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Next Big Thing - Myant SKIIN?

everyone wants to talk about what the next big thing is I don't know but I can tell you what it's not gonna be it's not gonna be a smart phone the next big thing in my mind is a product that creates its own category and then becomes the leader in that category and today I want to talk about a possible candidate meet Myatt skin it's a smart underwear range featuring integrated sensors to monitor your body's heart rate activity posture and even your hydration levels and temperature the product provides haptic notifications meaning the module will let you know when it thinks you need a break or your stress is too high via Bluetooth the module will work up to five meters from your phone it's available both on iOS and Android and provides a 24 hour battery life achieving all-day monitoring on a 5 hour charge but you should also know that they do provide wireless charging which improves the situation a bit and you can also trust that over time just like smartwatches battery life will improve significantly over time so why oh why do I get so excited about new categories because it affects how we look at new technology and that's why we're here right I mean you and I live in a bit of a bubble we get excited about the new phone that's possibly gonna have a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack or the new oneplus device that's gonna have the latest Android update really it has fewer and fewer impacts on fewer and fewer people but a new category potentially could have massive disproportional impact on much of the world look at McDonald's for example great example not only did they invent the drive-through and made hamburgers and fries popular shakes popular playgrounds in restaurants popular they are the company that has the most influence on meat in North America you know why because they purchase more meat than any other purchaser in North America so they have a say on how your meat is produced for people who never shop at McDonald's that's a crazy amount of influence they don't just make the most money they have the most say on how things happen in our society Apple for example makes 90 percent of the markets profit that doesn't mean 90 percent of the market share we know Android dominates that but they make 90 percent of the cash Samsung being the behemoth that they are in the smartphone market is a distant second to Apple it's true how much farther is LG and HTC think about that there is a massive advantage to be first in your category so the smart thing is not to chase the number one person in your category it's to create your own category promote the category and be number one in that category so Myatt skin why are they candidate let's talk about that I was reading about this company and also listening to keynote speeches by their CEO Tony Shaheen and the man has vision Tony must have read the 22 immutable laws of marketing because in his keynote speech given a year and a half ago he talks about why he chose this category of textiles specifically smart underwear why well everyone wears underwear people buy far more underwear and socks than they do smart phones or computers it's a massive multi-billion dollar market it's also something that is close to the skin right it's a very practical thing if you're trying to make some sort of smart clothes to monitor your biometrics you want it to be tight to your skin everyone wears it it's easy you can wash it those modules are removable so you're not worrying about washing the module in the wash lots of practical reasons why it was chosen it's also a sexy thing to market smart underwear now some of us may brush this off as being a little bit of a gimmick I mean who needs smart underwear I don't need my temperature monitored I don't need you to text my wife when I'm feeling stressed if I feel stressed and I want support for my wife I will let her know but think about the possibilities when it comes to health care specifically those who don't have the agency to care for their own health if you've ever been responsible for caring for a very elderly family member there are advantages to being able to monitor those biometrics when you can't monitor them yourself very closely they also have other products they've been demoing that not only monitor their biometrics but can actually actuate or stimulate muscles pretty cool think about the possibilities for physiotherapy muscle recovery also what came to mind for me was newborn babies to help monitor babies who are in their crib when they can't be supervised you can monitor essential information I know lots of parents would like that I would have liked it when I was a new parent so let me know in the comments below what you think the next best thing could be a leader in a new category it doesn't have to be wearables it could be just general internet of things or something completely different I would love to hear it in the comments below or on Twitter like me do you like ultra-thin phone cases if so you just need protection 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