
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Pre-MWC 2015 with Special Guests! | The Friday Debate Podcast 006

hello everybody and welcome to the Friday debate podcast by android authority I am of course your host for the fdp Joshua vagar from android authority what is going on everybody and today we have a bit of a special episode if you are not already able to tell because this episode is being released on a Monday but it has been a very busy lead up into the mobile world congress of 2015 here in barcelona spain if you can't hear the sounds of the cars going by and the people walking through the mean streets of Barcelona maybe not so mean but they are going to get really busy over the next few days because mwc is officially starting but I have been here for a good four maybe five days already because I've been here with the HTC frequencies panel in order to take a look at what you now know is the HTC One m9 but that is of course not the only thing that we're seeing here at mwc but I wanted to get a couple people together my usual collaborators when we go to text shows michael fisher from pocket now and of course nicole scott from mobile geek so three of us always seem to get together whenever we go to a trade show together and I call this the trifecta of collaboration but nonetheless we got into a rather echoey room and put a mic in between us or among us rather and we all just sort of talked our faces off about all of the things that we had seen up until that point on the one hand we had HTC we had alcatel and then we even had Samsung and LG now all of the embargo times were before us talking about all of these things on the podcast so the release is far past those embargo times so we were able to sort of just riff about how we felt about all of the devices but my favorite part about this particular podcast that I hope you'll enjoy is that the first 20 minutes we actually didn't talk about anything tech related we just want to share our experiences with Barcelona Spain so I hope you all really enjoy it for those of you watching on youtube remember that you can find the android authority friday debate podcast on all of the podcast channels including pocket casts stitcher and itunes and don't forget to drop us some review so that we'll get a little bit more visibility and thank you for all of you who are listening to this podcast without any further ado we're going to jump into this episode 6 pre Mobile World Congress with michael fisher pocket now nicole scott of mobile geeks hope you guys enjoy cuz we use the last podcast to get to get into the groove yeah for the most part how we met were just jealous well now what was once loopy is now delirium so we're just gonna start being like oops i had boobs like it's the product of us just being here for the last few days talking specifically with HTC they're the reason why we even sitting in the room were sitting in right now this is very true how was your how was your guys's uh like you know mwc is not just about the trade show in the tech that's there but it's also about the city itself like what we're in Barcelona guys I love Barcelona this is one of my favorite season one of my favorite trade shows yeah idea absolutely because it's so focused on mobile and I see yes you're like washing machine car blender blender what are the first time I would say you food there is a huge washing washing machines coming out of it yeah I can't see any bubbles when I was there oh man you got ripped off the interest in doing here yeah I I said that he thought was my favorite for a little while because Berlin's are very easy City Berlin is easy and plus EFA's very news focus because everything's in Germans feel like I've German and then you're like actual news right so it's actually really easy to focus in on like interesting stuff at Aoife and then it sits and it's also in that perfect place where you're like what is everyone going to buy for Christmas right so you also have this other easy focus in on like these are the last products that are going to be released and for me if there's a lot of laptops that come out of that shows oh yeah I've always liked for sure I'm walking around seeing all these great ultravox with my msi which is a great altar boy I don't know why you can call me out on it nobody on Vanessa yeah I think I had to ask what I asked you want that was that a pc I swear I'm gonna find someone to emissary to give you computers cuz nobody if no love to yeah let's brings to a photo shoot and i'll say yes sit on the stairs an affair of the heart i witness company oh yeah it's big we must know somebody there's been a word for something house i was not a personal injury in you right now anyway I'm very well actually you know by the way I didn't get to compliment you on the shirt so she given the news that that was going out yes thing when like oh yeah let her name like that yeah a couple days ago yesterday and addington this is the shirt to wear ya know what to tell you guys he has a communicator yeah is that right yeah and we'll over here okay so uh huh no it's wonderful because you fly over here from the east coast and if you're made you live in boston and there's snow banks that are taller than you everywhere oh yeah exact middle of the misery of winter in New England is februari for me is terrible time so to come over here where the people are you know walking around in like coats like it's cold but it kind of looks like everyone's just playing pretend because you're walking around me like this is great tropical and paradise out here 160 degrees awesome yeah that's wonderful it's like it's like a scrum time in the world winter and barstow not agree with you I think it's a wonderful city I'm not I'm not terribly attached to it I just like being here with people who are in our industry who I like and I think we're fortunate in that regard I feel like we don't maybe this is not sure if you guys but actually we don't often sit around us and like bitch about people because we don't like there are people we don't like you know in the in the same videos about like the for an asshole curse on the showman's let's go for it good um I don't have I don't have a rating on it yet so okay um I don't have a hard line yet so make it explicit when I come okay but no I feel like we have a lot of good friends and other outlets and it's really great to see them in person and to just hang out like what are you doing now yeah great spaces it's like an excuse to hang out that's always the and I'm going to use the wrong word because I can't find the right word for it but it's the it's the trade show aphrodisiac of sorts like it makes the whole experience better you know and it makes it and it also romanticizes the whole experience party because yeah I don't know maybe my romanticism is kind of high because i'm actually really excited to be here and I'm walking around and and lawns who's gonna be on the the cast for our next on our posts nwc show this is his first time here and I I just got so excited like all I know all these places to bring you man like I was so excited it is true yeah and walking around I gave you the the tip to walk by yourself to our sessions venue it wasn't a kid in a tip there was a transcendent experience more than another so we're talking about going to the things they just like chance their shuttle me I haven't a kettle over there whatever i'm gonna get on the bus or something like that yeah josh is like no man you gotta think you got it you really got it to just just walk I'll see if anybody's walk out feeling naw man you gonna do it by yourself you gotta like you know listened and listened I think the people speak in the language or the Michael was like why you touched me you are like spiritually experiencing the city well legit yeah yeah and it's awesome I mean that's great because I like something you can even get jaded really easily words all right or too much work to do think about I'm sorry it's my fault everyone oh it's fine it's uh it's something that I've really fought for with my colleagues to you know just just kind of remember where we know where we are and it's not that they have any problems doing that it's just I'm always reminding them ah yeah so and it's also like I'm always fortunate because I'm because I'm like because I booked my own tickets for the most part so it's like I'm gonna show up three days early and then leave three days late like I don't know I got I i got into tech blogging because I was like I gotta find a reason to buy plane tickets for work you know and like that's that's actually like one of the big draws of this of this industry is that is my travel is so consistent and great places and like it sucks that I don't get to choose the places I go anymore and this is like my ninth here in Barcelona but at the same time like I love coming back here and I love going to Berlin for Aoife every year in here and nine years you stole whenever I see you at a place like this you still have the eyes of wonder which is the way yeah you're not slogging around being like one of these people who do like I feel like that's that's that's such so common it's almost a stereotype right you this one you know many down news reporters like oh that's exactly what I keep reminding people you know live in this moment you know it's what our work is important we love what we do but you know if you get too caught up and you might not be able to like what was that r is good that none of Bruce Lee saying you know just like it's like a finger pointing to the moon and then he slaps the student don't concentrate on the finger or you'll miss all that heavenly glory oh yeah yeah music but I'm don't don't you feel that the thing that everyone's saying now is that smartphones are predictable we all know what's going to happen the HTC FM you were here it was really iterative everything's really iterative sir sons put a curve on the on the edge right like is that useful or is that build like a WOW factor to get people to pay attention to you anymore because there's no real use for the edge on the display yet well okay we're going to get into the specifics but I love that you brought up the more existential question when it comes to what we do and what we're covering here um I think that this year's crop of flagship smartphones so she here at mwc given what I've seen today it's all about creating the phone that the phones in the past should have been in the first place it's not necessary about a massive innovation it's not about really going