dot dot at Google i/o there is actually
a video booth here and for the first
time at least for me I know some people
out there have already gotten their
hands on the shield this is my first
time I'm super excited we have Andrew
here from Nvidia giving us a quick
rundown of everything that the shield
has to offer if some of this news seems
a little bit you might know about some
of the things that the field offers but
now we get to see it first that's what
is important here so Kendra when we go
ahead and get started with our demo okay
today so this is a nvidia shield so
might have heard about it it's an
android gaming device so it runs native
android you see there it is android
jelly bean and so this is a touchscreen
720p display you have all your standard
Android applications maps and google
chrome and all that good stuff and also
any other android apps that you've
purchased over the years and then we
also have the shield dashboard in here
which shows you all the games that have
been optimized for shield so this is a
sort of more of a 3d feel but we didn't
want to pollute the standard android so
we sort of had that as a standalone app
so this has a TegraZone field i'll show
you all the upcoming games you can get a
full list and then if you see one of
interest you can click on it have a look
and if you click by you actually go to
the Play Store and actually can purchase
it there so i think it's worth
mentioning here
going to be looking primarily at the
android gaming aspect of the field I did
ask if extremely steam or your to the
show from a computer would be possible a
lot of quarters kind of leaving never
III that'll be a three yeah we don't
have that set up here so we just got the
standard native android gaming that the
pc does shield streaming yeah we'll let
that down at e3 from coming up to look
at that so I also heard that pre-orders
are going to be happening soon yep may
twentieth mate Tony okay and what price
point did the shield like oh yeah we
announced it yesterday so it's 349 so
good price of you know nice nice price
there it's not ridiculously expensive
but some people were worried about yeah
I think it's a really good value and it
definitely gives the best android gaming
experience by play father question for
you okay what do you
I Oh life kind of a split answered okay
okay so what I found is the standard
android apps are great that good maps is
really cool which is kind of weird but
then gaming is obviously grabs me that's
where i usually really give to play so
sonics a bit of an old favorite that i
love there are a couple of games that
are coming out I haven't been announced
yet that I've been testing you know
which you're pretty cool digunakan yeah
hook is pretty cool yeah and then also
some of the older emulators actually all
the red point work really well managed
in here yeah well luckily since we do
have the nvidia display and the shield
on hand here at Google i/o I'm gonna go
ahead and have a little bit of fun with
it myself we're going to report that
let's know kind of first impressions on
it but until then Andrew thank you so
much German pleasure yeah all right
android authority calm stay tuned we
have all the news coming to you from
google i/o 2013
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