Best Small-Mid Sized Android Phone, Help with Game Addiction & Best Tablet Case for Protection
Best Small-Mid Sized Android Phone, Help with Game Addiction & Best Tablet Case for Protection
welcome back to Android Q&A my name is
Jason this is where we try and answer
your most pressing Android questions
like as of 2014 what is the best non
phablet foam and Crytek is looking for
help fighting his flappy bird addiction
it turns out that mario may be able to
come to your rescue yet again
with all the phablet fans out there I
found another Android brother that likes
reasonable sized phones Mike pop-tart
asks hey Jase I have a very simple phone
and I want to upgrade to Android but
they are all too big for my liking what
is the best medium to small phone on
Android well Mike the quick answer to
that is the Moto X and the Moto G
depending on your budget but there is a
new phone out there that gives you
compact size but has flagship power and
specs and I'm talking about the recently
released Xperia z1 compact our own
Joshua put out a review on that just
yesterday and it is sweet the Xperia z1
compact comes in a 4.3 inch display with
a snapdragon 800 is dustproof and
waterproof you want to check the full
unboxing and first impression by Joshua
here and the full review coming up
Luke Harvey had a question as to what
the best protective case was for his
Samsung tablet hey Jase can you please
recommend the best case for the Samsung
Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 and please make sure
it is a very protective case good
question Luke and it should be said here
that tablet cases are designed largely
for looks and functionality and less so
for protection there's a simple physics
behind that right so for a smaller phone
a good protective case has slightly
elevated bezels surrounding the the
phone's bezel so that if it falls on its
screen side on the ground or some other
surface those elevated bezels are gonna
hit before the screen hits for a tablet
the screen is so much bigger the surface
screen is so much bigger those bezels
can't provide the same level of
protection but having said that there
are three links to three options below
that you might like my preference is the
otter but if you don't like that there's
two other options let me know which one
you buy and what you think good luck
next question was an app recommendation
black back bug asks hi Jace mind helping
me find more apps like powerline battery
bar and charge bar now for those of you
who don't know the viewer here is
talking about battery widgets or battery
monitoring apps and this is your best
apps like these are really everywhere
and it's just a matter of searching and
reviewing customer reviews and finding
the style that
suits you here are a couple of the more
unique ones how do you buy an unlocked
phone from a carrier Nino asks Jace is
it true that carriers are not allowed to
carry or lock Nexus devices are they
unlocked if you buy from carriers well
you know the short answer is no that is
not true you can look in the links
provided below from t-mobile that they
sell both the Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 and
they are indeed carrier locked generally
speaking you're gonna have a hard time
buying an unlocked phone from a carrier
it's in their best interest to keep you
locked in to their services however if
the Google Play Store does not sell the
Nexus 5 in your country you can really
go to the next best place which is eBay
now you want to buy that phone unlocked
from a reputable seller I'm talking
about a seller that has a very high
customer satisfaction rating check it
out and you know and tell me what you
think good luck and finally we're gonna
help out Crytek again who's got a
serious gaming addiction is there any
app out there to control game addiction
please recommend one Oh
Crytek I have better than app I have a
book it's called the war of art by
Steven Pressfield and it has very little
to do with art and nothing to do with
war and everything to do with getting
you to do what you should be doing take
an hour to read that and trust me you're
gonna want to cure cancer and solve
world peace in a week take the time
you'll be glad now if you need some more
help though there are some links below
to some apps that control app time usage
good luck Crytek we've all been there
brother thanks for watching and right
army my name is Jace I'd love to connect
with you here on Google+ or Twitter
I read all my @replies all tags and
comments I can't respond to all of them
but I do beat every single one of them
even the cruel ones you don't want to
forget about my brothers in Android just
Joe and the tech ninja Kevin and
Christopher is back yes and I shall see
you next show on Android QA
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