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Honor 6X International Giveaway!

hello again ladies and gentlemen i'm joe hindi from android authority calm and welcome back to the sunday giveaway let's roll that intro and check out what you could win this week ok real quick let's take a look at last week's contest before we get into this one the winner of the Google pixel excel has not been announced yet but when we do you'll be able to see it by checking out last week's contest page which is linked in the video description below if the winner happens to be watching it congratulations on your victory this week we're teaming up with honor to bring you the honor 6x it's a good mid-range phone that comes with a 5.5 inch 1080p display akhirin 655 3 gigabytes of RAM dual SIM functionality and a 30 340 milliamp hour battery overall it's not bad for its price which is generally around two hundred and fifty dollars if you want to learn more about the honor 6x we have our review linked up on the contest page and in the video description below okay let's get you folks entered to win at this contest the first up is heading to the contest page which is linked in the video description below once there check out all of the information we have there and then make your way on down to the contest widgets log into the widget so that you can get started you can tweet about the giveaway on Twitter for to contest entries you can come back once per day and do it again for a potential grand total of 14 contest entries that are available you can also visit honor USA on Facebook for an easy 4 contest entries you don't have to toss them alike if you don't want to but it's a good way to keep up with promotions and announcements you can also earn a whopping 5 contest entries if you follow on or USA on Twitter it's a great place to keep up with what they're doing and even ask them questions if you want to another option is to subscribe to honor USA's youtube channel for 5 contest entries there aren't a lot of videos there just yet but we imagine they'll be posting more sometime soon finally we want to know what you think of honours smartphones it can be positive or negative it doesn't matter and you'll get the for contest entries either way just pop a comment on the contest page and then put your username in the widget to earn those entries once you're done doing some or all of that stuff head to the refer friends section at the bottom of the widget to pick up your custom link share that link wherever you want and each person that enters using your link will earn you to contest entries with a maximum of 20 contest entries that are available and that about does it for this one folks if you want to keep watching we have our under 6 review linked up there on the screen and in the video description below don't forget to check out the contest page and keep it tuned to Android Authority because we are your source for all things Android thanks again for watching everybody best of luck in the contest and have a wonderful day
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