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Motorola Camera Shootout

what's up guys lon here from Andhra Authority and I'm joined by my good buddy David and we're here doing a quick camera comparison between all of the Motorola phones in all different price ranges especially since the release of the z3 or the announcement rather we thought it'd be interesting to do a camera comparison and see what difference you're actually getting between all the different price ranges so we have the e 5 plus the e 5 play the G 6 the g 6 play the Z 3 play and of course the Z 3 and we just have a few cameras and parallelism that we're gonna go through and just look at how much of a difference you're getting in picture quality when you go from the lowest end to the highest end yeah so Motorola has like a lot of phones out so you probably want to decide like how much money you want to spend to actually get that good photo quality and they're pretty drastically different so we kind of used the z3 as the standard image that we're comparing everything against because technically it's the most expensive should have the best camera yeah so we're just gonna get into it all right so we have a few different camera samples here from a variety of situations and the z3 is the image that you see on the left that is our control and the image on the right will be all the different Motorola devices from the e series the G Series and of course the z3 play and we're basically starting from the lowest to the highest end so right now you have the z3 against the e5 play here on the right and you can see there's a very significant difference in the image quality here the z3 obviously has better colors better dynamic range that I liked a little bit better even though they're still slightly blown out you really can't see a whole lot of detail on the e5 play here and if you zoom in and take a look at the just the amount of detail here yeah quite a bit of a difference and what you see here yeah even on the text there on the cup it's a really really soft on that a5 play yeah yeah and and of course you get a better look at the colors here as well you just have a more contrasting look on these III whereas the if I play just very very washed out in the entire image yeah overall I think the contrast is just way better okay so let's move on here to the next tier up which is the e5 plus and the results are a little bit closer and I would say thing actually yeah fairly similar really close I think the play is slightly better in this circumstance it could have just been random chance that it was you know decided it was gonna be slightly out of focus but alright it does look a little a little cleaner yeah the gap is definitely not as big going just going one tear up on Motorola smartphones the gap is definitely not as big as I thought it was gonna be yeah so let's go ahead and move on to the next one here which is the g s-- the g6 so this is the g6 here and again very close I would say now looks really good too to be honest like you see more color in that one the coffee cup on the right looks a little more like you feel like you get a little more dynamic range with it the text is really clear yeah I'm actually surprised that this camera it looks pretty good yeah it's it's the results are surprisingly really close it there's a little bit of a difference in warmth the g6 does have a slightly more of a yellowish tan yeah I see I can see that on the cup yeah but that also could be the lighting changing from outside as well affecting that so but otherwise like it's a pretty with it's pretty close pretty close but let's move on here this is the g6 play and pretty big difference in the highlights yeah the highlights are more blown out and then the darker areas are actually darker so it looks like there's more contrast yeah but it still didn't handle the highlights that well right and you can definitely see the difference in the coffee here if you look on the car kind of love it's illuminated in the bottom right and it's quite dark on the g6 play here so it was a very very big difference in just the overall contrast and with the shadows there and so let's move on to the last one which is going to be the z3 play which supposedly has the same exact sensor so we're expecting the images to look completely identical but they they don't they actually look quite different here and all the highlights look way better on a z3 play a little warmer slightly yeah the contrast looks pretty similar but the highlights have definitely managed a lot better on yeah yeah and the focus point is mostly on the left coffee cup on both images so we expected their results to be fairly similar but that just wasn't the case which is kind of interesting but maybe we took the photo again on the z3 it would have been exactly the same the colors on the coffee the contrast on the coffee cups looks pretty similar but if you look in the background the the highlights are just there's a huge difference yeah and that's really the the main difference with these two images here but yeah I'm gonna say this is probably a little bit of an outlier here because I think if we took this again it might be a completely different result yeah because this one did come out a little bit blurry so yeah alright so on this one I had lawn take a picture of me now this was a really ideal lighting situation it was right next to a bright window so there's a lot of the nice exposure the other side of my face is a little darkened but as you can kind of see so we're comparing the z3 versus the e5 play and the e5 play just has it's just really washed out like it just feels like it doesn't have that that contrast it doesn't have that color and and overall like yeah you're just getting less yeah you can also see like a huge difference in your skin tone I know it's just you look a lot more pale or you it looks more