hello there my name is Gary Sims from
Android authority if you've ever wanted
to write an Android app you're probably
going to have to do some programming now
Java is the official language of the
Android operating system not only is it
used to create apps it's also used to
write actually parts of the OS itself
now when you want to write an app there
are two aspects the first part is the
java language and the second part is the
Android software development kit and
today we're going to be looking at the
first part Java
to start writing Java programs you need
a way to compile source code and turn it
into an executable for the Java Runtime
the normal way to do this is to install
the Java development kit which you can
download from Oracle's website however
if you aren't ready to install the Java
development kit then you want a quick
route to trying your first Java program
then I recommend coding comm coding
gives you access to a free virtual
machine with all the compilers and tools
you need to run a Java program as well
as developing other languages like Go
Python node and C to sign up just visit
coding com type in your email address
and a password of your choice and then
click sign up the coding virtual machine
comes with an IDE and command line
access the web view of the virtual
machine is divided into four parts on
the left is the coding control panel
with access to your account details the
virtual machines you have created and so
on next is the file manager which shows
all the files and folders you have on
your virtual machine next to that the
screen is split into two the top half is
an editor for writing your code and the
bottom half gives you access to the
command line
now all the code for today's video is
available on the android authority
website in the written companion which
will be linked in the video description
so our first program is the hello world
program cut and paste the hello world
code into the editor and save it as
helloworld.java now in Java the file
name of the source code and the class
name must be the same the first line of
the code declares a class called hello
world so the source code must be called
HelloWorld dot Java encoding to save the
hover the mouse over the tab for the
code probably called untitled text and
click on the little arrow then click
save as
enter HelloWorld dot Java as a file name
and click Save at the bottom of the
screen is the command line the virtual
machine is running Linux and the
terminal is running bash to compile the
program type in Java C space HelloWorld
dot Java the compiles will only take a
second or two you can then run the
program by typing Java HelloWorld the
reward is the text hello world being
displayed in the terminal
so let's just take a moment to look at
what happened first the source code the
file does three things it declares a
class called hello world it defines a
method a function in the hello world
class called main and that main method
calls system dot out dot print line to
output some text each Java program must
define a method called main in at least
one of its classes it is the entry point
where the program starts executing once
the program is written you then have to
compile it and compile the program you
first call Java C and then to run it you
call Java the first is the compiler and
hence the letter C at the end and the
second is the Java Virtual Machine
when writing computer programs you will
often need to store data for temporary
use for example in an android game you
might want to store the score for the
current player these bits of data are
stored in variables a variable is a box
in which you can put some data and then
come back to it later to retrieve it
since data comes in different forms a
variable needs to define a type which
tell Java what you want to store in it
some of Java's primitive data types
include inter for integer double for
double precision floating point numbers
and boolean x' for true or false let's
look at the variable test program it's a
simple program that sets the value of a
variable prints out the variable to the
console changes the variable and then
print it out again cut and paste the
code into the editor and then save it as
a variable test Java to compile it type
Java C variable test dot Java and to run
it use Java variable test as you can see
the program defines a variable called I
and then gives it an initial value of 1
the value of I is printed to the console
then I is set to a new value of I plus
24 now since I is already one that
really means one plus 24 which is 25 and
so the new value is then printed out
onto the console try modifying the
program yourself to use a double rather
than int set I to something like 1.3 and
increase its value by a decimal number
like 24.9 and see what happens if you
take a look at the print line method you
will see that an integer is being added
to a string the string being the value
of I is : and then of course it does
plus I what actually is happening here
is that Java knows that the first part
of the expression is a string so it
generates a string value for I in other
words it converts the 1 or the 25 into
the characters 1 or 25 and then
concatenate them to the string giving
you the final string output the value of
I is 1 or the value of I is 25
strings are an important part of any
programming language including Java
unlike int or boolean a string isn't a
primitive type it's actually a class
when you create a string variable you
are creating a string object and notice
it uses the capital S run the small s as
an object it has certain properties like
a value the string itself and its length
strings can be manipulated in lots of
different ways including being dissected
concatenated compared and searched so
let's take a look at the playing with
strings source code cut and paste it
into the web editor save it as playing
with strings Java and compile it and run
it using Java C and Java as we have done
previously the first part of the program
creates a string called hello and gives
it a value of hello world although this
might look similar to how you declare an
assign an integer or a different
primitive type actually there's a lot
more going on here Java allows simple
