different things in order to do you know do things yes yes and only if they want to build a browser on top of it yeah it's not going to change drastically for web developers and yeah unless they drastically change something down the road but for Apple this isn't really a good thing because Google was contributing about fifty percent of the code to WebKit and that is gone yeah google said that if somebody wants to contribute to web get in their spare time to 32 but you know that's not yeah Google is basically said they are fed up with how slow the progression of WebKit is Apple is bogging it down and so they're going to take their coders and Lee so yeah it definitely means that it'll be faster development because it's going to develop at the speed that Google wants it to develop which is a lot faster than what web kids guy and it definitely means that there's going to be new features as well because that's the whole point as far as web developers I mean they're still gonna be subscribing to you no html5 standard JavaScript etc etc etc they're like they are changing the web standards so web devs aren't going to really see a difference um but if you're looking to build a browser on top of this platform yes you need to change your application but the population of browser developers you should always smell so that's not a huge problem um in addition to that there also is a big benchmarking up release a 3d mark was released for android and this provides really the first two true cross-platform benchmarking system so 3dmark is available on desktops available on iOS it's available on Android it's available on everything it's not a mobile it's not supported for every device but it is 380 Meg's so be worried if you want to download it but it is a very very robust been working platform so good news that we can finally get some really direct comparisons of how is this device comparing to that other device yeah cuz before it's like Chief across platform the best one to use was I think geekbench move him it was all right all right you didn't really track things the right way behind the scenes 3dmark is metal ring on this for a very long time and they like they have really really poor a lot into this and built it up from the ground up as a specific dedicated cross-platform benchmarking system come to me I gotta those are the reviews yeah we can finally get realistic statistics about how does arm compared to x86 for example uh-huh so ya Scott tell us about some of the other updates in Google App World Google sound search comes to the UK which is really nice they've been you know not part of the party when it comes to searching for songs and getting their content uh this is nice yeah that works through google deaf too right yes it does and yes you don't have to like open the app or have the widget you just pop up and cool down start recording that is crisp I don't know if you have to press the Search button in order it to press the add like the voice or maybe it just listened I don't know I need to fit around that maybe I actually tried it and then also just today couple of hours ago the YouTube app got updated you can quickly access new uploads from your search subscriptions using the my subscriptions feed fixed a bug which caused some accounts to periodically sign out I was one of the people that was affected by that he was annoying as heck it was really really annoying also YouTube one channel branding for video creator channels and other big bug fixes and stability improvements one thing I can't get to happen is when I launch the app I am NOT brought to my subscriptions by default it's what to watch which is like recommended videos I can't fix that I looked in the settings and it's not there so that sucks because they they took away that feature like two releases or three releases ago and then they brought it back so I don't know if they're going to be bringing it back but that's an annoyance I believe if I'm going to be open my youtube I want I Suburbans or the option to ok let's go on to some carrier news shall we yeah so uh John there is some news coming out of 18 teen this week right yeah antes basically amounts to things um they flip the switch on LTE in 14 new markets kind of various areas in the US and probably the biggest ones worth noting or like Mount Vernon and Washington Fresno California but there are pressed a little sprinklings in arkansas and florida illinois Louisiana Missouri New Mexico New York and Texas so uh if you look on their website they'll give you a pretty clear idea of where they just flip the switch other also still boasting that their LTE network is the fastest of all of the available ones is particularly against their rival verizon but you could also say a lot of that's because there aren't as many people on it right now either no one is speaking out a lot faster well not to and there's even less people although in in Minnesota in general this the top end speeds it seems that AT&T is on top with bra you know speed then it comes verizon than t-mobile in certain areas t-mobile just annihilates both carriers which eventually will grow but you call a carrier aggregation yeah but yet another one's worth noting is AWS LTE doesn't travel as far but it tends to be a lot faster when you do get it if you're in an area to get it yeah um I'm having a team over right now is it's no one like you're driving a car and like you the car has to like it has a turbo and you have to like wait for the turbo to rev up to get power that is my description right now of the t-mobile network I don't know why that is but my it's just like I don't get immediate speed it's just you know like it has to warm up yeah yeah it has damn do you get that same thing I've seen it happen a couple of times yeah I don't know what it is just the way they throttle the network where they don't give you more power until you start demanding like they don't give them more bandwidth until you start demanding more bandwidth but realistically is a smart way to arrange it I don't know if this is related to them but I do notice that on my xperia ZL it stays on regular HSPA until i start to use the data then it hits the plus yes yeah i think it's i mean it that's kind of the way that the network is designed to work okay leave it up to you