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How To Use Flash on Android & Do Extended Battery Cases Really Work? - Android Q&A

this episode of Android Q&A is sponsored by Netflix to get a free 30-day trial membership go to forward slash Android and sign up now welcome back to Android QA my name is Jason this is where we try and answer your most pressing Android questions like when your teenage son tries to pull you in the popular game rustling revolution but if you don't understand how to make your device flash enabled you can't play that game on your device and putting that teenager in his place might mean playing it out in real life first stop is that very question regarding flash what is the best app to watch flash content it's a very common question Rob and all you have to do is download this app and have some CM Punk fun the next question is you guessed it we always have to have more battery questions Cyrus asks hi Jace love your shows I was wondering if unofficial extended batteries are trustworthy and reliable for my galaxy s4 and if any of you are having RAM problems this next question is for you Faisal asks why is the RAM on my android device always near full do I have to kill the apps from the task manager well faisal Android is a multitasking operating system which means the apps don't really turn off until you tell them to turn off so when your Samsung device you hold down the home button until you get those apps there and then you can swipe them to close them this was particularly true with TouchWiz enabled devices because there's so much extra going on in the OS but for HTC Sense there's the home and back button and for Nexus devices there's a dedicated button for that but some of your hardcore geeks out there I can hear you're saying what about task manager apps like tasker they're very popular and yes but you know you need to know there are some downsides to that they do kill apps in an unnatural way and some developers do not support or refuse to deal with bugs that come from users who are using task managers because they kill their apps in an unnatural way they do not allow the user to use the app in the way that the developer originally designed or intended so for most people the easiest way to simply use the recent app manager like I demonstrated earlier thanks for watching a droid army my name is Jason I wanted to tell you I got lots of help today from my man the android authority app guy Joe Hindy you can check it as great content over here as you can with Josh and Kevin the tech ninja but you won't want to know what your homework was for this week and I wanted you to answer this question from Crytek jasa have a question I've got a nexus 5 but I realized I can't change the lock screen wallpaper to something else like I could have with my atrix 4g any suggestions on what i should do without rooting my phone or installing a custom lock screen app i love the stock google you I that's your homework for this week android army the first person to answer Crytek's question conclusively and able to back that up with links if necessary I will ship one of those to you anywhere in the world that something can be shipped I will see you next week on Android QA I have to go practice my flying elbows
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