far beyond past iteration but passenger is and incremental updates it's picking up the phone and thinking man a couple years ago this is what that should have been like hmm and I really truly believe that that's I'm choosing to be positive about and thinking to myself like with the HTC m9 which will talk about One m9 which we'll talk about in a bit of course I had that phone in my hand I said they should see one this is the wine like this feels right this is the one my precious but I also don't think that using a city like Barcelona is a is a what was the right term for it is like interaction you know like I don't think it's I don't think I don't think that's the case it's it's a cherry on top of what we do as as people as our as our occupation as our station that being said I've spent this my third year here and the last two years I've never felt like fully safe here I've never felt like I I really was a part of this city but like with that block and like this morning when I walked from this hotel to 45-minute walk all the way to uh to to where android authority of staying yeah that's it was a slog that was a SOG I still enjoyed myself because it's such a nice day is mine yeah I want to plaza espana today yeah so it's worth at the old fear or the old env WC was oh well did I forgot my wallet it was good because intro nothing else pocket I guess nitro tomorrow probably up kept calm or something but um I don't you feel about that assertion I put out their lab you know obviously you haven't really seen all of the phones that we're going to see at mwc just yet if i'm not mistaken yeah but you know am I am I out of line there's I don't think you're out alondra I do take a different perspective because i think it is easy to in our field we we all three of us make videos right and we like making pretty videos and it's easier to do that when the products were pretty and products are sort of getting prettier so making things look good is really easy I need always try to shy away from any mindset that's going to make me try to make it commercial for a product of course and naturally right but you know so I find myself maintaining a if I'm airing I'm erring on the side of critical yeah because every phone if you think about it is what what smartphones should and four years ago not a man yeah really it's so I try to retain the sense of wonder than that because that's exciting this you won't reasonably do this right yes like oh but I can hold all this power in my hand and it can still somehow be usable and beautiful this is amazing I didn't love what I do because I get to play with these awesome to it through the same time I'm like people are gonna drop a ton of money on this thing mmm bring out mr. cynical face yeah oh look he's been here the whole time so yeah I try to walk them on yeah you try to walk but there's a but there's a difference between being jaded about the industry and critical and being critical about product yes sir right is it was a big difference because I think when we're critical were more passionate that we're upset that they don't go wrong yes sir like that's why did you God take a picture before you handed in the south how did you think that was the seniors black you know what I mean like just like so like some of these blade airs and and I'd like it we all get critical because we're still passionate but I think that I don't I think that it's different that a lot of people are just like this is predictable I expected this of course that's not better and like there's a there's a way to be dismissive dismissive in your critique and I think that that's what I'm getting a bit bored of in the industry and that's what I'm getting a bit bored of in my peers yeah right yeah totally yeah they're kind of persistent that like you can jump over it yeah yeah I do hear ya I do believe right get out if you don't like that right but again that's where that's where am I that's where my perspective comes anymore it's like if you hate the war guy just be passionate about something i I'm okay with someone who's a little bit jaded about what it is that we do people people who have been in this for like a dozen years I can definitely ask you but if you're gonna stand in the middle of Barcelona and be dismissive about life staring at a gaudy museum / church / apartment and you're not having some sort of reaction yeah i satisfy that requirement because i didn't have a reaction who's that I vomited in my mouth terrible structure this environment I don't and don't get me wrong I am I feel amazingly good i'm grateful that I got to experience it on the outside two years ago on the inside of this trip really it's something you should see but I hate it really like it does not did you see something so chaotic yet so symmetrical at the same time is not right now it was like a bugger to our faces he's holding his eyes cuz she's crying I you the actual description of what's happening like you look at you ever get that structure in any of the structures and you think to yourself like yeah this is such this is the weirdest shapes that I I know that there's just just just chaos happening but somehow it makes sense sure you know no like HTC yeah well before we get into the specific devices I will I will preface everything that you know we're here right now it's it's so late and we're looping delirious we're recording before the times that we're supposed to be broadcasting these things we're talking about which is why you're listening to this far after that time and we're supposed to be sleeping getting ready for days 0 wash starting the event before anybody keeping this is day four yeah they're all of us yeah I moving for any of any of the listeners keeping score i have not started one video yet and you're about to see 9 come out at the end of this stay yeah yeah so I have a long long night ahead of me but you know as some of my listeners do know that's the kind of that's how I am when it comes to these shows I didn't use you very very late but not being said we are like we're saying here in Barcelona for the mobile world congress of 2015 as always we are already into the thick of it a few days in we were here for HTC frequencies that is as it is called but of course a lot of stuff happens right before the show and to varying degrees we have seen some of the devices we may not have seen all of them I probably have seen the most out of the three of us and we're going to talk about them a little bit what we're probably excited about I will lighten our hour and I will flow into this I did mention HTC and I do want to get agency out of the way because we just spent an hour in five minutes talking about it at length for a previous podcast so the pocket our weekly bug yes oh yes I hope that goes up so I mean weakens given that we have a lot of topics that we're going to talk about because a lot of devices yeah we don't have to go at length about the HTC One m9 but I will ask you general opinions on the phone itself will start with Michael as I looked at Nicole I keep reaching for it as I still expect to have the review device yeah I like to refer to um it is a it is the manifestation of what we were complaining about a second ago with the people who are over it you know if you are someone who is not easily impressed by changes that are not visually very apparent than this phone will infuriate you this is it just did the same thing again making it up you're too good at that voice but it's not that you know that's about subtlety on the outside and on the inside it practiced quite a few improvements it is not a I do not think it is a Grand Slam device i don't think that HTC thinks it's a grand slam device it's not it's it's the iteration if the sensible improvement done up in HTC's typically excellent industrial design and if they figure out how to sell it it'll sell very well and they probably will take a long time to figure out how to sell it now if we if their history is any indication and so I don't know I don't know I will say that I I didn't immediately fond of it okay I intellectually understand that it's a very very compelling smartphone but when I first touched the m8 there was a something that happened with me and it mm-hmm the opposite of alyssa gratitude that's right and they just didn't happen with the m9 for me so that's just that's my my situation okay because i think that that thing i mentioned earlier about how these phones are what they're lying should be like that's how I felt with the m9 like this is the one and I did definitely feel that way but there are obviously some flaws with it and you know it was it was a mostly the camera i think we all agreed on that cuz bit of a misstep given that it might improve yeah right it's pre production software and they made it clear that its pre-production and fingers crossed yes play better yeah it has to mm-hmm it must is imperative yes they should not release it with us your general thoughts on the phone i really liked it i was a little like man um I love the m7 not not so much into the enemy I think I prefer the m9 over the m8 just because I am the biggest klutz ever with my phones and it is impossible for me like it's just two slits in a bar of soap sleep walk me while you're the white bar of soap that will fly into your eye so I just I guess I you know I like my friends I don't want to kill them by the phone I can't carry animate is such a good-looking boy yeah and so like I think that the design was done really really well there were they squirt of the corners like that they've almost overcompensated too much with the edginess it's quite sharp but I quite like that it feels very very substantial I do like the two-tone I'm excited that they launched it with four colors here here at the show and that the possibilities are endless for the colors they could go with right and I like that they're demonstrating to tongue now and if they were to like I like the idea of silver and black or like red and black or like something like that I think I think they could make some like really really dynamic and interesting well bed hun sets and I think that industrial design is going to become increasingly something that smartphones are gonna have to differentiate on yes everyone she's getting so rated it if there's something that HTC knows very well is that their design has always been received quite well so you perfect let's say perfect their design in this m9 is something that I'm really in tune with I really do think that they've gone in the right direction without going so