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LG V20 vs Galaxy Note 7 - Camera Shootout!

what's up guys lon here from Android Authority and we got a chance to take a pretty extensive look at the LGV 20 and we figured why not compare its camera to one of the best smartphone cameras currently on the market with the note 7 but before we get into all of that our very own Joshua Pagar is going to walk you through the new camera app on the LGB 20 hey it's Josh regard from Android Authority what's going on everybody and here we're taking a look at the LG v 20 but in this particular video we're going to take a look at the cameras CS cameras we have two different lenses on the back and the front of the LGV 20 that have wide-angle lenses as part of the construction so you have the ability to take some narrow shots and some wide shots no matter which side of the cameras you're using but we're going to go ahead and fire up the camera here and take a look at the different elements now the interface of the LG v 20s cameras actually use the second screen up here so you can change between of a number of different modes there is the auto mode here that will allow for the usage of the simple mode just tapping on the screen in order to focus and taking your shot which is really easy and there are a few modes that you can go through including time-lapse which I used a lot in a vlogging video that you'll be able to see here at Android authorities YouTube channel now you also have pop-out the multi view which are also used and after that you also have the panorama a couple modes that are pretty standard for a camera like this moving over to the manual photo mode you have all of the different options down here for shutter speed the white balance even manual focus so that you can change the focus and as you can see there it has focus peaking so all of that green fuzzy lining that you see around certain subjects that means that that subject is in focus so it'll be easy to get the focus so that you can easily get a very crisp shot so finally we have the manual video mode now you get all of the same options on here with a couple of additions including an audio monitor and the ability to change the audio settings by changing limits also the gain and even changing the direction which you try to do in a couple of Clips in that vlogging video so if we turn off the options that you just have the full area in the viewfinder and we turn off the lock on the autofocus and the auto exposure and you can still use it for the most part like an auto mode but it's when you get into all of the different settings that you can change everything to get the perfect shot that you want and of course you have the manual focus which will be available with the focus peaking but the focus peaking does not work while you are recording your video now that you're a little more familiar with a be twenties camera software and the features that it brings to the table let's take a look at a few camera samples and see exactly how will it be 20 stacks up against the note 7 in terms of picture quality something to bear in mind as we take a look at these photos is that the b20 that we have is a pre-production unit and while we're pretty confident a whole lot isn't going to change with the final production unit it is still a possibility that there could be some changes to the camera software and its image processing so we're going to start with a low-light shot simply because a lot more people these days are taking photos in low light so low light performance on a smartphone camera is becoming increasingly more important this is an image of the outside of a local bar in Berlin and without zooming in and pixel peeping the first thing you'll notice right off the bat is the colors of these two images are very different the image on the note 7 has much warmer color tones whereas the b20 is much cooler and a warmer or cooler image is more of a matter of personal preference but the note sevens image is actually the one that is more accurately portraying how it looked like in real life but that's about the only advantage that the note seven has in this shot as far as detail goes the v20 is much sharper and more detailed if you zoom in you'll definitely see noise which is to be expected on any camera in low-light but the noise on the b20 is much finer and more compact whereas the note 7 is much more spread out and splotchy in appearance and it just makes the overall image look much softer another prime example would be this cappuccino come again the note seven looks warmer than the image from the b20 and if you zoom in you'll see that the note seventh image is much softer especially along the edges and there's less detail now the V Tony isn't always superior in every low-light condition this one for example is from the inside of a bar and just like the first low-light shot that we looked at the note seven produces an image that is much more accurate to how it was perceived in real life while the v20 produced an image that looked extremely unnatural with excessive amounts of reds and oranges and it's also very overexposed if you're a foodie type person like me you'll most likely be using your camera a lot to document restaurants that you go to and the food that you eat so this next shot is of a sign for a restaurant called bun Bao yes I know what you're thinking an Asian restaurant in Germany sounds a little weird but trust me it was good stuff in terms of color and detail they both look pretty similar and I think most people would be happy with either one of these shots but it won't take long to notice that the biggest difference between these two shots is the dynamic range if you're look on the right side you can see perfectly through the windows on the note seven while on the b20 it's pretty tough to make out much of anything that's going on through those windows so there's definitely more detail here on the note seven but what about actual food photos well this first image is of a mango lassi drink that we had at this restaurant and you'll notice right away so the colors again are very different Samsung is usually known for putting a lot of saturation in their images but next to the same photo from the v20 the note 7 almost appears flat now extra color and saturation doesn't necessarily make one photo more superior than the other because things like color temperature and saturation is a matter of personal preference and you can easily achieve the same look by altering it in post which most people typically do anyways when posting photos to Instagram if you zoom in and take a closer look it's the same story that we saw from previous photos the noise that you see along the edges it's much finer on the b20 and it's just a much sharper image overall if we take a close look at this bun Bao burger that we had here you'll notice the same thing there's much more detail and more definitive lines on the v20 while everything just looks much softer on the note 7 and even looking at the background of this image you'll see a lot more splotchiness and it's just not as clean an image as the bee 20s another type of shot that a lot of people tend to take with their smartphones are macro shots this is a pretty simple close-up shot of a flower and in terms of color reproduction and detail you too look practically identical however you will notice that the note sevens image looks a lot closer and that's because it is in our experience of note 7 has a much shorter working distance allowing you to get much closer to your subject so if you like taking macro shots and getting up close and personal the note 7 looks to be a better camera for that to wrap up this camera comparison we're going to take a look at some wide landscape shots which is another very common type of photo that people like to take and this will give you an even better idea of how these new cameras perform in terms of overall detail and dynamic range this first image is of a fountain that we ran across here in Berlin just like the images that we looked at prior you'll immediately notice that the note sevens image is warmer and in this type of shot it works really well in Samsung's favour the Sun reflecting off the leaves around the fountain are much more prominent whereas on the b20 it almost looks like there isn't any Sun at all and that it was shot on a completely different day you'll also notice that again dynamic range here is also better which is easily noticeable just by looking at the clouds you can see the sky and the details and the clouds on the note 7 while on the v20 it's completely blown out and overexposed the same thing can be said with the second image here where there was a lot of harsh sunlight and a lot of shadows the clouds are blown out on this image as well and you can tell that it doesn't handle the harsh lighting from the Sun bouncing off these stone walls quite as well as the note 7 so in these type of situations Samsung definitely wins out here well that about does it for this quick feature focus and camera comparison between the b20 and the note 7 hopefully this gave you a better idea of how these two cameras compare in terms of photos and if you're wondering about the superior video capabilities of the V Tony you can check that out in a separate video where we spent the entire day blogging and testing out the video quality and features of the B Tony so keep it tuned here to Android authority for the rest of our b20 coverage and if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and check out the website as well for more in-depth coverage because we are your source for all things Android you
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