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New HTC One Leaks, Oppo Find 7 50MP Camera?, Paranoid Android 4.0 - Android Weekly

this episode of android authorities brought to you by full sail university welcome back to android weekly my name is jason this is where we cover the week's Android news like how a young man somehow got his hands on the new HTC One we have a video to prove it and galaxy s4 users will be very happy to know they're getting KitKat Google's text-to-speech upgrade means that the voice will sound smoother and more natural good for me because if I have to continue to suffer google mouse harassment at least she'll sound more human while doing it geez they want your autograph I doubt that they think your grew yeah so the Android world was a flutter this past week with the release of a leaked video showing the supposed HTC m8 or rather the new HTC One it was shot by a young man who somehow got his hands on this flagship device before its launch and although he seems like an excited young man with a new toy he clearly did not understand the legal implications of the leak Jeff Gordon and HTC executives sent the young man an ominous tweet saying it's not gonna be a good week for you my friend but if the leaked video is real it shows that HTC has made some changes to their flagship device it appears from the video that HTC made several changes to the camera app and the cameras quality he received a high rating 8.7 from our young reviewer beats audio and the popular dual speaker setup remain on the HTC One 2014 and it also appears that there is an SD card slot although this could just be a feature included in the prototype moving on to news about paranoid android 4.0 the team behind paranoid android recently announced that it was killing the halo multitasking system but it turns out the team had larger plans for phandroid android almost everything in the rom is being redesigned to fit the team's vision of what makes a great rom based on stock android one of those added features is pi and it will be updated to fit the same aesthetic as the Google now launcher that means it will have easier access to Google now with a swipe to the left most home screen now the ultimate goal of version four point oh is to attract more people to the ROM and not just the same law who are comfortable with command line operations so one of the questions that comes up very frequently is hey Jase I want to learn how to code on Android well that is good good good because there is certainly a shortage of skilled software developers out there the concern is is that if you try and teach yourself which some people do with success but it is the most frustrating painful route and those who do succeed often have their first app looking something like this that's why I was genuinely excited to have full sail university join us because they help deal with this very challenged in this degree you'll learn both the programming and business side of mobile development so that you can develop and market an application from start to finish you'll explore advanced programming languages visual frameworks usability principles and app deployment for both iOS and Android students also receive a macbook pro with all the industry tools don't move now if you're serious about competing in this rapidly growing industry and not just talk about it visit Full Sail edu /a authority to learn more about this online degree program now moving on to the bodacious claim that the Oppo find 7 will have a rumored 50 megapixel camera 50 perfect for those of us android users who want to point our camera to the sky to help find water on Mars according to a post on Weibo the OPA find seven will have a 50 megapixel camera apparently oppa has already posted a sample photo to prove it with a massive crop factor the Oppo find 7 is scheduled for an official announcement on March 19th so we are right on track for leaks and teasers Oppo has already teased a 5.5 inch 2600 x 1440 display and leaks have suggested it will have 3 gigabytes of ram and a snapdragon 800 processor not a bad phone at all now what was believed that there would only be a 13 megapixel camera but now we believe where we wonder if opal has seriously stepped up the specs to outdo any of the competition thanks for watching a droid army my name is Jason you should know that we have been sending out those t-shirts to our Android QA winners thanks to Kyle here for sharing his photo with us looking good Kyle the rest of you please share your photos with us I will only share them publicly it with your permission of course but my question for the rest is surrounding the whole new HTC One what do you guys think of that phone I mean it looks fantastic if the specs are accurate I think it's possibly a great phone I'm really looking forward to how HTC Sense six works on the phone the build quality looks fantastic I'm a little torn because I am looking to buy a new phone in the next few weeks what should I get you know toss between the nexus 5 the Moto X and now maybe the HTC One but it's five inches and I would prefer something a little smaller let me know in the comments below what you think I should see you next week on Android Q&A
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