far that we forget why we like the HTC in the first place maybe it's just a question of expectations for me I think when the ma leaked which they all lead and when the ma leaked I thought what is this Photoshop monstrosity with this weird second eyeball and like these two mourners I was like up and then I held it and then I got it instantly yeah and now i look at the m9 and with its with its narrow radius corners that evoke the m7 and once again i understand that it's very pretty but i don't think it's as comfortable I debt you know you said it goes that it is it's shark you know when you handle it it's not it's not as holdable and if you want to hold it you've got to put a clear top view case on it and you know then it feels like cheap Isaac no I keep talking about the pinch on there you know use you yeah you have that tactile feel that you know to grip on yeah a little bit more you know it's true it's easier maybe I just like a little bit of pain on yeah maybe I need to get rid of my dishpan but it's also that they have two lips on it right that there's like the sharp edge of the back and then there's that that kind of like lip for it's not a floating display because they look lens away for down but it's almost that kind of aesthetic that comes with that fluid and display look that I really like in that if I feel like I'm not gonna break it and I'm not gonna drop it Wow nice way to go well I'm a cutie to close out our talk that particular phone I do want to make it clear like one of the best experiences I've ever had on a phone is right now on this one because we had one other phone come out with what is supposed to be the fastest processor available the Snapdragon 810 right and unfortunately it just was not the right showcase for it and we will we will segue into that in a little bit but this sense iteration since seven it flies screen yeah it absolutely wants tears it and it's funny because we've been spending the last two or three days being very critical issues keeping very polar very very honest with them yeah obviously on to an extent Oh tin extent yes to an extent and um seeing how smooth and fast this operating system is and how how much fun it is to use because of just how nice it looks and smooth and goes through transitions very well and I can I can use the recent apps screen like so so so seamlessly I realized I really am the kind of person that notices stutter and I'm in an interface I always used to let it slide but now we're coming in and I would love to hear you guys thoughts on this we're coming into an era of smartphone technology wear stuff like stutters are so much more scrutinized because we know what kind of processes were getting so she in something like the 810 which is being marketed as being the most powerful processor out there and then we have something like the LG G flex 2 that just did not live up to that expectation we and I thought maybe the 810 is not quite what we thought it would be but it wasn't that case once we got sense in our hands but I mean like LG's never been good at making there you are clean fur so I'm in at the LG g3 you know that's why I don't wait i took my can't wait to get to a certain point later but the UH but yeah how do you feel about that idea cuz good boy today I had I had the confirmation that i became that person after after being the the the combination of I know what a super fast and speedy in her face feels like now on the a 10mm and the last two days of being encouraged to be critical I kind of tour alcatel a new one on this year is their phone and they SAT us down and Jason god bless the god bless you and your colleagues who sat down said give us your honest feedback and this click went off in my head you were home by three days I said I wouldn't feedback yeah yeah I said what what processors in here that is the 610 in their case and their their skin on the phone that they are releasing here at our launching or announcing here at mwc is a very light skin on top of lollipop and what I noticed was that the lolipop elements were nice and smooth but the alcatel elements were the ones that stuttered and struggle to come out and I oh my god i told i pointed out every single time it happened and when I was done I was I feel so bad yeah and and and that camera on the idol church I mean look how good it looks and I'm like tap tap I'm like are you sure do that there's some really horrifying things I'm seeing on the screen I think I was like that was it literally I'm like this do you have ID I'm kidding but I mean like the potential for that phone actually i think is quite good yes but i think i think it's early i can't judge them too hard on the stutters and um just cuz it's still not release break yeah you're right i'm doubtful they'll fix it yeah right but but for that price point i'll forgive that that's the i made that very clear with right for that for that price i'll be designed yeah it's beautiful it's light or display looks nice the camera I mean it has it has all of the things you want to say it's got hyper or it's got time lapse it's got you know big you know well its got time didn't show you the picture in the bar that yeah so thank you they can see can see their faces yeah I don't know what was it it was such a subsidy they stopped short of actually saying the price and said sub 2 50 so it's 10 or so it's 249 okay that's why I was thinking too and then there's a 4.7 inch that is so why are we giving where we are we forgetting interface lag on a phone that's 249 when I used phones that don't have it almost at all I've 179 well I never said that was really forgiving it I mean for them and you want as I said earlier no you did yeah but you said you oh I I tend to review a lot of Chinese phones right so like um times manufacturers just do not do software for her you all right they're like it is getting a lot better right so I actually reviewed a 1 plus phone 1 plus clone at 160 ya know for sure and like I actually was slow to move off of it on to another phone because you know the camera was decent enough um the you I was was clean there were stunners but if you just change the transitions then you could you could work around it yeah right so that's my thing is that the I'm forgiving of the stutters because then I just take one subway ride all right sit down and I'm like what do I do so big about to make it better yeah hmm right and so a lot of the time you can look at the way that you interact with your phone to think something like that yeah absolutely um I'm forgiving of it because I can take the time to fix it it is some things you cannot sometimes you cannot it's true sometimes you cannot but I feel like with the alcatel phone that you could figure out what transitions you would turn off and what days you would remove to make that totally fine i was just astonished that the person that came out once they said give us your feedback nourison even Darcy was looking at me like this this very positive man just changed in front of my eyes yeah that's what did you see the alcatel phone yet no I took a look at it tonight but I've seen that you know the bellissimo oh sure yeah I flipping that phone over I like the fact that was reversible you pick it up in a direction on their screen I'll flip to the upside down kiss yeah it's an interesting marketing strategy yeah and everyone's going to say spider-man but that I'm still not sure why they were so big on pushing that that mixer like the there's a music mix tehreek e DJ probably to showcase the front facing speakers where is quite loud be we're pretty reddit yeah I've said but the mixer the thing that I like about it is it will tap into streaming services nice yeah at some point google play and Pandora will be a part of it and it will just buffer it on one side of the turntable and then the other side just whatever you want so yeah I think I've funds I one touches still one of those companies to where like if that's what you're promising me okay now when you deliver her then we'll try to look at it right it's I just can't wait to see like a house party where the guy has one cord into a huge sub and trying to do DJ stuff on the phone never mind I've seen it really mom he's like mixing songs and I was like what would what I'm the band I'll give my friends are nerds doggie well I mean the stutters and you know moving from there into let's let's let's let's visit LG ok and they don't have a flagship phone that they're talking about here at mwc rather it's for mid-range phones which you know what I'm always excited when LG puts on mid-range phones is that true that a sentence that anyone has ever said that because it isn't like the Bella you thought the fellow is you know what it was is uh I have this have this the one portion of me that despite always wanting the flagship phones and messing with them I have let's say I have a lot of relatives in the philippines to ask me all the time what funds that they should get and i always i'm thinking about like the recent android one release in the philippines i was all over that that article that we put on our website i was so happy about it and i hope that it's successful because they III my dad consistently goes back to the Philippines with phones I don't use anymore to give to our relatives oh yeah and you know I want I want a good experience for people out and varying part of the way you know um but you know the four ones also Darcy had me train has two years ago I covered every single Ellen F oh yeah we did that too oh my goodness ya may not fun there are no differences between them I did not I made Roland do that we did that's why we learned our lesson then we looked at the analytics and I was it was like when we've we didn't do many people loop them together it / / f and Ellen I think we did I think this didn't want to do is just what I did to my I did I did I did a single walkthrough I was like let me walk down this aisle with you and I will just shout things up call yeah they were like somewhat bigger screen someone bigger screen as I wonder y a 5-megapixel what LG did show us today was me hace today was respond yeah I know everything in the morning and i do want i do want to be part of the reason why i was excited to do this for this version of the podcast was to excite you about later best if of course what i tell you is exciting to you but but from LG it is obviously the wearables and you all know about the urbane not the g watch urbane trust me tell you one thing no but the watch is still then there's just the g that's not it see that