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Samsung Dex Leaked - Google into Gaming - Instagram will "Regram"

oh thank god tech news is finally picking up and the first bit of news is a leak from Samsung the Samsung decks pad a rumored Samsung accessory has leaked in some render images the peripheral is expected to launch a longside the galaxy s 9 and allow it to connect to a computer monitor mouse and keyboard for a desktop like experience the pictures were published by evey leaks and a tweet last week giving us potentially the first look at the new accessories design now you can see for yourself it's a little bit different and design from last year's model but what it will mean for actual real world use we'll have to wait and see and we also sniffed out some very interesting news about Google the search giant is apparently entering into the game streaming service interesting anonymous informants who claim to have inside knowledge at Google are reporting that the company is secretly working on a streaming service focused on gaming codenamed Yeti the service would ostensibly enable gaming without downloading software or buying physical media other details are vague at the moment but it wouldn't be too surprising if this turned out to be true Google has repeatedly played around with the idea of getting into the hundred and five billion dollar gaming industry and its continued emphasis on being part of the home would make a gaming service a no brainer now this really isn't Google's expertise it isn't their wheelhouse but dang they certainly do have a lot of resources to throw into this so what do you think do you think they could be successful at gaming service or will this turn out to be another Google Plus now this is good news for those of us who've always wanted to regram a public post to our own story on Instagram according to TechCrunch Instagram is giving a small percentage of users access to a new regram feature essentially you can share and add public feed posts from other users to your story as you can see in the video here not only can you resize it but you can also edit it by adding stickers or drawing on it before posting of course you have the option to disable others from sharing your posts in the app settings like me do you like ultra thin phone cases if so you just need protection against everyday wear and tear and our sponsor has super-thin cases price just right for all major phones goto minimal case comm use our coupon code a a 20 and get 20% off an already sweet deal bang-bang
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