welcome back to Android QA my name is
Jace and this is where we try and answer
your most pressing Android questions and
imagine for a moment if you are now a
new dad for the first time and your wife
is just heroically giving birth to your
first child and someone captures this
precious moment
yeah you're going to be enjoying that
photo for many years to come right no
because your data has been wiped from
the cloud wiped from your hard drives
gone you my friend have been hacked
happens every day and the problem is
people don't know what a real threat and
what's just fear-mongering there's the
NSA really reading your text when it
comes to privacy and security what is a
real threat that more coming up don't
worry we're going to take care of you
all right so my dear friends please meet
mat Honan and if you haven't heard of
mat story before in his own words he
says in the space of one hour his
complete digital life was destroyed
first my Google account was taken over
then deleted next my Twitter account was
compromised and used as a platform to
broadcast racist and homophobic messages
worst of all my Apple ID account was
broken into and my hackers used it to
remotely erase all my data on my phone
my tablet and my computer you see Matt
made the mistake of leaving himself very
vulnerable but to be fair how many of us
do all the same things in many ways this
was all my fault my accounts were daisy
chained together getting into Amazon let
my hackers into Apple ID account which
helped them get into my gmail which gave
them access to my Twitter had I use
two-factor authentication for my Google
account it's possible that none of this
would have happened because their
ultimate goal was to take over my
Twitter account and wreak havoc lulz so
Matt lost many of his most precious
digital items because of what's called
social engineering what is social
engineering social engineering is the
process by which a hacker must go
through to guess your passwords for your
social media profiles so of course
you're not silly enough to put out your
password or post your password somewhere
that can be hacked but you do provide
public information about your birthday
your children's names your children's
birthdays where you went for your
honeymoon vacation for example
information that is often used in
passwords so once they gather this
information they put it through a
program that will generate possible
passwords they try hundreds of thousands
of combinations until they find the
right one that's the process of social
engineering so if you're one of those
people who think that this is too
far-fetched and difficult for a hacker
to do oh how naive you are
check out the most popular passwords for
2013 it doesn't inspire confidence my
personal favorites 1 2 3 4 5 6
password 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and I love you
all right let's get real practical and
talk about the top three things we all
need to do to protect our passwords
seriously you got to start
doing them because you can't come back
to me and complain that you lost your
favorite pic of you and Luke Perry Luke
Perry's probably glad they're gone so
not only should you not use any of these
simple passwords but you don't want to
use anything that could be socially
engineered like your pet's name the name
of your child your birthday or any
birthday of a family member number two
do use alphanumeric case-sensitive
combinations instead of using Jace loves
tech you want to make it complicated
enough that it's extremely hard for any
hacker to deduce and meaningful enough
for you to remember
so one serious geek is a better example
because it not only uses eight
characters lots of alphanumeric
combinations but it's relevant to me now
if you feel that that password is too
complicated to remember that brings us
to our third and final point you really
need to consider using a password
protection program like LastPass now
LastPass does not sponsor the show
that'll pay me anything to say this you
can use other programs that are free
some are premium I know LastPass and
what LastPass does and other programs
like it is that they take one secure
password you only have to remember one
very secure password like the option I
gave you earlier and it generates
passwords on its own for all your social
media profiles you don't need to
remember them LastPass does that for you
super super helpful and secure so now it
does leave you vulnerable with that one
password if someone gets to that
password you're in deep deep trouble
that's why you need to follow those
guidelines in creating a super secure
password now of course there is
two-factor authentication when it comes
to using Google services and that is
very secure very helpful I do recommend
that I don't use it personally though
because it is a massive pain in the butt
it's very time consuming so you guys
going to make your own judgment call
there so now we come to Big Brother his
Big Brother watching you do they care to
read your text to your mother well yes
sort of it works a little something like
this documents obtained by The
Washington Post indicate that the
National Security Agency is collecting
billions of records a day to track the
location of mobile phone users around
old the NSA collects this location and
travel habit data in order to target
development to find unknown associates
of targets it already knows about to
accomplish this the NSA compiles
information on a vast database of
devices and their locations
most of these collected by definition
are suspected of no wrongdoing officials
say they do not purposely collect us a
phone locations in bulk but a large
number are swept up incidentally so to
translate that a little bit for you know
there is no individual person on a phone
or computer reading or watching your
text in real time but they are
collecting your data all of it not just
US citizens everyone everywhere for what
well they don't really know but they
want all this information that they
consist and process through to find
targeted information but as the
Washington Post found out they're not
just using it just for anti-terrorist
activities they're using it for anything
they want there is no privacy privacy is
done now comes the question what do you
do about it become Survivorman
live off the grid learn how to create a
file with a bow-drill yeah go hardcore
like to work and only a little bit more
practical is the private browsing option
in Firefox the incognito mode extension
for Chrome and the in private browsing
option feature for Internet Explorer now
I did quite a bit of research and
reading on this and there's a number of
different avenues that you can take to
increase your privacy a little bit but I
gotta tell you I gotta be frank there's
really not much you can do as an
individual to change this the NSA and
government agencies like them just have
way too much money way too much
resources and the political will to find
out what they want to find out the real
solution is to change the culture and
change the political will and make
privacy a priority because right now
it's not so y'all know I can't end on a
sour note like that so when I feel
depressed and down I turn to one thing
thanks for watching Android army my name
is Jace I would love to connect with you
right here on Google+ or Twitter read
all my comments out replies yeah tell me
what you think of today's show and don't
forget about my brothers in Android they
work really hard we have an awesome team
now we are about to hit a million subs
people a million subs that is more than
500,000 subs in the year that I've been
here this is my one-year anniversary now
yeah don't forget about my brothers in
Android jaws gentlemen tech ninja Kevin
LAN and Chris all working really hard to
deliver the best and direct content of
the web I should see you next week on
Android QA
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