hey guys it starts to lock away here
from android authority we're just at the
Samsung impact Berlin we're gonna have a
presentation we're in all likelihood the
Galaxy Note 2 will be revealed we're
just here with Ryan's Biden is the
director of product marketing for
samsung merit mobile Americas and he's
just going to talk about the design
philosophy and a couple other things
that only a man of his talents can talk
about thanks thanks so well I think it's
difficult to kind of live up to that
introduction there's a lot of really
cool stuff that we're doing that's
fairly unique and kind of for us is a
pretty big departure from the way we
kind of would have done things
historically I mean talk about our
design language for example with the
galaxy s3 we announced kind of that's
designed by nature philosophy yes
movement inspired yeah exactly it's part
now inspired by nature designed for
human excellent but the important thing
about that is it was really getting away
from how phones how mobile kind of
looked traditionally a and really sort
of turning our course
what we've done now with the galaxy note
2 you can get a lot of that same idea so
looks very very much like the galaxy s3
designs like curves beautiful and so you
extend that into software with nature UX
and what we've been doing and evolving
TouchWiz who did have give our phones a
unique feel and you def laver so when
you walk in and you're looking for an
Android device your Samsung device
experience will be pretty consistent
that's exactly what we want to drive too
early to get consumers come in looking
for a samsung device rather than just
another Android exactly so that's a big
part of it and that we've been doing a
lot of work also on kind of the UX side
so the user experience and new ways to
interact with your phone so we started
with gestures on the galaxy s3 so you
could like we're a couple mode turn over
to mute for example or s beam kind of
attack to share stuff so I'm sorry
starting to work on those kinds of
things around gestures and then we had
voice control voice command for apps so
I'm able to take pictures news your
alarm that can wait that kind of stuff
yeah then also with the S Pen so
obviously with what we're doing with the
note the note 2 allowing people to
interact with their devices in a really
familiar way is really important to us
and so it's not just about the
traditional things you think about using
something like the S Pen like a nail
stylist but really what we've done is
integrated into the device experience so
it's actually a feature called air view
but what allows you to do is actually
hover the S Pen over your device and you
can actually see kind of like a cursor
pinpoint on screen and so I kind of like
it so I'm consider it a lot like PC
experience with a mouse so kind of view
and mouse over things or in this case
yeah air view / full
sure and it expands some kind of stadium
flex matic productivity to the way you
use the device but kind of again
integrating into how you use the device
rather than just an attack on feature so
for us it's been about this idea of
Tucson defining our own kind of language
our own Samsung device yeah and then
innovating with just got to unify it
make it simple and intuitive that's
that's that's the next step obviously a
lot of people have samsung tvs in their
home you know the display divisions very
large in terms of being able to get
content to seamlessly integrate with
other samsung devices there's some
features baked in yeah we're absolutely
working on sidestep so the big thing is
we've got there's there's two main
things i would say that we're really
doing to help their one is all share
yeah so that's our traditional DLNA yes
we've really simplified that now an
excellent our new devices it's actually
contextually integrated into a player
wonderful so for example if you've got
and i'll share enable TV active ice on
your network they see each other
automatically very good while you're
watching the video just click the icon
ekron automagically and you're going to
go over a lot of magic claim at the
other cool thing though and a bit more
kind of broad-reaching is what we're
doing with the all-share play okay so
and that's now an app that you can find
on our Smart TVs it's on our phone yes
they can get it for your pc and so
basically now you can have access to
content on any of those devices it afore
from any of those devices so rather than
having say i've got i shot a video the
soccer game on my phone i don't have my
phone in the living room kitchen okay i
got actually browse all excellent play
so making it easy to get to this content
yeah ever it is not kind of locking it
in one device or another i hope my
grandma can figure it out well we're
working to get there so that so that's
the goal right yeah that's the stuff is
great this technology is great yeah and
we're bringing lots and lots of new
features to the market yeah the reality
is is now we need to simplify make early
a lot more easy and
it's tall order you know but
simplicities is really what people are
looking for exactly none of it's easy
and also too there's a big departure you
know from the spec focus you know
obviously we sell there with the s3
launch yeah and I think we're going to
see that tonight to are we well at the
home for us is the specs are great but
it's what you're doing with the devices
we put yeah right the experience I'm not
convinced that chasing a quad-core 1.6
gigahertz processor it's like the right
thing I mean it's a great pretty cool
don't get me wrong it's going to ask
I'll Raza yeah absolutely GPU one that
thinks fantastic but yes the moral the
story is it's now what you can do with
that device precisely right so for us
it's more about communicating what are
those experiences were the new things
that technology enables mmm rather than