natural yellow and warm yeah exactly and the highlights of course on the left side of the wall here are gonna scream the glow now yeah so very significant difference yeah let's move to the e5 plus again a lot better yeah just just like the previous photo that we looked at the gap is significantly smaller hmm I mean for the most part there's not a huge difference again a skin tone yeah totally different I still think that the z3 handles the highlights a little better yeah I can see on the edge of my face it's just it's not as blown out as it is alright and if you also zoom into this window here in the back you can definitely see a slight difference in the detail here you get more from that window on the XIII there yeah but but overall I mean that even the detail on my face on the plus is pretty good this is the g6 here yeah definitely much warmer softer too right but overall still a pretty good image from the g6 here in terms of just the color the dynamic range is not bad either yeah it's pretty good let's see what the g6 plus has to offer here and what do you think about the way the g6 plus compares it's pretty good yeah I mean again this was super ideal lighting I think the sharpness looks a little bit reduced compared to the z3 and there's a little less color to I'd say it's like slightly more washed out definitely but not a lot I mean you can see the darker areas of my skin on this e3 are more punchy yeah but overall yeah I'd say it's a little bit why I still prefer the XIII's image overall again the highlights are much better as well you can see on the side of the wall there blown out is definitely a big difference there but overall again pretty close for the most part but the z3 is still edging it out and this last one where this is the z3 play actually a pretty significant difference in colors yeah it's pretty much - yeah like the your shirt doesn't look quite as grey and definitely more color on the v3 there so kind of interesting that there's that big of a difference but at the same time Ares yeah the z3 does have that monochrome sensor which does make a difference in detail yeah and affects the color as well so all right so this next image that we have is an outdoor shot really good lighting and it's also sort of it a landscape shot of building with a lot of detail a lot of text cars passing by as well I think the biggest difference that I know is just by looking at the images at the hole is the color reproduction the color is really different it's more of a teal on the right definitely the sky is like kind of weird the big thing I see here actually is dynamic range right you know there's really kind of like the difference between the sky and the building on the right is like not great there's like blown a highlights and then the dark areas feel too dark yeah and you have a lot of unnatural looking blues here on the e5 as well so so let's move on to the 'if I've + you see how difference how much of a difference there is on this one here and first thing I can see already is that the dynamic range is definitely better the sky looks a little bit more natural not as many blowing highlights yeah I think it could do to raise the shadows a little more it's definitely not as good as those III in terms of like you know getting that pixel look but overall the colors are way better for sure yeah yeah I definitely agree with the shadows they are a lot more crushed on the e5 plus here you don't see quite as much detail in the sign alright so this next one is the g6 and this is doing pretty well the dynamic dynamic range is better than the e5 play but the hue again of the skies are leaning more towards that teal area especially right above the top of the building it's a really teal again like the sign is a little you can't see the detail like you can see in the z3 with like all the LEDs mm-hmm but I mean overall I like that the shadows are raised yeah yeah alright so here we have the g6 play and again the color is a little bit different yeah I think the dynamic range is actually fairly close they're relatively similar yeah yeah the the shadows could be raised a little bit more if they wanted it to be more like those III just a slight that's very small amount it's harder to see on the sign because it's time changed a bit but the red looks a little more royal on the right relatively similar though really the dynamic range is just a little bit brighter on those III yeah I definitely agree with that but again like the the gap in image quality is definitely just closes yeah pretty significantly as we go up in price range which is which is what we sort of expected let's move on to the last one which is the XIII play again fairly similar I would say the XIII play is a slightly warmer image here and it's a color but as far as just the overall detail the way the image looks in terms of color I think they're actually fairly close they're both very appealing images yeah that's slightly different it's pretty contrast yeah I think yeah I think like you said with the warmer tone you can feel it in the white in the white of the building it's just definitely a little more like warm and even maybe a little bit green yeah yes slightly green so but the detail of the sign you can see the LEDs and like most of it so there's there yeah I mean this is the XIII play so it should be you know relatively close and I'd say that's true but it's definitely shifting more towards green yeah yeah and I would say now that we're zoomed in on both these images that the XIII is a little bit sharper and the signage you can see the LEDs the separation and LEDs a lot more yeah so there's a little bit more detail but fairly close images overall okay so for this last shot we went out at nighttime because we really wanted to see the low-light happening here the z3 actually on the left really captures the highlights that are available pretty well in the