was confusing it or meeting I didn't know yeah I didn't know about it personally I don't know if it was true or not I I still don't know whether to call to watch urbane or the urbane sandwich because there's a there's our main place I know oh but we have a silver iteration without the DB markings on the bezel it's a bezel yes yeah the chronograph there you go mmm so we've all agreed on yeah there's Michael pounds over there hi okay shoulda called it the number rings the thing you don't use yeah but also a rose gold edition mmm rose gold edition so did you guys already have like some opinions on you obviously have to put on your wrist to get a really good fit on my wrist why don't they make a rose gold edition hey are you know it might because it's it's significantly less diameter asst than the GV much hotter right it's significantly narrower isn't it good dog it is it is it is more narrow it's definitely smaller than the g watch or I will tell you that both is that impossible are testaments chunko this is more than the Moto 360 it no ok yes because this is a bigger shoulders on Tom exactly it has it what what what it is to me the urbane is a horrible name but also but also like the ads yeah it's it's it is a watch electronically you know what I mean yeah it has the feel of an actual sort of high-end watch like if you were to buy say a girlfriend or yourself a michael kors watch that is exactly what you're getting here except it has an android wear inside and i like that rose gold actually seemed to me like a good choice you know especially if not that they're specifically trying to say that they're going for the feminine market but i was there when the g watch our came out and they received a lot of flack about it because of they stood there and told me that that was for women yeah i was like we stood in front of an end cap that had a pilot and a matter of boat and then like the leather and then like aviator glasses like well this is for women I was like are you kidding me like just try it on I'm like okay it's funny you mention them because well as a good friend Flo was I was was was the one asking the questions about you know this isn't that is there gonna be an iteration of this that is suitable for women and as she says hi to flow as as she was saying they're one of the women from LG we know what's her pants suit on and all that like she she I saw her twitch her wrists like she knew what she was talking about like yeah she's right it felt like she knew it's heavy and painful how did you feel what did you watch are you were you the one that covered in free go I didn't cover it and um I thought it had admirable traits to it but I could very easily relate to it because like I'm dude and also it's sometimes I go into the woods to walk around and if I were slaves that she loves it yeah but but I don't know I didn't love it I thought that the bezel was was too thick i thought the numbers in the bezel were totally unnecessary yes and I didn't 0t easy right it didn't wrote it not that that makes a difference because I don't I just spin it when I'm nervous you know like yeah but which is always their positions yeah there are times the screen is beautiful um in there are times that I don't want to bring my moto 360 into because I bash that thing on door jambs you know I'm clumsy and it's it's held up well yeah but if I beat up the do you watch our I'm going to feel a lot less bad than if I beat up my my 360 so it has a place is like a working Rams or in road where watch so what does so what does a fully polished metal frame compared to gia watch are a little bit smaller yeah what would that say to you having already used if you watch our to me it doesn't do it doesn't do anything for me because I don't think I don't think it's a very elegant casing from what I've seen we mentioned the watch brackets the band bracket on top and bottom then yes it looks like a watch yeah I'd like the conventional idea of a watch is active the to me that's rather generic i bought a moto 360 because i like it's like that it's a circle they decided to make like a can and and make it that minimal and make the screen go and then and not have these these things taking up with distracting you from the circle except of the flat tire and then the shitty screen and a bad processor and all that kind of stuff yeah and it's a delusion is sort of broken i will admit when you loo you look at the watch screen off and you're like oh you know that looks like a watch and then screen comes on you're like well I expected that and then you turn it around and the back has the harbor alright I'm just like and of course the heart rate monitors on the actual wearables Android wearables haven't really been like great I know no one's far as volume oh the the band is genuine leather real stitching it rather than fake that's good so the honest there's certain elements to it that they're trying to get right you know I don't know if it's cuz it's like 145 in the morning but I am animal when I can't play in the wearable space but I'm so bored of this conversation because yeah because worry no no because because it doesn't make sense to me that we're iterating a brand new category of device into something that was 250 years old the first pocket watch was 250 years ago and why are we like praising a device that looks like something from a million years ago trying to be like well now let's innovate how we're going to use this but let's jam it into something that has nothing to do with what we're trying to do with it like I just I'm so and then like but like blazing but its true like you guys sit there and you debate the virtues of how watch like it is and it's the metal stir the leather strap with the stitching but you want all the high quality things and you want the luxury and you want all these amazing things but why if we're technology degree the lists are we not like more engaging on like why why is Android wear so crap what would we actually do with a SmartWatch like what what what do you want out of it is it simply a notification screen right like all of these other things and I'm just like why are we still doing this and it has it's only been a year terrified that is what I'm like right now what its gonna be like in a year they better give me a SmartWatch what actually works for women soon or else I'm just gonna be like I was in the direction of your frustration back in new phone when I was on your podcast and on your live stream yeah and by the way like it seems that during these trade shows we are going to be the trifecta collabera every single time it so burned out any choice why are we doing this again are we talking about wearables yeah I don't want to be on one Accord some new facts about watch history she can't talk friends all I'm not gonna be there doesn't know the chronograph a this is well yeah I remember remember voicing a similar opinion if technology the way technology has become so great aside from just you know becoming ubiquitous in our lives is that it has owned its own form factor yeah and watches just orange technologies you know you and you know I kind of got made fun of because I kept using the job we have to own it technology has to own this is where i'm using the word million yeah strong right now I got a milieu trove yeah yeah yeah solid solid solid vernacular but you know and we don't have to talk about the settling this next part but they do have the urbane LTE yeah okay so tell me everything all right so this is essentially LG creating their own version of the timex triathlon the garmin forerunner the super high 299 dollar one but this one will probably be something like five hundred dollars I bet you I'm not changeable band because inside of it are the actual antennas for LTE gps bluetooth okay all right it's snaps on and it is huge it is big i think if you thought that you watch i was big this one because you can't change the band it just feels like you are putting on a shackle like it oh yeah it's like an arm cuff not a what it has the limit of one of those super crazy digital watches from from leg as a feel of that from the 90s okay with the G watch our aesthetic so it's not but it's not the same casing as the webos watch from CES know the audi boyd subject yeah no it's not this is its own standalone thing and speaking of iOS they put so many changes into the webos interface for this LCD edition that they're not calling it what the less it's the LG watch it's the LG wearable platform yeah because webos has a very specific connotation exactly yeah in a discussion I will say the interface is quite lovely that is this particular one it's a circle earlier ok and having the connectivity there was great but what we were told was it's not made for connectivity with a SmartWatch it's supposed to be completely standalone with a smartphone it's not not it's not made it's not been right with a smart exactly which to me sounds a little odd I'm still not quite there when it comes to devices like this well I've been figuring out the Omate for a while so I kind of have the concept of like this is by itself and I actually kind of like it because I I often try to disconnect mmm so if I'm being let me leave my phone but I'm gonna try something else so if someone really needs to get ahold of me or something like that then I do have this on those times where I'm like bad at disconnecting so I've been trying to use like that oh wait a little bit and so i get i get the moment where that's useful actually ok yeah like not not as like a i had one sent to me and i didn't pay for it and i reviewed it run right but I don't you know I don't I don't know who was gonna go and buy this but I do see if I have one kicking around that I do kind of like it I can't wear it every day but the only it's not really meant for everyday use i think i spent like four weeks trying to get that with the gear s they're trying to understand that that thing that people there's always that commenter when you do a SmartWatch pieces like until it's self-contained I don't wanting and do with it I'm like I don't understand why that is why would you want that so yeah and I keep like I but I feel you well you know I need it was only the smartphone home for a second and just like I would still be connected on the wrist it was cool to play like Inspector Gadget for a bit yeah and to be like oh I go to whatsapp right let me read it let me because like the keyboard cool and like honestly you have that like wax but this is what but this is the very height of impracticality