feel that my name is that AT&T and t-mobile have with their LTE rollouts that the verizon and sprint don't because they're using a gsm based network underneath the way it's supposed to work is your only your device is only supposed to maintain a minimum level of connection that it needs at that time and only jump up what it needs more on a cdma network you can't do that because you have to admit it's a solid split from one of the other whereas you can kind of slide between gsm + wcdma LTE very easily also i do want to mention for you guys viewing that are just coming in now we are giving away a nexus 4 wireless charging orb as you can see josh has right there beautiful charging orb all you have to do is comment on the Google+ post that this show is live on and egg android authority and we will then randomly choose somebody that wins and next show we will be announcing who won this or abused in the review is that correct yes the very orb that was used in the review that i did for it kid does the phone I don't have one personally does the phone have to be on the wireless charging dock in order to charge or can you keep it like an inch away from what I can tell I think an inch is pushing it a little but if I hover like right over it it does register like it doesn't happen to have like direct contact no that's that's what I've noticed and as far as what a couple people did say about the fact that the phone can slip off of it that hasn't happened to me yet so it's kind of magnet right no it's rubber so it literally sits there and yeah some people have been complaining that after about a month of usage it will just slip right off all the time so what happens if you you know phone if you put the phone like half a half an inch away from the charging work and then you put your finger in between do you feel shacks no okay it was worth it was worth the try like a few John right now I need to get one to experiment something um no notable thing that AT&T announced with their plans that HD Voice will start they'll start rolling out support for the technology later on this year and I know this that's not surprising especially as they're building out their LTE network is big this is this is something to with Carmen because there's ever a higher version they're starting on a higher revision of LTE but living it he's kind of having great to go to that and they're eventually going to have to upgrade for lte-advanced too so this will you know it'll be a good thing especially for voice quality because that's one thing that AT&T is really being hammered over in the last couple years but this is in forever this is in the plans for all of the carriers verizon AT&T sprint and t-mobile are eventually going to go to this because everything is going to be done over the LTE network and in the future because it's cheaper it costs them yep like 12 what it does to keep operating all these networks yea though you know it's going to be a nice thing for the users but it's especially going to be nice for the carriers because their operating costs is going to drop like a rock yeah question less in oshawa um question is this going an international giveaway or Google us Oh anybody can anybody can enter ok so the vendor move on Mars we will pay for that shipping um yes only if you can get the message here but if but yes you are toad has to be more code but if you are on Morris tell us how the hell to get up there man seriously yes please please in this direction shipping direction foremost we need the blueprints right now and use gmail blue to give it to us only in gmail bliss yeah gmail blue blue prints from Mars will be good deal um continuing on what carrier terrier stuff Ariane yes level also has some carrier news they for the first time in last four years finally gain subscribers this quarter on their branded service so if they gained about three thousand subscribers over the last three months which definitely is not an impressive number but when you consider it's the first time in four years that gain subscribers it's very impressive and I'm when you've rolled yeah when you roll in all of their their virtual network providers they gained around a half a million subscribers this year so they really offered this corner so they really are starting to go in the right door that's all before their brand new uncarrier strategy with their no contract plans and directly subsidized by devices independently of your service plan what what carriers are you guys on Josh I know your verizon John your verizon Dan my t-mobile they'll have a have an off-contract a prepaid plan with tmobile actually okay how do you guys like team all-conquering I mean it's awesome I can move whenever I want ya know i'm a big fan of it especially with devices like nexus is coming up for his cheapest $350 or three hundred dollars um yeah all didn't come out with you know yeah so i can get a new device relatively whenever i want without having to worry about the contract locking yep and I'm really woody wife knows the prices are pretty good yeah yeah the the web only deal i think that they have four thirty dollars get you like 200 minutes unlimited text and five gigabytes have uh throttled look at data so that's it really is good with unloaded tethering out of that yeah i think so yeah and then if you unlimited plan but you have to separately get tethering plans which seems kind of fair it does for their networks inc go ahead cuz if it were that way i would wait for LTE to come here and get my table Verma hide landline provider for internet I guess it's it's really the prices i give it a big push up because when it comes to verizon i'm pretty much game the same stuff i'm paying 50 instead of thirty dollars and is like two gigabytes of ram I'm just yeah instead of five a lot more yeah yeah the newer commander t mobile news metropcs investors are looking like they may revolt against the merger really when it comes down to is they're complaining the deutsche telekom isn't going to pay off their being offered about three dollars less than per share then the company is currently worth so they're kind of like to be feeling a little snob by getting shortchanged by three bucks to share uh and then in other kind of legal news Apple bounced back path that's the 381 Pat was finally