
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

CES Today - CES 2018 - Day 3

on behalf he wasn't really hip you speak well whose fault is that did you just say we're live in a second okay you got it I'll start it like that okay perfect are we live now it's not a hyper Bennett way yeah I'm wearing an Apple watch on a podcast yeah oh they can hear us where is it well then hello everybody in in the chat stream wait a minute we'll get the video up and runner fights I feel like gonna have to talk pretty loudly for me to hear you yeah that's me yelling already that's my best vice depression no it's not great nice gonna go a little deeper where'd you find this I mean hey wait is this thing on arjan we're good hey everybody Jonathan vice chair with Android authority again revenue at CES 2018 Las Vegas and we're doing another live show here to talk about everything we've seen on the floor of course add everything we haven't seen because there's so much going on a great panel here today I'll let you guys introduce yourselves I'm lon from Andrew authority you guys might have seen me before that's it oh I'm Adam from sound guys this is the side of Android Authority and to my left is Lily also from sound gasps Stella sister side band right according to this day yeah never changes very good at the beginning of this dream couldn't hide you see boy alright I don't want to spoil anything but I just lied the breakdown of the audio technica be our 9zt QRS or whatever they're about 30 new products that we were here at the event watch those launched last year I still want these five hundred and fifty dollar headphones but I was the pure digital drive the pure didn't arrive guys get the chance to check those out this year yes and he tried to explain it to us Frank Doris the guy over there and he pretty much said that it keeps the audio signal clean to the headphones and then the headphones do the processing like after the DAC it was somehow they've managed to keep the signal clean until the drivers themselves get pushed out by the zeros and warnings pretty neat I was just trying the demo unit again but somebody broke the volume button and it's cranked that full blindly oh really that was 100% one of us yeah I mean if our Technic was watching this it was a random person but if that random person were here it would be Adam you guys there we go crazy lawn and put you on the spot tell me about your underwear yes I spent probably like an hour and a half trying to get b-roll this underwear it's only because there's a guy there's only one guy there and he was there was only one guy from the company they're like demoing or whatever and there's another guy that was asking like a ton of questions so we were waiting on him to be done asking his yeah and plus when he was there for like an hour just asking questions but really one Degas yeah it's a smart underwear from energies and like it okay it basically just measures like your heart rate your body temp through your underwear yeah through your honor there's a little modules on there so I think that's how it works I'm getting a demo unit but yeah I just went there for the b-roll now it's stuck there half it seems like a cool idea like very good well we've already got a nice question in the in the chapel I all control the live chat that's the word I sorry the live chat the live chat for those of us that have been here before how is CES LAN I'll let you start this off I think you've been I think it's like my fourth CES now so I don't know I'm just kind of like in autopilot I guess I I don't mean that it sound like in a negative way but it's just like I've been here it's like it it's always cool to see the tank before everybody else sees it and cool that you get to see it before it even comes out right so I mean there's a lot of cool stuff here I just kind of wish we had the opportunity to actually explore it more but the stuff that we have seen is pretty cool like I saw a lot of really cool stuff from JBL because I went there to just check out like the the length view the one that Google's just sent one with those screen yeah it's the speaker guys like dual speakers in front and it has the screen for Google assistant so only the LG one yeah it's kind of like the LG okay this most JBL but they had like a bunch of other ones too there were people a system that didn't have a screen and that's where I saw the headset or the headphone very good okay well before we move on it most CEOs event they have like an underlying tone to the last year for me there was a LexA it was just it was kind of everywhere this years ago though since then we'll go sisters all right my question is will it matter than any alexa product that came out last year really blow up the market there was a lot of them no nothing like washing machines are like slowly there's no alexa products this year too came out with a sound bar that there was a CEO or seen that headline that was like oh it looks like the echo dot or the folks on board just swallowed an echo dot yeah it's literally a sound bar with like the echo dot just like over it right in the middle that's a couple millimeters let's be lazy about it yeah also I would say drones there's been a lot of drones this year mr. drone rush guy is serving it now what's been your favorite oh that is well my favorite is easy the new Typhoon H+ this is the big news city and type colored device it is a kind of a gorgeous drone and highly capable I mean it's a two thousand dollar drug it's not mm it's like 1800 but it's an expensive drone attack its high-end it's good great camera on it it's it's not a toy it's not the $200 drones that are everywhere here at CES I play a clip up with a $200 droids no no welcome to drone rush there's a plethora of $200 $300 drones out there they have these