right I mean yes it's you everything you do on it is frustrating because you can't just money I get fed up with a android wear pebble I'm just like I'm this is just wish my phone you're getting funny thing but when that is your phone it's like I poked I need to punch someone in the face no this is like to it's cumbersome let's get again so I don't understand I don't know really how I could fit this yeah but I mean like the original Oh mate was for extreme sports Wow right yeah well I do those all the time too there's a swipe really i do lots of extreme there's a little love of fitness fitness tracking that they're trying to sort of push with this one but it is supposed to be an all-in-one device and i did play around with a call and the message stuff like at the very top of the imaginary watch our and right above the chronograph is a small slip for a speaker and then right below the bottom of the chronograph is a small slit for the speaker so you're gonna be able to take calls and stuff like that much like the Garas um but then actually keyboard on that didn't didn't really frustrate me as much um you know it's still small and if you're gonna you're gonna sit there and going like this for a long time you gonna look like him is it has swype i didn't check actually I'm sorry just a touch typing right now that I didn't even yeah I was like is that honest like swype on those one on the watch screens no problem oh really whatsapp chat with you ten minutes no way okay yeah don't don't believe I'm gonna take many photos of myself next time I do that okay it's such an odd thing though because that fitness tracking one like it has the GPS it has the ability to track a lot of stuff there's a heart rate monitor on it also but you know it's still large and I don't wanna say it was too heavy but it definitely was more cumbersome than your let's say pebble like the one I'm wearing but if I was running my left arm will probably be stronger than my right on because of uh yeah yeah alright so I wanted to move into I want to change switch gears a little bit we will talk about samsung and i will give you guys you know the somewhat you know info that i that i have and how i feel about it and you can tell me but was there anything I here at mwc that you were actually looking forward to those outside what we may know of already did you have something sort of on the skirts like maybe a sewn even though we heard component at they're not really pushing mobile as much anymore totally good not it's not sounding for me but I told they have one yeah oh yeah I totally okay yeah mine is from your favorite company goal oh yeah well stay on your favorite company or what is your favorite company oh well mine is from your second favorite is to sis's for laptops sony or grab something for smartphones a sous uh should teased there's in zum-zum at CES but wouldn't let it out from under the plastic box you seen here wow they are there nothing's did read that there at the Trump Hotel their third a day do they have somebody here yes good because they're little teen didn't come out it's it's that's why it's the people you introduced to meet you yes the people I met because of you but no when my people told me they weren't here they like you more I'm kidding oh god wait do they tell you well oh right I'm sorry this is we'll talk about it off there but not know if they good to be there okay fine and that was 90 seconds I go drinking with even more like with the tab last time right no but what about you so this is the soon what is it is Anton soon okay i want to see that really that I've wanted to see it for a while and it did you know who I love this sort of sub movement of manufacturers who are doing this thing where it's like it's a camera it can also be a phone but it's a cat I know like the Panasonic thing oh I can't wait for that lenovo vibes and the sis is doing really good with their camera technology where they calling it the pics of pixel which is so much faster yeah yeah they're doing really well with that they beautify is disgusting oh you get pointy chin you put it on my lowlife butterfly box and that's under two hundred dollars and fun yeah I just and this thing is built with a big old I Lumia like Oreo in the mac obvious they're pushing the camera I want to see what they can do when they're actually like saying yeah look at this yeah it's in heaven yeah I remember I see yes they wouldn't let out the case it wouldn't let out of the bottle actually what they did I got to hold it no great that they would probably do anything yeah so that when they told me that no don't say that about I still took a shot of myself taking a picture with it just yeah I would have done the same thing yeah exactly I was still like what's the camera lies you know like I wish I could tell you it was there yeah mine I mix it well i miss Emma cited for two things the two things that I want to track down on the show floor when it opens I want to go see the yellow tablet yes and I want to go see the as a project ara right at four oh yeah yeah those are the two things that I'm kind of King for because like I saw everyone forgets this but ZTE at their booth last two year two years ago shield under glass a modular phone actually they had three different examples for how they thought the phone of the future would look like and i made a video about it now success no mods convenient no one watched it nobody cared i was just like really and then like literally four weeks later predict era was announced and i was like guys but CTE totally to do that nobody Carol dabrander yeah I am I guess I could cause see that assoc back one ZT you put it out because yeah I people probably looking at like a modular phone that I have to put together myself yeah so I don't go to korean BBQ that wasn't there yet yeah why are they cooking my own food yeah buddy I I gave you with that Toki it slipped my mind to it I was supposed to put it on our list and I didn't gotta go you're welcome fellas you're one of the coaches who saves my ass remember thing oh yeah yeah just fight you're watching I from me I'm looking I think I've seen what I've wanted to see already in terms of like you know what I want to set aside in my mind you know that but you know I'm always I'm always willing to look at the fringe products i love visiting archos oh yeah still love our cousin will never do another archos review but i still love seeking pathetic exactly you have to say they've been making tablets longer than anybody yes and the reason why is because they started off making portable media players so uh way back in the day like 05 and I had a PMP and it was like the eighth think because you had to fit a laptop hard drive in there it's and then had a little joystick and I used to watch i watch that kill bill on that thing I remember was great and this nice to see them in the Android space because some of that language translates to their current smartphones is that French carbonaceous yeah yeah it's like articles yeah so yeah you know I don't have too much that I'm itching to see that's outside of what I know I'm gonna see anyway hmm but if I had to say I love seeing the French products i love seeing about the ones that don't necessarily get the most traffic on our site but it's still interesting you know what's funny is to look like I feel like the wearables has a is it ever growing sort of dumping ground of sort of half-assed products every time I come to a trade show I sort of forget that there's a lot of crappy smart watches out there and i'll be walking past rows of them it's always the same ride for me cuz I'm was like oh sweet oh these look awesome and then that the crushing disappointment of like oh these are just dummies eh just dummies because you haven't figured out how to build this yet the cool concept or be like Oh literally a dummy yeah yeah it's a widget on your race where it's like one of the super minimal ones it's like super niche target I got a lot of people like the way things thing and them because I don't care about what it's just a step tracker and yeah yeah my size yeah that's fine yeah okay here we go so once again to it right so um hopefully our lives and we're going to be going over my usual a lot of time but I'm perfectly fine with that because you know we're having the conversation this is our first since the pilot live episode of the Friday debate podcast all the rest of the telecommuting so you always have that clock on the side telling you one and hours coming up oh but this one no it's not really phasing too much because I know we're gonna get into it great conversation all right so i hope the listeners have been enjoying this hang in an hour that's that's that's that's really half of what i was really hoping this was going to be and i'm happy about that right but now mmm samsung samsung TV in front of us actually i just realized no way there's just a rare la how permanent that I recognize that just now um so we spoke about this a little bit earlier um yes there has been there have been a few briefs on this particular day but this like I said this podcast is coming up far before after i should say for after the embargo times so you notice that our conversations are back in time hmm Michael you told me that you've heard but there is needed to be heard about the samsung device what is it that you've heard I've heard that it's made of metal and glass and that these things work together to make it I know this sounds like a snarky stan is really a bird that it's glass up top metal and it looks beautiful so that's whatever I've heard it is as far away from the dimpled plastic nonsense as you can get I've heard some people say it's the most beautiful samsung phone they've ever held I have heard some people say that it's more impressive than the m9 in terms of its look and feel I've heard all kinds of crazy things not many of them negative about this way okay i have to corroborate the positivity damn that one wolf I I was sitting there ready to be underwhelmed by what might be yet another weird move by Samsung to put maybe there are two heart rate monitors of the bag you put two fingers on this extra accurate but I was expecting to be underwhelmed by whatever innovation they had but as the slides were being presented each thing made me think Samsung finally listened and every next thing they said was another thing I wanted on a phone hmm and it's insane it's insane and then I got the thing in my hand we're not even talk about the SS its s6 edge yet good which we technically