invalidated by the US patent trade office which isn't to say that it's the end of that patent Apple can still appeal it but chances of it not a chance of ever winning an appeal are very very small at this point of course that was one of the patents that Sampson was found to be infringing and you know every single device it was one of the patents the jury specifically said oh no we didn't bother considering prior art because that was too hard and yeah hire are just invalidated the path we're still the prior art was from the same patent owner right like Apple can't claim to know oh we didn't know there was prior art because the prior art that you use to invalidate it was from an Apple employee mm-hmm so really really bad for Apple um meanwhile Apple is begging the judge to let them move forward with the partial retrial for damages in the Samsung case basically so they can use all of this evidence that's probably going to get struck down on appeals to convince another jury to love lee a large settlement against samsung so they can brag about it to the press before everything gets tossed out on top here because it's increasingly looking like everything's gonna fall apart for them out of p if the longer it takes the because there are so many pens they have under investigation right now for yeah we consider if they smart to stretch this out really really very smart and it was a good legal yeah g him the face of everything that they lost as far as money which really wasn't that big of a loss for them because they're making a metric ton of money right now such a quarter the only bad thing is that the damage to samsung was realistically not necessarily money but reputation and it said retrial isn't going to paint impact that reputation no no an appeal won't either meanwhile until the appeal gets handed down apples running around the world saying Samsung copycat and telling other judges in other places around the world Samsung's but already been found guilty of a copying us on all this stuff and meanwhile it's it's all a house of cards the judge didn't really do her due diligence cuz this should have been obvious going into it um so I mean it's all falling apart right like this was was one of the patents that everything was found to be infringing so all the devices that weren't just sent back for pretrial are now going to have to have their damages we looked at because this patent wasn't valid in the first place and just like the first chunk that got flipped because the jury didn't actually say we're assigning X amount of dollars for this particular infringement and ximeno dollars for did that particular infringement they just said oh you know this about for that device and that amount for that device they're gonna have to retry everything anyway so I mean it's just falling apart for Apple and looking worse and worse um other legal news that's also kind of funny asus settled their class action lawsuit over the transformer prime people are still apparently complaining about the GPS issues in the device I own one and still had never encountered this problem ah but they have ever ever never then again I don't use my Wi-Fi only tablet as a GPS device why don't you it's the best thing you can do i I just hadn't really occurred to go walking around with it have a problem your phone it already has GPS yeah yeah like why on earth protects my Wi-Fi only 10 inch tablet into the wilderness is my gps device we only find the wilderness but you know surrounding neighborhood just be funny to see people like this walking on yeah like seriously but yeah so they have settled the class action lawsuit for 17 Mel's a customer and a free gps Tom that's bridge of us don't know by the way they were already giving away for free yeah but you get that seventeen dollars and the GPS down version dollars was covering the shipping that originally they were making people pack and that dongle looks weird it does and i'll use the dock yeah in other news jellybean update android for dot one that too is now rolling out to AT&T LG optimus g we got review up air on inra also chrome for android the stable channel got updated autofill and password sync standard performance and stability stability improvements good the stable channel suck and it was very slow good to see some trickle down from the beta channel beta channel awesome running a lot quicker the one problem i have is if i'm on a website i have to click like back like three times in order to actually exit the app kind of knowing and then also in bigger news the Play Store now has accessories available in the US UK Canada and Germany you get a wall charger micro USB cable and a set of earbuds with a built-in microphone the wall adapter is sixteen dollars pretty expensive the micro USB cables ten dollars and the earbuds are twenty dollars pretty interesting and it's definitely showing that Google really wants to expand the Play Store devices and accessories so they can derive more people better and eventually you know attract more people that install apps and music all that stuff we guys think about accessories I wonder how those if I'm looking at them right now actually the earbuds I wonder how good those would because i'm not i wouldn't call myself an audio file but i'm very interested in like carrier branded stuff to see if they're actually good like people hated the original apple earbuds and then they make actually near ones and they were a lot better i'm curious what these are the only twenty bucks that's actually yeah no I mean good the thing that annoys me about it is that when Isis been out for how long and you're just now putting out accessories yeah yeah like seriously get it together launch the accessories for the device with the device not six months later nobody wants the accessory six months later they wanted them six months ago mm-hmm such as long as they're looking after party what said generally accessories are made by third parties anyway it's not like a delay with the Nexus itself is gonna hurt the accessories like we're plan ahead higher proper planning the biggest the biggest pain is still the nexus 7 dock that that thing is ever no I'm never gonna own one I don't they know why one now in the nexus 7 2 is gonna be on sale like a week that's true if the Nexus 7 Tuesday will be