neat little things where you can fly them by hand you know gestures and Android apps and stuff yeah but when you get up into the serious drone it's a whole new ballgame and for anybody paying attention to drone rush watch this here we're gonna be covering commercial drones a whole bunch more and just it's a whole new world it's a big world than this crazy things coming so stay tuned for that but here at CES of course consumer electronics I can't keep up honestly there are so many neat little drones I cannot see them all so I hate to say I'm gonna miss things but I'm gonna miss things yeah we were looking around for this booth today and we're just walking through North Hall which we had in and to at all and there's just like drones everything like what is happening there's so many things here for sure yeah all right before we get your thoughts on the event Michael Murphy do we get sleep a little bit for yourself I have not gotten too much sleep I'm running out like five hours a night that's it's not a big deal but it's you know no big deal I just I don't need to sleep robot so without spoiling your pick for best product of CES what if you had to talk about one thing right now you're most excited about what would it be that I'm most excited about or that I liked the most either aren't they the same thing no different I'm very good yeah all right okay so I'm gonna take this one okay okay maybe you can jump on after having a good segue so I just took notes I mean my paper are you guys a good advice LG had these giant like dual speakers that were literally like maybe this high but they're turntables it's like up top is built-in turntable so whatever you're playing you could just scratch along with it I don't even know do you know what the price was on those oh no they didn't I don't think they display yeah it was that expensive it was insane yeah that was mad fun we like walked up and we were like we were going for something completely different and we just ended up stopping like yeah and then we walked up slowly to it anyway and that was it we were just there for like 10 minutes getting b-roll like this autonomous when he turned up the music shakes it enough head bounces itself yeah it'd be like very authentic of the record you started skipping it's a feature not not a malfunction yeah Dave Wineland just walked in that was what we got yeah that's pretty good did you like that at all oh oh I love that we get over to Lily for sure yeah that's some script with that so it's pretty good all right time out I have a story to tell so my favorite thing was we were at LG and we're like demoing oh and they're like they're playing Drake you know regular popular music whatever and they give the aux basically to Lily now they play something and they're like okay and then I'm like talking to the guy whatever I love back and she's blasting me goes yeah just like straight thug rap coming out the room to the so yeah Lily this is your first CD yes yeah how I mean I remember mine there was only a few years ago what's you what's going through your head well one it's awesome to meet everybody in person before this you were all just hedged headshots and slack so are you pretty headshots on my beautiful headshot especially this guy but yeah and it's I took his photo well that props great light that was a CES last year yeah excellent mood lighting but yeah it's been good I feel like I've seen a lot of really cool lots of robots actually I'm living in the digit house right now so I've been able to hear about all the crazy robots and Ali's been stealing from the show floor running away with everywhere but yeah there's been some cool announcements I loved listening to the new Sennheiser HD 820 s what you talked about earlier those who are just saying why does the video and sound guys if you haven't already first right first people get a video of it shameless self-promotion shameless open ocean yeah well yeah it is it has been really wonderful super tiring I'm pretty much just a vehicle for coffee but yeah it's been good ya know very good and have you noticed any underlying tones to the show this year yeah a lot of what we already covered in terms of you know virtual assistants a lot of Google and Alexa slapped onto things and in terms of audio I've noticed that a lot of people are moving towards kind of this all-encompassing mobile aspect so even what really surprised me even son Heiser was kind of pushing in their press release part of the reason they made the HD 820 supposed back is so you can have audio file sound accessible to you anywhere and it's surprising because I don't know who it's gonna travel with those huge moms especially since they at 300 homes but yes so and we've got the Jabra elite that came out on the elite lineup which is also oriented towards the everyday so I think that's kind of yeah anything else you noticed with sound not really I know well not really a theme or like a underlying tone really but just we had like giant announcements in legacy companies like audio technica and Sennheiser with two crazy new headphones like audio technica has the 88 5,000 X's they're like two thousand dollars I think they're right over there because I'm tryna certainly do yes they're open back though so you'll hear everything that's okay room yeah yeah those are pretty crazy in this Sennheiser oh you heard the eighty ones yeah or if you said like $65,000 headphones yeah yeah that was pretty sick goodbye you guys that you are what was the big like thing for Android what was the one I like this is the news what we're doing Android thing there's a couple issues a couple there couple answers yeah and I've read yeah let's bring this back yes it is Android authority let's talk Android phones I've seen a couple devices I'm not entirely familiar what's