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Nexus 5 International Giveaway

hello again ladies and gentlemen I'm Joe Hindy from Android of it's Sunday and while you're nursing that hangover why not enter to win a brand new smartphone before we get started with this week's contest let's take a look back at last week's contest if you want to see who won the oneplus one check out the contest page which is linked in the video description below to see who won if the winner happens to be watching this congratulations on your new phone as you've likely ascertained from the title of this video this week we are giving away a brand new Nexus 5 this week we are partnering with arm to bring you the Nexus 5 if you don't know who are ms you really should because their technology powers billions of devices used all around the world every single day if you want more information on the Nexus 5 will have josh regards review video link at the end of the video in the video description below and on the contest page if you want to learn more about arm and we recommend that you do head on over to ww arm com if you're wondering how to win stay tuned because I'm about to explain how to do it entering this contest is really easy the first thing you'll need to do is head on over to our contest page there you will no doubt notice our rafflecopter widgets using this rafflecopter widget you're going to like arms Facebook page this will net you to contest entries and is all that is officially required to enter this contest if you want an additional bonus entry you can download our official android authority application this is a great way to stay up to date with the latest and greatest in android news and reviews and the application is also free if you pick it up you'll net one additional contest entry if you want even more contest entries there is a way to do it after entering will give you a unique URL all you need to do is share that URL with your friends on social media for each one of them that enters you'll gain an additional contest entry with a maximum of ten contest entries up for grabs and that's really it folks nice and easy and it takes about a minute to do and you're entered to win a brand new Nexus 5 once again I'm Joe Hindy from android authority com don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and if you want to follow android authority myself for the rest of the video team you can find our social media links in the video description below if you're hanging out for a minute we have a couple of Awesome videos for you to watch right over there and in the video description below for you folks on mobile don't forget to check out the contest page which is linked in the video description below because that is where you go to enter as always thanks for watching everybody best of luck in the contest and have a wonderful day
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