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Google Nexus 7 Giveaway - Sunday Giveaway

strasburg are from android thority what's going on everybody and it's sunday which means it's time for another sunday giveaway now as far as last week's prize is concerned the winner of the LG optimus g pro is luis d so if that's you keep an eye on your inbox is because we're going to send you information on how to receive the prize you've just want all right let's move on into this week what are we giving away on this edition of the sunday giveaway that's right we're giving away the google nexus 7 by a sous this is the updated version for 2013 which updates the look of the original nexus 7 to a soft touch back and an even slimmer profile it packs the Snapdragon s4 pearl within and honestly is one of our favorite devices of this year I know it's definitely mine I use it all the time so the Nexus 7 is our prize where this weekend here is how you can enter to win head on over to the sunday giveaway page at android authority calm a link will be found in the description below from there you can log into the wrath of widget after which you'll get all the information you need to enter into the sunday giveaway on the one hand you can go ahead and sign up for our newsletter if you haven't already and that will be one entry a second entry will be given to you for downloading the android authority app after that just confirm all of your information and you're good to go for this sunday giveaway so all of you out there good luck and to whoever wins the nexus 7 i hope you enjoy just about as much as we've enjoyed ours stay tuned to android thority for all of the best coverage we have everything from weekly shows two reviews comparisons and even future focus videos and don't forget to drop us likes on our videos to subscribe to our channel if you haven't already and once you're done with all of that keep it tuned to android authority because we're your source for all things android
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