Android Authority Q & A Episode #002 - June 12, 2013
Android Authority Q & A Episode #002 - June 12, 2013
hey everybody on Chris look you've got
questions we've got answers it's a a Q&A
episode 24 jun 12 2013 Claudio asks what
are some best practices for those who
like to experiment with different roms
but are put off by having to reset
everything just to try out a new one
well I'm sorry to say this but one of
the best options is to reset everything
see the more settings and data and apps
you keep the more likely you are to run
into trouble that said you're probably
safe keeping some photos in a few apps
but you want to be careful about
transferring settings and especially
system type apps nazim says my samsung
galaxy s3 used to charge from twenty
percent to one hundred percent and
around three hours but lately it's
taking as long as six hours to charge
though sometimes it does still charged
quickly why is this happening well it
seems like it's either your battery or
your charger and you didn't mention any
battery issues so i'm thinking it's your
charger the easiest way to check is grab
another charger and see if your phone
charges properly with that if that's not
an option maybe try to grab another
phone and see if that has trouble
charging with your current charger if
either of those is the case it's a
pretty simple thing to replace your
chargement Raoul says the HTC one
developer edition has an unlocked
bootloader does this mean that it
doesn't have a warranty actually that's
one of the key points about a developer
edition is that you have an unlocked
bootloader and you get to keep your
warranty best of both worlds to verify
this you can check out the phone on
HTC's website and you'll see that they
have a warranty listed there this week a
few people wrote in to ask when is the
samsung galaxy note 2 going to be
updated to Android 4.2 point2 well we
can't say anything for certain but a
whole lot of rumors are saying that
higher end last gen devices like the
galaxy s3 and the note 2 are going to
start seeing four point two point two
from June onwards so we don't know if
that means the next few days or towards
the end of june or july but is on the
way John asks
is there any way for an android phone to
recognize the NTFS file system well yes
John there is unfortunately it does
require you to be rooted assuming you
are rooted though all you have to do is
go to the google play store and search
for paragon well actually the app's name
is paragon exfat and TFS and hfs+ but
luckily you don't have to say it you
just have to type in paragon and there
it is adrian says i have a nexus 10 is
there an app that can turn my
handwritten notes into text well yes
it's possible that there are a bunch of
other apps that do this but the one I
found what's called seven notes with
mazak now it'll cost you eight bucks but
no routing or anything is required and
I've heard that it works perfectly on
the Nexus 10 Jacob says my contract ends
July first and I'm not sure if I should
wait for the note 3 or get whatever the
best phablet is at the time basically is
the note 3 worth waiting for now that is
a tough question to answer mainly
because while there are a ton of rumors
we don't really know that many concrete
details about the note 3 we don't really
know what hardware is going to be used
but no matter what the specs are going
to be killer don't worry about that the
more troubling point is we don't really
know when it's going to be released some
people are saying we might be surprised
with it this month some people are
saying it might be September some people
are saying it might be even later so
really it depends on how long you want
to wait especially if you don't know how
long you might have to wait Jesse says I
have a galaxy s3 running a stock's table
4.1 point2 TouchWiz rom I recently
flashed an AOSP rom but returned to my
current rom afterwards now videos on my
phone and youtube occasionally won't
play will reflashing the ROM fix this
well it sounds like you might not have
fully liked your device before you
installed the newest rom so in that case
yes reflashing would work the next time
you reflash just make sure to fully wipe
your system partitions and your dalvik
cache tamir asks do i need to install
the adobe flash player on my galaxy s3
or is it already included and how can i
well first know the flash player isn't
included on the galaxy s3 and you're
going to have a tougher time than normal
installing it because adobe stop
supporting flash on android now you can
find God's to install it on your phone
we've actually linked to one in the
article that's down in the description
but you're going to have a hard time
updating it since adobe stopped
supporting it damien says i bought a
nexus wireless charger for my droid DNA
but it won't charge the battery I get
the indication that it's charging but
even with the screen off it seems the
battery drains faster than the charger
charges it what gives well I hate to
tell you this damien but when I was
looking around I found a few similar
reports to yours and it turned out
certain people had to actually use their
warranty and get a replacement DNA to
get one that actually worked with
wireless charging now that said there
are a couple other things that you could
check like for example are you using a
case because if you are that could be a
problem now from my own personal
experience I've never had wireless
charging work well and this is across
different devices so it's possible that
you just have the same luck as me when
it comes to wireless charging and that's
all the questions we have time for this
week folks if you want to know a little
more detail we have a written companion
to this video android authority calm you
can find a link down in the description
if you'd like to ask some questions of
your own you can find the link to do
just that in the description as well now
we get a ton of questions each week so
there's no way we could ever get to them
all but we're going to try so just
because you didn't see your question
mention this week doesn't mean we won't
get to it if you like this video or
found it useful maybe give it a like or
share it with your friends if you want
to stay caught up with everything we do
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I'm Chris Wilk and as always thank you
for watching
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