the technology for technology's sake
aspect of it what's up question so this
is device that's launching with jelly
bean you know and was working with
Google they've been able I know they
made some architectural changes to
Android that facilitate you know updates
you know so nothing's break any better
they're obviously we all know how it
goes yeah by device and certain
manufacturers like LG you know they have
a really bad track record without being
devices in a prompt fashion particularly
like carrier back device all right and I
think so there's a few things there we
work very closely with google i meanyeah
largest android OEM straight time
obviously we work very closely and we
know that from a consumer standpoint
particularly enthusiast consumers
getting access to the most recent
software we really important yeah it is
I think what you'll see is from ice
cream sandwich or from gingerbread ice
cream sandwich was a pretty fundamental
oh yeah technology big time and I think
what we're seeing is a lot less
integration work moving from gingerbread
a lot easier essentially okay that's
fantastic so what it sorry for my HBO to
jelly bean place the moral of that story
is I know lots of people are clamoring
for jelly bean on their device they are
the answers were working on it I
understand I like I gotcha and in terms
of when the device will be available can
you give us basically all we're seeing
today is that the note 2 will be
available later this year hey due to
this year they do this you gotta do have
added than that that is unfortunately so
wait come on you three or q 40 with that
six-month window I all right if I was a
betting man oh yeah I mean there's not a
whole lot of time actually left in this
year no think about it practically
because we sit here at the I don't know
what is a bad idea I think its 29th oh
ah good point yeah so no that's exact so
it will be available this year
unfortunately be any more specific than
that okay but in terms it's going to be
similar to what happened with the s3 you
know obviously Samsung's going for a
global United rollout got it I can't
give you anything on it okay basically
so what we're doing today is we're
adapting the book the global device yeah
I mean we've done this with devices
before the galaxy s3 yes oh yeah device
is going for it as soon a templated
galaxy s3 and our other kind of
iconic samsung experience devices yeah
trying to have as broadly consistent
experience across the planet eyes are
really important and I feel the same way
about the note so having said that we
gotta wait and see till we make specific
announcements about the US and the
mark-up so I completely understand so
and also i had a technical question so
it is a 12 at 1280 by 720 panel yeah HD
super amoled but it isn't of the pentel
matrix variety so it has a full RGB
adventure so a great color reproduction
everything ok yeah actually it is the
next like the next evolution of our
Super AMOLED technology look so it is
like brighter crisper look yeah i mean
it really like just comparing with this
place today you could really see the
difference very robust clear the whites
RX limey obviously we're very proud of
our super amoled displays yeah this is
just another great example sumers love
you know that's fantastic but it is a
step down and resolution you know over
the note well I mean what we were going
for is so there was a couple of things
I've actually led to decision so with
1280 bar 1280 by 720 standard kind of HD
720p resolution Tom so a couple of
reasons why I mean one is obviously for
media consumption perspective yeah it
matters yes the other is really from
kind of wanting to give a consumer a
larger screen yeah but also have a
continued to fitness
precisely so what you've got with this
one because of the curves and because of
the slightly slightly different aspect
ratio 69 and 60 to 69 what you've got is
a bigger screen and advice it's actually
a little bit narrower than the Auriga so
it was a really nice thin bezel on the
van so you can hold a it feels great
okay what we're comfortable than the
original okay excellent and also to in
terms of the image sensor can you
comment on the technicalities and that
is it the same image sensor in the note
or in the s3 it's a great question yeah
so I don't know if the same Park number
okay it's got all the same kind of
performance and camera stuff that we
named one would think that it would be
yeah that's really awesome camera stuff
yeah that we announced on the s3 what I
was going to say is there's actually a
bunch of new software features like some
new group shot stuff we're actually kind
of browse through the different facial
expressions on people get a full picture
yeah so software like that I mean zero
shutter like all that sink and stuff but
it is still eight megapixel okay so what
I wanted to focus on is I mean the other
thing we're announcing here is a galaxy
camera yes of course right so with look
we've got a 16 mag time optical zoom all
I got nice nice device so if you're
looking for camera first device I think
that's great for ya but for us I mean
for most consumers a lot of feedback
we're getting today the 8 megapixel
shooter is great it is one attach those
work on enhancing the software
experience behind that I mean six
pictures a second all the stuff above
the social sharing obviously you know
being able to automatically determine
what the best picture is yeah that's all
wonderful stuff so yeah I mean I wish I
could ask you guys a question and i'll
do my best here I really appreciate your
time from a man thanks very much for
everything welcome okay all right guys
we'll see you soon we'll be reporting
live here at IFA berlin we got lots of
good stuff coming from android authority
the number one android site on the web
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