under embargo and yet not so long can you what's the best the phone coming out of this event right now the best phone best Android smartphone I know this is show I don't know there's really been like a phone that has come out of this show but I mean I guess the the vivo I don't know I don't know but the they didn't really the phone wasn't really like the centerpiece it was actually the fingerprint sensor because like in the glass it's like the in the screen fingerprint sensor so really yeah it's like the first one so like the front's based on all bezel is and you just have a thing for something like in the display which is really cool so I didn't get a chance to try it out but it looked at him yeah I mean those look like they're gonna put it in their own phone or they're just showcasing the technology to sell it I think this particular phone is gonna come to market but as far as I know they didn't like to talk about it wasn't about the phone it was just about technology that's in it because it's made from synaptics and they have like this whole little that's or underneath the screen that makes all work or the circuit board or whatever so it's great it's like there's like a little thing of route sensor like graphic on there show you where you put your finger that's me there works just like any normal finger protector just hi is it like a different kind of glass to use or just that section it only works was like OLED right now because like the way that it like it illuminates the screen it requires an OLED panel because if it's like an LCD I think it's like there's too much light leader while but yeah I mean it works like a normal one but it's a little bit slower right now but otherwise workers plan well do you think it's slow because like I remember I'm like the pixel and stuff the more you use it and like remembers their fingerprinting gets used to do you think that did they mention anything like that like it'll get faster over time or I mean I wasn't any slow I wasn't there but I assume it's just slow because it's like newer technology and your friend it's probably been faster like over time what they fully developed it or whatever it is was it just like a proof of concept once again I don't know because I think this phone actually is gonna go on sale but it works so yeah that's pretty crazy in a job when it's when we see it in like a samsung phone I think our pond is gonna be like yeah there's something to be said for having that fingerprint scanner on the front of the device it's convenient on the back but sometimes when it's mounted in my car I've seen you do that when you're like driving around you this one's bigger so I can I can read I can get it now but yeah yeah yeah it's all stuck in the backyard I mean the only other Android product I can think of is the project Linda I don't know if you want to talk about that I got three of us saying sir what is that my god but you basically just plug your phone it's like where your trackpad well only the razor phone the other yes you guys seeing much you know accessories and stuff promoted to any phone I'm seeing a lot of not necessarily drones but I'm seeing a lot of accessories competing with like moto mods and then attached to phones that's that they haven't quite figured out how to make a universal case you have to have a specific set of phones to be able to get the base case where these things can attach to it you guys see anything else that's stepping out we're at yeah we've also been had some vision yeah it's audio only we just want to mask you know I'm walking around my head up drones right we did see a couple of I mean teaser for I guess I can probably get in trouble for this but oh well teaser for the best of CES thing that we're gonna talk about later ashore actually announced USB type-c cable for all of their headphones so like their whole IEM lineup now is available pretty much for USB type-c which just blows everything that's available right now out of the water because it's like one of the greatest manufacturers of ie ends oh yeah decades in our USBC best list yeah sure people there in all of their options yeah yeah not sponsored right I let this go too long before I threw my drove you're like sure nuts I'm like sure they did you're gonna laugh at me it's alright yeah they said that was a terrible joke I got a leg you sure they did you're on a 20-second delay you'll see that I will say I did hit that one of the shirt booths at Capcom one of the smaller events yeah and I saw the thing that Annie my I know what you're talking about I saw there's a pretty exciting yes just the whole idea that the earbud itself disconnects from the cable and okay change abilities pretty slick without uh dropping any names what was the worst thing you've seen at sea yes getting negative I can't answer that several ways but one of them is kind of a reality of the business and almost any accessory business right now but I'll talk about drones there was a lot of products that were at different companies but they were the exact same thing with the different sticker on them not saying they're bad not saying that's bad business it just well for some of them it was just like here's our flagship and also we have these ones yeah but for other ones it was that duplicate of light device that was their flagship I don't know if I feel bad for them or just yeah let it slide otherwise something I'm really impressed with not sexbots weavers who said oh my god there's there's a this company just down the way here and they've got this these humans aside but I didn't need to see that yeah it's like uncanny valley maybe we should explain for the people there's a booth like right over there that has gotten a lot of attention because in the front of it they have cases like yay hi did I yeah I don't