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CES 2017 Vlog 3: Backseat Banter

these are fun I like these backseat things little is Maxie chatter napped and you think of a catchy name for it record chatter android authority officer I do you think of a good name I'm getting yeah yeah okay there are already patented someday the aim is one of dese a PR firm we are sorry yesterday Mercer Mercer who your source for all those were surfers wear your source for auditing fee our servers are where your source for all things we are its back see recap with Adam Molina so what's going on nothing oh all of this car over here come on man who can be drawn in the parking garage all right so on this edition of taxicabs CES much lookin contention well you don't have to really sorry we ever done any place now Adam did it earlier he was in that hot seat and Adam I was like so what did you think about you'd like this they really give a lot interesting yeah what my answer right now it was good Roger how's your first two years experience so far anxiously that's what people are really hard is interesting is what people say when they don't like it with the picture no it is it's different I'm listening experience EES so far experience like Joey you guys try be nice sometimes I didn't really do much we went to like one car thing yesterday regression and then I was driving around with Jerry Grossman been so it was like my first four ring into actually product in some good but I co yeah we went to Fitbit Fitbit or miss it fit it and then missed it Walter than fossils and mr. Tibbetts lucky I wasn't there some kinky stuff the fit vision have anything visible awkward yeah no products or anything yeah what wait what was the second one we went to I already forgot oh yeah let's rewind the tape and blow uh yeah when well awful lot sounds like like like oh he's like real loud like when he does that is the most cutting real boy ever did read it's a bit as immigrants up another mom was a limb okay how come I can be valid when we did I know it was all news to me this morning same here I got a call I was about to call an uber and told him yes a uber guy called her like the limo got called names like hey i'm outside the convention center here take you up ugly i'm not at the convention center are you talking about because of him he still means yeah i know i wasn't mean to but you should find another job yeah we got in and it was filled with plastic champagne glasses with like it's pretty usual again the playoffs but it would have actual campaigner in there little bottles of water and the champagne glasses were filled with great like paper roses yea Lord adzick we didn't get a new drummer okay yeah delivering the Lotus wrap everybody together to leave you do whatever you want me sorry yeah yeah you're Russian what can we do for you today I think of a question because I we just want there's so many questions on the pod cabinet I just want you guys rock at this point my question have some fun with this right now have you ever met a hero of yours and was it terrible like it was for me tonight Patrick Norris hahaha i'm kidding he is such a nice guy Falco sort of what David just experienced definitely a hero all here is our side he's pretty good it's a hero we all deserve but not the one we need right now I'm Batman no but we saw Patrick Norton that was awesome and my brother got a little star-struck yeah a little bit yeah I know I'll be mate sorry Patrick Norton all I didn't realize you were Santa met only only only Kobe Bryant could you pack them now I think we need to get you on the podcast and like you uuwi mean it's obvious you have the audio equipment for how come we've never done that before I made a commercial for you on a stroll commercial a don't even notice i just cannot only imagine what's gonna happen once we get brian on a podcast you one day oh my god i love it and objective remind you that guy's the android authority podcast is not your personal agenda okay you know see this is why this right here i'm going to go ahead and just move this real quick this is why paying paying for parking is a terrible idea everyone's trying to tell a little more yeah a little bright it's really annoying hey look what i got its start what I got to drive my colleagues around to help them do their work that says a lot about the way we work well it's true I'll get along so well you know I'm gonna kill me right okay we're good so look have you met and we like talk to someone I like you I like of course we're working and ruin Authority all of my no I guys were before i start cute pocket how I first as another podcast was really embarrassing because I was like yeah I used to watch you guys a lot and and I sent josh an email and never respond no it was a hangout invitation which you guys that's before you could accept my message which I own expect anything from yes any of our fans watching us you guys just don't try to don't try to solicit yeah there's a contact form on website hit it up it'll get to us yeah I got you two don't work the ironing for parking haha have a good wines this please drive safely we'll see if she does that for a change oh my god just no no kidding sorry no really you're really bad at that Johnny are you drivin em I know is the backseat yes I always like you know she's not even a driver seat driver this is chilling all time to the dr m beer yeah it's just we don't drive this guy's like I put 20,000 kilometers on the car I'm like dude I put that every three months now because you're the one that's like no don't get me a plane ticket I'll Drive the 90 now I'm trying to thank you it's not really neat known as far as hell it's like car time for me is my meditation time super I think that this leads to that road of incoherent until close to your favorite spot in the whole world hahahaha orgasms although for sure let's go to the while away yeah not just it is for the tacos I mean I'm sure some of you watch the lives of it you know I actually think I'll have a lunch of that oh god I wish you don't have some korean BBQ Jimmy this edgy oh you can eat the potatoes yeah hahahaha potatoes a little math really good business it probably has bacon it Lerner rather just a delicious Korean mashed potatoes is it that I remember when I first found out Jimmy was over time Jimmy Hill Reggie doing laundry maybe we should try a vegetable how does of course right there what are there are but what well Gordo is right there no we've eaten cleaned two days straight we're still going no you don't you're not want to leave on Saturday you're just gonna go nuts on food I know you you were the only know you're gonna get in one bad meal here no I can do it okay I can do it even my alcohol clean i love i love it when tiger says anything like anything like spanish because because it's a change in the toes that time David yeah yeah I've been eating a quesadilla are you from Tijuana yes Aiyana like a fight why did you do that with your mouth what does that no yume a couple of quick otherwise and we'll call it a true cabeza homie it's just so fun killing for yourself song that's so great no that other dude is a vegetarian right to game baby wow you might be that's a lie either whatever you bring devout Christian philosophy the philosophy earth it has appeared oh yeah so you okay you're you're I mean you work out in general but what's your running shoe choice Adi does no good okay mainly big bum I'm flat-footed so I need yeah I know I don't look like in five grand on a long time which is actually true i had an injury recently the I haven't had Ivan had a running chalant I remember I did vibrams for a while which make me look like a tool in in the gym then I moved to New Balance because they have their own barefoot Mike meant uh shoe well and that's the thing I because I'm flat-footed I can't run barefoot all right I pull up a random word generator could not going to point game now ken Damian all right you got it texture I tried your texture but she hasn't texted back yet doesn't take the job yet Daniel's on there i don't know get new didn't you go haha nuke it mom right here right on top the new you yeah I don't know she'd like me I anything to get up oh I nivea he need a new get down Phoenix Phoenix it was pre-made not seen it I need to blew my nose into the splenic oh my god ah these your wife know you have this corny ability yes that's watching marathon oh you don't know what you married you I read her hand a lot I already got into spice if you're watching this I know I don't want me like and subscribe I don't want I really hate that I got this parking ticket I don't want to pay the scene ex-presidents hungry we need to go feeding extent ok are also oh yeah you're so young yet yeah what if he was a frog because he's not a quote I'll go for help it but he's not a college man aside on another yes I want your spot yeah that's cool here inequality good vacation design a woman Oh log people worth a house but back my back my ma punkin
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