out like next Christmas that's true this talk is compatible with the next Nexus 7 then i buy one that'd be pretty cool but there's a lot of stock I just looked stylish now well in that case I'll wait till they come up with one that has an hdmi port because that would actually make it useful mm-hmm well so pretty things though I think I want to actually get that the earbuds with the voice thing anyone has seriously Elyon maybe do a review what dollars for micro USB cable so yeah there it's the new hdmi era where you pay eight hundred dollars for a one foot cable of hdmi well but you can get what it was I really made by monster yeah made by monster eight-hundred-dollar OS for dinner Wow you can go into like a weed islanders going any can still get multiple dirty dollars on amazon yeah some people like more expensive things though that do the exact same thing yes those people died things from appleton hey let's be nice just for posterity sake the nexus 10 page has no accessories on it just saying what a shock yeah to be fair Samsung's not really good about getting accessories out for their own devices either hmm then I'd love a dog for the Nexus tend to be honest random have one so i made the blunt why would you want one just to have it on this like in the corner of my desk there you know i remember when i first got the nexus 10 and i was reviewing it in my in my review I kept saying i watch netflix and movies on this thing all the time so just have it on the side and not have to worry about standing it up this room at a dock that launched women tablet launched and it was an Android experience device at a good alarm clock like that though you could use your tablet and the speakers were really loud and it could be by your bed and you could put alarm on very true though I wouldn't be very happy if I was mad about waking up and I smack my next 10 of it so I can definitely see that happening be easier with the nexus 4 you know even if it's on a level surface mm-hmm nexus 4 slipper phone broke my 411 well they got those nipples now yeah but mine don't have nipples I want nipples here first good does a crippled sky um yeah also uh Patrick Tremblay maybe Google should release accessories on device launched yes yeah they freaking should that is a lot to be helpful if on the Vice launch they had enough devices to launch no no no that is all part of supply and demand and it's part of the game and if you're not first you will be waiting so I don't think that'll ever change date night hope I mean the big problem is I don't think google expected the man they got they didn't have this plant meet it yeah maybe their order with just you know few hundred thousand boy they they told everybody with the Galaxy Nexus sales numbers were they were pathetic they sold like I think 1 million of them I mean if you're making such a small they didn't make that a nexus 4 is because they didn't expect many people to buy them because the thing is they're about that many Nexus is before your profit margin is so small that means it the more devices that you just or order means higher risk so if you you know are making five hundred dollars like Apple is on every device then you know that you can order a crap ton because you know that if you sell one of them you're going to pay for fifteen of them so you know yeah that's kind of another thing as well that's true yeah yeah they need to get better at predicting market demand or will n retail single they're not good at predicting anything because Google now is horrible right just that's hideous so I think we're going to wrap do we have any questions from the audience on google+ or youtube any any questions about facebook home are you going to use it would you really make it part of your life dan if you heard of issue sees elevate program I cannot ok anybody heard about it none that ok that comment was from hayden smith on youtube Allen Fernandez wants to know how to enter the or give away go to our Google+ page find this video and hashtag android authority as a comment and you are then entered there are a lot of people saying that they hate iphones a lot of those times here and then also a lot of people saying hi typical youtube comments ok so you can find all the android thority goodies reviews of the orb as well on android authority calm if you want to look at the show posts scroll down to the bottom right of android authority calm this little section called on here every week after the show we poster a basically a summary of what we talked about in the show ads links to that also we are available if you don't want to watch us live you can always watch us after the fact and also on soundcloud popping itunes stitcher radio and yeah and also we just put up on super video what google currents oh yeah google currents is the second episode that we've been on google currents with their new podcast integration which is actually very neat also we have we upload it to soundcloud the april fools video that we did not the video but the audio and it is hilarious the best buy any uh closing comments I Joshua when are you going to collect the entries for the contest well I'm looking to make it about a week so feel free to enter throughout now until like Wednesday and then on wednesday i'll collect the all of them and I'll do all the data and i'll do the random selection that way on thursday when we have the new episode i will have it ready for you ok you're going to post the link to the the thread anywhere on android authority or only people who are in this in this hangout or watching going to know where to find i will probably put a put a quick blurb on the website just letting you know that way just sort of feed people over to the Google+ listing and we'll probably list it up there so everyone who goes to Andhra will be able to as well ok so for folks who are listening after the fact the next few days go to android authority calm will probably be at the top of the page find our Google+ stream for the show and hashtag android authority win yourself a nexus for charging and next episode we will announce the winner and remember it's an international giveaway so anybody's game i will thank you and you guys have a great rest of your night and weekend please
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