know it said like it was like that big but it's like life-sized dummies almost right like of a male and a female and it looks like reloading but it looks so real it's like on candy value like it's a person just there yeah all the details there like even like the hair except the six-pack because we don't yeah where's the beer belly yeah it's not very realistic it's like the ideal human just floating there it's really creepy and maybe that's it maybe it's the presentation we've all seen the humanoid robots before greeters at doors remind me to segue off of that into something I saw this morning but you know just they put them in like these floating test tubes like yeah it was yeah it's interesting it definitely worked though everyone's stopping in front looking at lit his very shock value but that was my least favorite that's how I want to see you guys I mean it's it's my least favorite because like when I walk past it like I thought it was like some piece of tank like a hyperbolic chamber I don't know like I thought it was like a piece of tech but you walk inside of it I don't know there's like a there's like a dead one in a body bag and so that's yeah it's like that's a good clear body bag so you can like poke it so this is like an episode of black mirror now I touched it yeah keeping your boundaries though I need a big vitamin I did yeah I touched it a little bit but yeah I thought it was like tech is like at CES you know but you walk in there it's it's just like a big ol ad for a Netflix yeah yes Thank You JP are out altered carbon all today there we go I believe I think that's the promo let's know what the name of the booth is though I don't have his name of the booth I think it's just why it's there everybody sneaking up the back door of the booth that's the name written above not really a thing but an event that power outage was was pretty rough we were at the Venetian funda we heard stories today any was Sony LG yeah oh yeah we were actually we were here yep yep turned off yeah yeah that was were you here for that I was not here for that but or maybe I was just in the wrong mood there are so many halls I was saying like when the lights go off just grab the closest thing sorry boss the Internet's down take it away so I realized something this morning when I was at a Honda event I think we've all heard of that Honda Izumo their little robot that goes around little they've got rolling sound world's this is older they've had this for 10 12 years old and they've been working on their robotics semi-humanoid walking talking that sort of thing no no that's those are I don't know what I want to say ripoffs but those are newer iterations there's is an actual that looks like an astronaut but but anyways I got to attend an event with this morning with Honda they've got three new robot type creatures one of them is like an outdoor ATV kind of help you in the workforce but two of them are great for in the home one of them was like a mobile caddy with a you can put a bar in it or the cooler that sort of thing and the other one is like a hero six or whatever that character it's not inflatable but it stands about three four feet tall this is cute and friendly so this is what I realized when I was watching the media you know ten years ago with Honda and there as a Moen and even with newer generation with like the walking dogs and robotics and stuff you always look at it on the screen and you're like wow that's but I attended the event here today and then had a different feel to it it's just like yeah there was all the years of engineering just goes out the window okay that's that was good you don't think you're jaded from seeing a million it's gonna you know maybe two months from now I'll be talking to somebody they'll be like you got to see I'm waiting for a real BBA so yeah that's what I want there you go there you go Spiros great and all but it's not like a cat I want like a baby baby so have you guys have you experienced that here it will start with you LAN you've been to the most of these shows again but have you experienced that like yeah I saw that in real life and then later on it's just like holy lon you got to see that whole alone I don't think I've had an experience like that yes I'd almost like the first time I got to meet the entire Android authority I will say though like I I did experience something pretty cool and if you get the chance to like you got some free time you should definitely check it out it's like you know Google has like their home set up like then not waterproof or yeah they have said that rain it's actually really cool it's a lot of fun like they take you on this little tour like it starts off like you're in this room and it's like this big uterus of like round couch or whatever it is everybody just like lays down on it and you just look up the ceiling I'm like they they like broadcast is like little little little movie like I'm on the ceiling so we're just watching it right and then they take you to another room where you like to do a bunch of like Google assistants like you stand on like a little podium and whatever comes up you just read it there's like a google just set off like at the end of it like like one of the things like it's like baking and you actually get a real cookie I got a shot by there yeah they open the oven like it's like what's going to be their chocolate but after they get a glass of milk but after that like you go upstairs well you have the option to go upstairs and then they cried like the little slide down so we wanted slide yeah so we went up there and it didn't like to see one of the CES recaps like we all took the slide out like the building so it's pretty cool it's a lot of fun I'm imagining the altered carbon booth with a slide at the back people good look at this