we don't really have to because the edges are if you've held if you mess with a note edge it's two of them yeah both sides are edge ya don't need them well one side now let me give you the one feature of the edge that's actually really cool now if you if you've used the note edge you know that it's a information panel yeah when it's off you uug eugenie wipe it and then and it comes up at the time and the weather know it to be fair when it's off you swipe a turd a couple times and then it acts like you don't exist I'm not stupid sweet spot that gives it away okay here you see Robin you know what I'm so glad that my last stop which is interrupted cuz i was going to say really awkward so yeah okay um so that's that's the left panel the right panel is a people calls and messaging oh and I wants a messaging people on calls and when you swipe from us from from that area you get a quick widget with all of your contacts so you can easily just call people so the idea is this in your right hand you swipe over you hit the person's face and then you start calling all right but you will sign a color to each one and what happens is if your phone is upside down that edge that comes up from off the ground off the table i should say if you're getting a call from somebody but your phone is upside down and silent it will glow the color you picked that person from the demonstration we have showed him getting a call from his colleague and it looked like a ricer like a like a like a like a JDM import tuner car the bottom portion goes around back yeah thanks Ron which wish you know what I have to say when that happened I was like that's cool but why I'm just very presupposes that you put your phone facedown your current phone okay know if you are being polite out with people you put your phone facedown because it shows that you're gonna need you okay all right or the other notification like like some it's annoying and all I can I get it but but but this phone looks so dumb I'm side down on the table with a flare of that curve how many times did you get a phone call in a week or get a phone call in a week that thought came up later it was like I will never be able to use that yeah it is exactly the kind of feature the temps I would have put in the galaxy s4 because like this is this is from that era of thinking where it's like yeah we're gonna get a bunch of people at a party together they all have galaxy s4 so they're all gonna be independent speakers and it was gonna have a great party like it's like they're going in the lab well therein lies the segue okays because that's that's that's basically the main feature of the s6 edge that I can give you right now and it's not that there are many more but that's the one that they presented to us and to be honest the s6 edge actually economically feels pretty good whereas the note edge was really weird because this guy they added enough of a rim to it that you can hold it comfortably and the smaller size at 5.1 inches makes it a lot easier to hold that's all racial okay so give it that don't give you that much you have me I'm interested again okay yeah with what you put it in your hand you like wow this actually feels really right here you know s4 how did you feel about the S whores like in general as foreign to the most boring flex your phone I've ever reviewed really yeah it was pecking the things that we was packed with to make it unboring Lord didn't work right or were honest favorite galaxy a lot of them I am so sorry i was this a is for go TS or i go see know what I mean I galaxy yes yeah uh history because otherwise would be no for but that's what for me ah yes I'm as to ya s2 was a lot of people favorite I think yeah that was like I thought was well worth well regarded yeah like the camera to today still looks good yeah we havenít surrealism cuz i really wasn't convinced by i have one studies i think is like I wasn't bloom were we in the industry when there's two ozone as he was the first absolutely free from you I did for me was technically yes for I was in the middle as in the interim between this to me for the ps4 was boring so boring see the s-1 was the first time I features right about all of them I'm relevance for every egg it was it would like the s4 to screamed at you the entire time you had to deal with it central away with the s5 which I'm sure it's nothing yeah exactly a surprise but the espera was the first one that when I put it in my hands they given given that the you know I have was just in the industry for a little while before that when I put into my hands it just kind of fit and you know the flat sides and it was just the right size it was really it felt right you know and I mean he's not phrase a lot but you know that that's the thing I know he's no I bring that up is because the best way for me to describe the design of the s6 is that it is a metal and glass as for in the sense that it's the same side it has the same deal it has the same like but this is a thing sure they can't look like no it doesn't it doesn't it has the has the tapered edges on the size of the note that's what the s4 felt like that like to you yeah set my long time ok so maybe to you because I crack to I that s for cost me 400 extra dollars I cracked it is like twice playing you don't even so I'm like that feels like crap well I'm glad that I can share my my reactions of the field because that's what I felt but I will tell you that all these suspicions that people have that you may have about it are completely true is the best iphone 6 clone you have ever seen right down to the speaker grill on the bottom that is in the same placement as the iphone 6 1 now the difference is between the two and I wish I have my camera to show you or that the edges of the metal on the sides are very much like the milk force what there's just a tape would lift yes that's nice the corner buttresses look like it has its own tropes it has its own tiny little design languages but when you put them side by side with the slight curve on the sides of 2.5 d glass if you will it is definitely it's going that's the vitriol is going to get it's too much like it and it felt to me that samsung said we know exactly why people love the iphone 6 we don't have that in android yet we'll do it it's the mandroid iphone 6 no but like to be fair the iphone 6 is it is an amazing fun yes nama qui to me that's when i went there the hardware feels great the camera yes how's the camera ok so the camera yeah we have a now I'm blinking I'm blinking on though I'm blinking on the front cameras megapixels I want to see Jay and then the rear is 16 and what we have what we have there you can I don't have the info I think my phone died actually but um 1.9 temperature which is nice and low auto live HD are on both sides on both cameras with smart OAS on the rear what has he what makes it smart well it wasn't something that they iterated but i think it's the it's the same oh yes that was on the note 4 that's why i was which is an amazing camera yeah like never before straight up that's an amazing if I would carry a phablet I would be carrying the note 4 mm front is 5 megapixel 598 sorry yeah I thought it sounded like too much the interface on the camera allows you to to get into a manual mode that includes manual focus nice yes and the various elements or just buttons on the screen it does look a little bit nicer though once you hit like the pro mode it gets a little cluttered the various and modes are still in there like you know the pro mode is nice and then the selective focus is there obviously too and whatnot it felt like a samsung camera still just somewhat different but I'll obviously the claims of super great picture quality is something we have to figure out later yeah I mean like I can only imagine that it would be better than what their do demand note for ya never was so good yeah yeah I absolutely think so too and associati but I had a sub 2 point 0 aperture so the point mine the metal styling like how did it like you're saying it feels good but like how do how does the actual metal feel that's where that's why the analogy to the iphone 6 comes in because it is as thin it has the glass back so it feels a little bit like an experian that way but really when you have it in your hand the metal feels cold to your touch and it's just narrow enough that you're able to have a grip on it that's super great and it's also very light thumb it's a very light phone so once i did my comparison video with the iphone 6 it felt like i was holding the same phone how many million pairs this is this the battery and it's something like twenty six eighty they brought it down in size didn't they yes because the operating that the the processor and this is the part that I wanted to get to it because I need to talk to you about the software oh yeah me too I need to ask you about yeah we need to talk about the software via the processor yeah worldwide globally XE knows no more call common right and a bit of a precedent I have to say ah that makes me hella nervous because we get the exodus versions in Taiwan and they are nowhere near as good no that would they were not compared to the crate snapdragons and that is not what the a-10 but it's the you I experience no I know but the big gooey well the UI has been updated to the lollipop edition obviously and there are a lot of aesthetic changes to it it actually kind of feels like they've minimized it a little bit they'll go a little bit I won't say a lot there there are certain elements to it that have an optimized for us particular experience and the one that will get that wow factor from you is the double tap the home button to launch the camera now what you're gonna do is you got double tap that thing and within a fraction of a second let's have the the home button that the camera just sort of slides up from the bottom and the fraction of a second cool and the best way for me to describe it is that most if not all the interface feels like that and hold super surprised I was in court I was floored and this is why I keep bringing up the idea that this is where we're scrutinizing performance so much because these process are supposed to be amazing right you know there's really no excuse for yeah and if you can't nail move it around your your home screens like help like what hope do you have of doing anything I do obviously we will when we're doing our actual reviews these opinions might change we're in the thick of liking I'm sure but I honestly I I was floored by what what what that software