operators like equals and plus to be
assigned to objects so really although
it might look like you're just assigning
the value hello world to the string
what's actually happening is a new
object of type string is being created
and the value hello world is being
passed to its constructor but we'll talk
more about that in the object section
the next part shows how you can
concatenate strings in this case an
exclamation point is added to the end of
the string now since string is an object
it can have methods so string dot
substring is a method which returns part
of the string in this case the first
five characters string dot trim is
another method that removes leading and
trailing spaces the last part of the
program demonstrates string dot to
uppercase and string dot to lowercase
computers are good at doing repetitive
tasks as do repetitive tasks in a
programming language you use a construct
called a loop now Java has three types
of loop the while loop the for loop and
the do-while loop and they're all
basically the same in that they keep on
looping around until a certain condition
is met so let's take a look at a loops
example this particular one will show
you how to print out the numbers 1 to 10
11 to 20 and 21 to 30 using three
different types of loops as before copy
of the source code from the written
companion and put it into a file called
loop store Java you'll then be able to
compile it and run it as you have done
the previous programs the for loop has
three parts the first part is the
initializer that's the int I is equal to
one and it's only executed once what it
does is declare an integer called I and
sets its value to one then comes a test
expression I is less than or equal to
ten this expression will be tested every
time the loop goes round if the result
of the test is true it will go round
again and in our example is used to see
whether I is still less than or equal to
ten after each iteration the third
section the iterator will be executed in
our example it increases the value of I
by one note the I is equal to I plus one
is actually the same as I plus plus the
while loop is very similar to the for
loop except it doesn't contain the
initialization phase nor the iterator
phase that means the initialization
needs to be done separately in our
example is the int J is equal to 11
which appears before the loop starts the
iterator also needs to be coded
separately in our example it is the j
plus plus line which can be found inside
the loop just after the call to print
line a do-while loop is very similar to
a while loop with one big difference the
test to see if a loop should continue is
at the end of the loop and not at the
start this means that a do-while is
guaranteed to execute at least once but
a while loop doesn't even need to
execute at all if the conditions aren't
met the entrance into the loop like the
while loop the initialization needs to
happen outside the loop and in our
example this is the int X is equal to
twenty one line and the iterator needs
to occur inside the loop
X plus plus when X goes over 30 the loop
will stop
as I mentioned before Java is an
object-oriented programming language and
to really succeed in Android programming
you're going to need to understand some
important oo concepts the first one is
what is an object an object is basically
a set of methods or functions along with
a set of data the data and the methods
belong to the object and work for the
object let's have a look at an example
here is a program that create a very
simple counter object the counter orbit
has one piece of data the integer
variable count and three methods besides
the main method counter increment and
get count leaving the first method out
for the moment you can see that
increment and get counter very simple
the first one adds to the internal
variable count and the second one just
returns its value until now all the
methods we have declared started with
public void but if you notice the get
count methods start with public int but
the difference between void and int is
this void declares that the method
doesn't return anything
there will be no result coming back out
of the method but in tells us that the
method will return a number specifically
an integer you can actually create
methods that return all kinds of data
including objects notice that the first
method has the same name as the class
itself ie counter and it doesn't have a
return type not even void this is a
special method called constructor the
constructor is called only once at the
moment that the object is created it is
used to initialize the object with
default values and perform other
necessary is initialization tasks in
this example or it does is set count to
now there's one last concept we need to
look at before we come to a close and
that's the idea of inheritance now in
Java you can create an abstract class
that represents an abstract idea and
derived classes from it which are called
subclasses in the written companion I
show you how to create a class called
animal it could be any animal and I
derive from it a class called elk now
when you do that what happens is some of
the methods and some of the data that
are in the superclass animal
automatically get inherited now belong
to the subclass elk go check out the
source code in the written companion
have a read about the explanations I
give you there and see what you think
well my name's Gary Sims from Android
Authority I hope you've enjoyed this
video if you did please do give it a
thumbs up I really do recommend that you
try out some of these examples I've
given try out what's written in the
written example go to coding com get
yourself an account install the Java
compiler if you need to on your PC or on
your Mac just try it out can't do any
harm it's good fun if you've got any
questions why not leave them in the
comments below we'll try our best to
help you out if you've got any
experience is about learning job you
want to share with us leave them in the
comments below if you've got maybe some
books that you recommend also leave them
in the comments below and as for me I'll
see you in my next video
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