humanoid yeah all right Adam what's your you you said you had that you got to see something that later everybody was like I've only been to one see yes no last year I was helping out with one of the properties but we did a self-driving car was like my first demo with Chris Carlin and grossie I think it was and we were just like we got into BMW I think the i-5 series I got the self-driving one and like you see the concept car it looks really futuristic cuz they don't think there's gonna be like a driver's seat in it whatever we're like okay this is cool like they're taking me ro they're like alright you guys want to ride in it we're like yeah in this and they're like no no we have the self-driving technology and like an actual being government we're like okay cool so like we get in it and I was driving the car in the highway and the PR guy is like oh yeah I just take your hands off the wheel and I was like not getting like 55 on a highway in Vegas I'm like I don't think I will he's like no no really it's okay so I'm like and I'm like it's going straight whatever no big deal like it notices when people are in the lanes next to you it slows down the sort of fun my god then he's like yeah in the future no one's gonna be driving you could just have conversations like turn around and talk to me and I was like driving talking to the guy in the backseat and it was the most like weird situation I've been in a while and then I got home like it was cool for me I was there I was like okay this is cool whatever then I got home and I was telling people and they're like what he drove in a self-driving car like that that was my big thing I was like yeah I guess that was kind of like 60 on a highway look hard though the guy behind me like I could have been texting like those bad commercials like his last text was this car can do all by itself yeah yeah exactly yeah that's really cool that was before I'm sorry anybody got out to the BMW cart tent out front here now they're just doing donuts in the car Oh smoke so it's just we were wondering like do the drivers just get nauseous after a while it's like eight hours of going in a circle just drifting around and oh yeah that's my figure eight keeps your balance - yeah trust me I mean I don't know your first show so you see anything you think would be that like you know everybody's gonna be clamoring over it and you're you're special you got to see it I think what's gonna be really cool it's actually uh something that we saw from creative which is pretty much they what they do is they have this app that you pretty much photographed your ear your face and then your other ear assuming you're so fortunate to have to and and they they measure the take those measurements and they predict they kind of like give you this reading of how you hear the world through the measurements that they take and it they're condensing it into this very small form factor which is pretty much able to go on you know your regular cable and I'm sorry man with the pics but yeah so it just gives you the ability to pretty much emulate dolby atmos type of sound through headphones you just have to have compatible headphones with the den it is gonna be a crowdsourcing project as a right now unless they change the status of that so we're kind of just waiting to see how that turns out because you know crowdsourcing can either be really cool or really non-existent the technologies are yeah the track is there and I mean I got passion it was it was awesome Chris and I couldn't tell when the headphones are on versus when the surround sound speakers were playing yes I was the one doing the b-roll for that and it's like they have all the surround sound speakers playing like a song or movie and then as they take off the headphones and turns on and when they put on two headphones the speaker's turn off but it continues playing in their headphones and they couldn't tell the difference so we hope that's all fun bad yeah it would be really cool ended on write a new dongle they like to say if it brings like actually brings something to the data let's react I mean there's no reason to still not have a headphone it's not get into that oh my god funny story I was on at a meeting the other day and it was like I had phone meeting obviously for audio oh so so he goes to like pass me the ox and I'm like oh yeah let me test this on for myself this is the price arts ever happened he literally lol's like he looked at me and just started cracking them yeah it was like thanks PR guy for laughing in my face my failure but it was really funny anyway all right guys before we before we close this out any final thoughts and your thinking else you'd like this yes check out sound guys this is a a a booth and a livestream but we've been doing some awesome stuff that sound guys we have way more content coming some really awesome interviews Lily got to interview Rohan Marley today the son of Bob Marley which was friggin crazy he's super chill Maryjo but it was really cool so check that out very good LAN final word final word say goodbye to the folks bye so I have no final words all right obviously yes I know you guys joined us from Android Authority side we do have our large family of websites did you sound guys drone rush we represent most of those here today thank you for checking them out we're obviously very interested in these things and we're excited to be able to have these properties so we can expand and cover more things a local name you talking about the cars I mean digit comm that's where we can talk about the cars thank you so much how off for joining us and I you know big farewell this may be our last livestream for us from CES 2018 that golden if we don't see you before then see you next year
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