performance was like now the most important question about the software experience is when you tap on interface elements does the phone make us sound like you're dripping watery in a cup no oh thank god see this i'm saying analyze a little bit you know and it just feels like yeah i mean briefing is still there which lavigne you can take it out though you could yeah uh but I know I I did I hit the recent apps button and I kept going to the cards and I went everywhere else and then it brought down the notification drop down and I just really didn't feel like I was being slowed down at all that's great oh yeah okay great okay I think that though is the experience I have a note for the note for didn't didn't bog down on almost every the s5 even was speeding when I when I reviewed it it will give us the excellence s5 was a disaster the Exynos versions of all those rich worship yeah totally that was always the case but the Snapdragon one we're good almost but it so it has been about speed so much I'm in touch with still is heavy and it feels heavier over time and that's a problem but it just ugly as sin so have they fix that like do the is it at all modern it's still colorful and bubbly and you know but but but it to me it didn't feel anything like the note for TouchWiz I have to say it didn't feel like it while it still punched you in the face with color and some of its features are still in your face because of the notification drop down it somehow felt very different so the transitions when you hit an application it's sort of like floats in from the bottom and then comes up and then when you hit the home button slides down as if you're putting it away and they are very very hate to say it but very iOS like movements in and out of applications and menus and be because of how smooth they were because of how it felt like there wasn't much keeping it from doing what I had to do it was a very interesting experience Samsung made it very clear to us at our briefing that they wanted to go back to fundamentals to create a phone that focused on what they knew was right and what they knew was going to work and just refine on those things so from a design standpoint I think they succeeded despite what other inspirations came from and it feels great it looks pretty great because the the backings on these are all translucent so it's not just like a solid color but because it's glass it have that reflection you could almost feel like you can see right through the back so design actually is pretty good or maybe the software experience and and and the performance to me it's I don't know they might have hit it out of the park at this point how are they doing the waterproofing now that wasn't really presented and I know Darcy asked that question what I don't have that information right now and those if they remove that that's gonna be a huge I think thanks that's terrible that's terrible it's a requirement um now that I have it yeah like after I got having it on the s5 having had on the z3 um I think all phones should just be waterproof i mean i don't i don't see like after having it I don't see why i wouldn't have that nursery like as like a protective option of just against accidents if i'm going to keep this expensive device for this long how many times has someone spilled a drink on my phone sure I mean I may be held at the bar too much I don't know but maybe not even like it's just one of those things in the condensate I live in a country that's quite hot yeah and you put your phone you do you put your phone down beside a drink and then suddenly sitting in a puddle yeah you know it's just like it and I've had phones that I've taken in it like you dropped it or it's wet inside I'm just like that's just two minute at this country I'm sorry I brought this foam from a trial and to a wetland right right so it for me it is really important that that it has done hmm yeah good I don't think this was this representative said because I spend half the year on it and the beach or on a boat so it's very important to me too okay but I think we are a huge minority of people I've never had someone asked me like he's like oh man I need a wonderful film event unless this was like someone who worked on a boat so I I think it's a really specific thing I get that from women yeah yeah I've started tracking that actually huh um yeah I've actually started tracking that among among my friends when we go through features that would want and I'll throw it out there I'm like it what about waterproof women more than men say yes to that huh yeah I just feel like they made me put it into the s5 thinking that a lot of people were gonna hail this is a great is a great thing and I killed no one really talked about it after you know it wasn't it wasn't covered very well in the Howard little section of the press no fair I guess I guess so but I think it's a great feature I I don't remember if it certainly wasn't explicitly articulated in the presentation well I mean if they've gone that fin the waterproofing is one of the things that will stop it from being that thin and Samsung did you the seals on it so then would add to the thickness and if there's a really thin phone then they may not be in there well going deeper into the specs there was a yes txt knows it's going to be a visit as a 14 nanometer processor which was going to help it with its power consumption given the smaller battery ish smaller inch battery um ddr4 ram mm-hmm let me see here what else is there Oh fast charging in half an hour we'll get you like something like a lie okay I believe it was a best charging is also becoming something that's more yeah wireless card over fifty percent of chur wireless charging built-in yeah for both standards for all the center section said yes and they are going to push the great yeah they are going to push their samsung pay with theirs their version of it but it's via NFC the second standard and barcodes so they're trying to cover every single spectrum so that you will always have an option when you're using the Samsung i'll never be excited about that yeah I wasn't too sure about either like it's like I tried google wallet when it first came out on the guys nexus and I had a great time the carrier's got in and started singing with the secure element then they had to dick around and do that and now I Apple pay is the thing oh and so many support half the nose or more about the which retail establishments have it was like it's just a big more ass and now your Samsung say no no what we can do it too but they'd say that they could do all of those standards but the thing but the thing about Samsung they saw the fingerprint yes it's a it's a press type now no longer swipe that is good news yes but that's the thing about Apple pay is that it's frictionless right because because of the fingerprint reader when you just bring it near it's frictionless right the screen light and you decide if that's what you want then you swipe right with Google look these enter your passcode open it up yeah right and then sometimes the system will recognize as a card sue the designer put in your pin alright so I mean like the levels of friction for Google Wallet are still quite high whereas an Apple pay it's frictionless I'm quite certain that Samsung pay right wheels so if there is an android version on a phone that is first and less then that could be quite interesting yeah I'm quite certain that they mainly made a big deal about how their version of pay will cover ninety percent of all the places available in the terminals and say okay all right um I didn't get to the the other like obvious spec 5.1 inch screen quad HD move likes well over 500 pixels per inch yeah waste waste of resources total waste of resources yeah I'm trying to avoid but is it like yeah like this great importance gonna like blow my mind it screams at you it absolutely screams at you super amoled like I said it jumps out of the screen of my tree zoom in the face yeah and yeah those words you know it's feeling like and it's it just constantly felt like you know they're packing in a lot of these specs that if you're into the spike Wars you're gonna be satisfied no but not not one specific subset of people you know who people who have bought samsung phones for generation after generation because they have two things removable battery an expandable memory yes these are the new agey yes thank you for reminding oh my god right but this is also out of me but yeah this is this is also a this is also what they were saying is going back to just the fundamental it's just like what is in there is what you get and it should work already and if they succeed in that ensure 32 16 32 128 64 all of those still available actually not 16 i think that's not thing anymore but um the so you know the hope is obviously that this phone will be able deliver on all fronts and it didn't really feel like it might because you have such a lightweight package in an attractive package and a metal back it has all of you that has all of the features that at one point or another you tried and you said I want this M minus those two obviously right now but those are two really big ones yeah they're certainly the ones people get vocal about yeah oh oh but we are no microSD card slot no expandable storage when you get two years of 100 gigabytes onedrive events were here right now he'd be throwing a table I'm not just so what I just said I would be uploading all the time it's true oh you're using my connections yeah so that's that's the story of the samsung galaxy s6 australia that wireless charging thing is admirable I yes wish they had fully leveraged that opportunity to do something no other OEM is done and put the wireless charger in the box mmm you pitching something accessories an accessory that's gonna cost them more money and it's never gonna see the adoption that they could yeah if I'm some manufacture didn't decide to eat some money and just try and push this this thing I just really look forward to when you get that phone in your hands and to see what you're actually are here your first very visceral reaction is because the first thing you're going to feel how light it is how comfortably it'sit's if you thought that the iphone 6 was a great way design phone that this comes very close honestly and I'm saying that on the android authority podcast so yes I have now lost all credibility as I'm sure all the YouTube comments will say horrible fanboy I don't know if I'm ready to live in a world with a beautiful samsung phone that's not