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Bring iPhone X gestures to your OnePlus 5T

if you're a 1 plus 5t owner and you've been taking advantage of the 1 plus 5t beta program the latest Oreo beta brings about some pretty interesting changes let's take a look so the first thing you're gonna notice with this latest beta release is that it removes the clipboard feature that was introduced in the previous beta long story short the clipboard app didn't really work all that well so the best solution was for oneplus to just remove it all together and revert back to the standard Android copy and paste functionality the biggest and most notable change to this beta is the new navigation gestures that are very similar to the iPhone 10 this feature can be enabled by going to settings buttons and hiding the navigation bar once you have it enabled swiping up from the middle takes you home and swiping up and pausing for about a second will open up your recent apps if you want to go back you can swipe up from the left or right side of the bottom edge and these can be used interchangeably this beta update is also available for the 1 plus 5 but as it stands right now you won't get the same iPhone 10's gesture controls if you want to check out this beta update for yourself head on over to our written article where you can read all about it and download it for your oneplus 5 or 5 T but what do you guys think about this new Oreo beta update and the gesture controls would you favor this over the default Android navigation keys let us know down in the comments section below and as always if you enjoyed this video please give a thumbs up we definitely appreciate it subscribe to the channel which is down below if you haven't already and hit that notifications bellow so you don't miss out on future videos and of course check us out on social media instagram twitter snapchat google+ all that good stuff is linked down below and check the website as well for more in-depth coverage and Georgia thorny calm because we are your source for all things Android
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