window they're pretty blown out but on the main point of interest that we took a picture of you can see that reflection off of it it's a little bit soft but overall it kind of captures the area at least so whereas the e5 play is definitely like it's just really dark like you can't really see the object that you're trying to take a picture of at least the you know through the window is less blown out but that's not that right right yeah cuz the the whole point is just the the object that you're focused on and it does III definitely captures the detail better yeah and you can see a lot more softness and more noise when you're home and yeah so when you're zooming in there you can really spot the differences very easily here there's a lot of noise in both but like it yeah is it awful yeah the z3 is definitely a much cleaner image overall you just look at these little circle pieces and the center column here you can't really see them yeah you can't really make them out that well on the e5 players though but again the e5 play has been our worst camera throughout this run yeah which which we sort of expected yeah okay so let's go ahead and switch over to the plus here and see what the difference is and okay interesting definitely a little bit closer but the z3 is still a much better image in terms of just giving you more detail it's a little bit brighter this is just a really dark photo just really dark yeah I mean I think it's a little cleaner it's definitely cleaner and less I feel like the the e5 play had that weird like gray hue over the entire thing all the time but like there's a little bit cleaner and but the blacks are definitely like a really crushed yeah it's not raising yeah I can definitely see a little bit more detail in the center column here with this image then with the e5 play so a little bit more detail but still not quite as good as the z3 yeah it does again kind of do the highlights a little bit better but I think that's on because the image is darker and here is the g6 okay and the g6 is actually a much brighter image then if I play for the e5 plus and it looks a little bit earlier actually it's got a warmer tone if you look in the main center column of the object it's definitely like a warmer brass color but overall noise seems relatively similar it's a little summer yeah I think yeah I think the g6 is definitely a little bit softer in detail the colors again like you mentioned looked a little bit different you can see that in the graph see that in the actual object itself but overall I again have to give it to the z3 here you can see the building the background doesn't look quite as clean either yeah so definitely a lot of detail that is missing on the g6 and here we have the the g6 play Wow and a very significant a very significant difference in the quality and you can really spot the differences pretty easily it just looks insanely blue even if you look at the blown out highlights there's straight-up blue and like any highlights and the entire image or like they get like a blue feel yeah yeah I feel like it has a very like greenish blue tinge yeah the entire photo yeah you can see that in the grass the building in the background and just everywhere in this photo really yeah the highlights are slightly better you do see a little bit more detail in the highlights but again the main point of focus and just the overall colors are not really that appealing yeah and then finally on to our last one here which is the z3 play again same main sensor but different secondary sensor and I think that plays a role here as well after for sure definitely softer I think the z3 play is also a little bit more washed out in color the black levels look a little bit on the right side yeah you can definitely see that in the building in the back though the subject itself looks really washed out doesn't have a whole lot of saturation and kind of like we talked about last time it's got that green hue a little bit mm-hmm kind of weird but even if you look at the sky like it's it's more gray than it is black yeah yeah overall though I'd say for most situations the z3 is gonna win out but the surprise contender absolutely the e5 plus yeah like in most lighting situations that one was great yeah and and like it's for the price it's very impressive what you can get from that camera and it was very surprising to see how well it actually stacked up too you know you know Motorola's main flagship which is the z3 and a lot of the results were fairly close I mean you could spot some differences for sure but I mean for the price you're getting a pretty good camera with the e5 plus there so that was a very yeah interesting to see with this comparison here and death wasn't optimized for low light but if you're just taking general photos it was pretty clean mm-hmm yeah yeah but that's really it for our quick camera shuddha our motorola camera shootout hopefully you guys enjoyed it and we had a lot of fun doing this and it was actually pretty cool to see the differences between all the price ranges so if you guys enjoyed this video and you want to see similar videos in the future let us know down in the comments section but that's it that's really it thank you guys for watching of course give this video a thumbs up if you did enjoy it subscribe to the channel down below hit that notifications bell so you don't miss out on our future video and also let us know what camera you liked the best because like we might you know thinks one thing is best but you know you could have a different opinion let us know that in the comments as well yeah definitely so thanks for watching guys and check us out on social media instagram twitter snapchat google+ all that good stuff down below and check the website for more in-depth coverage because we are your source for all things in android
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