a note for an alpha you know I think it's about time though it's beyond time yes well and and if we if we kind of look at what the rest of the landscape looks like 4 flex it bones in that space this is this this is it for like basically for mwc right okay right like it has to be the headliner well I mean it's just timing wise and everything else they everyone's gonna put it say that the m8 right and that's not that's not a enough of a design change is that the s6 is a huge design change oh yeah like a huge design chain to do me a huge risk no on that and then I'm sad that Samsung's gonna steal the show again and really in the BR and it's also sad in the sense that they're doing it was so so few things it's just the one fun we're not getting new tablets when I get any wearables or like a mid-range phone well thank god they're stopping back is they honestly weren't very good at wearables I'm glad maybe taking a break hold on let's maybe go back to the dr okay turned out but it's crazy that you know i was standing in that room and there only two tables with three of each of either phone and I said I said to myself yeah this is gonna be the one everyone talks about is the one everyone's gonna love you know because I I'm having a weird reaction to it right now like I'm actually holding an S line phone and I love it hmm it's great that's what I mean that's police in a very recent apps have recent apps have recent apps happen no slow now because I got no problems in my matches notes that's impressive yes that's the other thing that I wanted to say early / suspicious okay what did it make sense though that they would be able to fully optimize the operating system on their own processor that would make sense that if you'd heard Joshua hope this is a second name-dropping second project is about a non-tech talking about how those things run like they're just apparently there are some laughable oversights and how and how those those processors operate and and they're not as efficient as they could be if they were designed better Casey but if who cares if the operating system flows like that yeah and it's and it happens when you take home a production device yes and it's not in the demo room um then that's awesome yep but you have some inefficiency i'll sacrifice seven percent of battery life just you know because they wanted to get it on the market now and so they're six months from now it sort of fine it runs great then use your own trips and the absolutely on alright it wonderful how often you still get to you know have your phones be a showcase for your products and like a just a destination point for your assembly lines of components like this yeah hey cool move them absolutely and who knows the fact that this version of XE knows will prove itself to the point where it's something that's put into other phones other other manufactures phones Samsung Taiwan that happen I know they finally love it well I mean I really looking forward to seeing what you guys think of it afterwards no cuz you've given we were given such a small amount of time to mess around with it but I was satisfied with every little bit of it aside from you know why our universe is iphone 6 that's good to hear that I mean at the same time I'm I'm glad that we've got like a phone that's not disappointing from Samsung yeah yeah yeah you know right two generations yeah yeah and I am asked to be excited yeah and and and the fact that you know that everyone's gonna go and buy it or it's gonna be the benchmark for your comparisons and all the other flagships are going to come out and if it's legitimately a great product that I'm excited to try to take it down yeah right yeah be great to do comparisons to it not because we want the key word because it's a legitimate embarrassing yeah yeah but so I mean though that that that maybe makes 2015 more exciting yeah it definitely does yeah yeah I I'm still not convinced the TouchWiz is gonna be great it's not gonna look the way you wanted to observe it but I just couldn't get over just how how nice it was and and I understood where they they cut corn my cook corners well where they sort of changed it up to make it seem as faster than it might be night might or might not be in production units and again iphone 6 in one hand galaxy s6 and the other certain elements look exactly the same from one to the other mm-hmm like to like to like open up open a folder when you get the chance on that thing background blurs and it floats into their face really really um I love this don't get away with sure like that open and close applications and you'll see that while it's a different type of animation it's the same speed um when you lock the phone it fades out in a very nice way you know there's certain things to it they all do we just got done last job talking about HTC's stealing stuff from a v8 right yeah and you know it's a all everybody steals from each other i get it's just samsung did it so good you know because the question is always what do you guys never give anybody else about samsung of his takes crap from you guys like a samsung did it blatantly for a long time and got their asses sued for it and if that legal battle still continues and you know what no one at the briefing i was at and despite there being a small group but still no one said anything even when I was right in front of the design the person who gave us the presentation yeah we were in comparison cuz they're worried about losing access I wonder what that's like pretty thank you nevermind I I felt like I felt little weird doing my comparison in front of them because I I wasn't sure if able to say anything most felt like they were be almost felt like Samsung knew what they were doing they know what the going for spots are going to get in terms of that comparison mm-hmm and they're just like yeah okay but in any case stay tuned to android authority for when we get our hands on the galaxy s6 and all of the other phones from mwc 2015 but also tune into the pocket now with michael fisher over here on my left and of course to mobile geeks whether or not it's calm or that day with nicole scott on my right thank you so much for listening to the android authority friday debate podcast on monday and thank you for for being very understanding as to why that is it is now 241 in the morning we have a very big day ahead of us this is the first podcast that I've gone to 90 minutes instead of just the usual 60 so I want to really thank you guys for being here and for indulging you know we've this is probably what how long is this is like a three hours for the podcasting on yeah we haven't like professionals tonight yeah we're splitting it up yeah are you sleeping records I don't think I can I'm so jazzed about the samsung go to sleep you'll dream you're right going a bit um yeah I may edit a video but thank you for for for having man at at halftime I really appreciate it i'm super happy that you know this is kind of a dream of mine to have a podcast and now i have guests and yes yeah and not just chance would you know two great friends and like i said we are every time we come to a show together we should cause the trifecta of collaborate yes nicole tell us where we could find on the internet uh i'm on the twitter at nicole underscores scooter and I like Google+ a lot so I'm there nicole scott no comment but you guys can have twitter and instagram i'll take the book + okay did those jokes are ready get you alone Michael where can we find you in the IOT I in the meat space you can probably find it fast food restaurant shortly after this I didn't have dinner tonight yeah yeah / captain two phones was Captain the number two phones I'm not on google plus you won't let me wear his holster you let me wear his whole thing something I thought is gonna go look weird on me I said now you get the grip about you can carry it off well really not rip it off yeah that would Rick yeah totally my pillow G like horsham pad this is the LD West original I don't know where else oh instagram same same handle the captain two phones I like Instagram you know so i found you on Instagram and I followed you and then I had to unfollow you because it was weird because you had 5,000 followers exactly and I didn't want to be 5000 10 told me that I had to come back half a day later to be like to be 5,000 and 33 followers in ad in two days I noticed get on that it was later that day / captain two girls very nice and of course you can find me at the android authority website and YouTube channel and of course Josh Vergara from enter 30 what's going on everybody it's great to say that the end of a show at the beginning of it and that's weird it's weird right yeah but in the case I am Josh salutes on twitter and on instagram and you can find on google plus as well but if you message me on there you may not get a response also if you keep friending me on facebook i will not friend you back if i do not know you so please find me on twitter instead because i will respond to you on twitter if it's a good day so remember to keep it to two android authority and our youtube channel and if you are watching the friday debate podcast right now on youtube please remember you can find our podcasts on all of the various channels including podcast stitcher and itunes and once again thank you for the last week or two putting us on one of the top 100 for the podcast networks make sure you keep listening to our podcast so we can continue to hopefully get that kind of recognition and don't forget to review us on all of them whether it's positive or negative we will take all that you say because thank you for listening anyway so keep it tuned here and drop us some likes our videos on YouTube subscribe you haven't already and remember to stay tuned for all of our coverage of Mobile World Congress 2015 here in beautiful Barcelona Spain which took up 25 minutes of our podcast because that's that amazing / city yes alright everybody thank you guys very much and don't forget to listen next week or actually in the next five days for the next Friday debate podcast discussing topics and Android every single week the cold Michael thank you guys very much once again and I want you guys to go in me I'm going to make you do this okay would you say the final word at the end right android is okay remember to stay tuned to this and all future coverage of android authority and mobile geeks and pocket now because we collectively are all your source for all things android
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