the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is already a
powerful device one with a little friend
the s-pen but if you want to get even
more out of your note 5 well here's the
video for you it's Josh Flagg our from
Android authority what's going on
everybody and here are 5 tips and tricks
to get even more out of your samsung
galaxy note 5 this first tip feels like
something we really shouldn't have to
say use the s-pen correctly now the note
5 has gotten a lot of talk about the
fact that the s-pen can actually go in
backwards on the note 5 and if you do so
all the way it could get stuck or it
could break the mechanism by which the
Air Command menu comes up now again this
should go without saying don't do that
it's really not all that hard to make
sure that you're inserting the s-pen
correctly and by the way Penn Gate not
really a name that I like just my
opinion that being said however it
should be pretty easy to just look up
once in a while and see that you're
putting the S Pen in properly and even
then if you're not looking at your note
5 while you're using the s-pen just feel
for the tip and you'll know that that is
the portion that should go into the
phone first actually for me what I like
to do is this clicky top right here and
if I know that I'm clicking that portion
that's the part that goes in last pretty
easy to do and then you'll be able to
snap it into place and it will be flush
on the bottom of the phone just because
the s-pen is able to go in backwards on
the note 5 doesn't mean it should let's
all be a little bit more aware and we
won't have any more broken note 5s ok
our next tip is about taking advantage
of the screen off memo now one of the
main features that was added into the
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is the fact that
when you take the s-pen out while the
screen is off the blank canvas right
here is one that you can actually write
on now this is a powerful tool that
should be available for anybody that
wants to jot down quick reminders maybe
somebody's contact information or just
anything that they really need to know
right at that moment but don't want to
turn on the phone right away but there's
even more to the screen off memo than
just writing it down and letting the
note sit in s note what you can do is
get into S note find the note that you
made using screen off memo and then
use it either as a reminder for a quick
alarm later in the day or whenever you
want and you can also take that same
note and make it a widget on the home
screen now any reminders that you may
have quickly jotted down using the great
screen off memo will never be out of
for any of you out there that might be
lets say forgetful or you just want to
have information available at a moment's
grasp the screen off memo is a great way
to do it you just have to take advantage
of the S note application so you can
make it easy to reach no matter where
you are on the phone one of the other
new features in the note 5 is the fact
that screen right can now take very long
portions of websites even the entire
ones by taking multiple screenshots and
piecing them together into one long note
but that is really only used if I want
to save information far more often do I
share information with people and I like
to cut out specific portions of what is
available in order to share that with my
friends that is why you have two smart
select smartly when you find what you
want to share just take out the S Pen
and hit smart select you can actually
make a small box cutting out just the
portion of the screen that you need and
then hitting share will allow you to go
straight to your messaging app and send
it automatically now this is a lot
better than trying to take a big old
screenshot even in screen write of it
and then you try to cut it out using an
editing software platform and also going
through all the different share commands
after that will make it even more of a
tedious task at least with smart select
you'll be able to cut it out and
immediately share it with anybody that
you wish makes it really easy to just
share that funny clip that you saw
online and be able to make your friends
laugh on places like Facebook or
whatsapp number four on our list of five
tips and tricks for the note 5 is about
making the phone easier to handle now a
fairly old feature that was in previous
note devices returns here and is even
easier to trigger than before one-handed
operation simply go into the display
area in the settings and you'll find
one-handed operation as one of the lines
now this not only gives you the ability
to make one-handed usage out of
different inputs like keyboards but it
also allows you to shrink the entire
screen now that's pretty easy to do by
just triple tapping the home button
this is a really easy way of making the
note 5 just easier to handle and it
pretty much makes everything shrink down
and you can move it from left to right
depending on which hand that you're
using at least the one handed operation
is trying to make it a little bit easier
for you to get a handle on your phone
and our final tip is about speeding up
the experience of TouchWiz we already
have a pretty Spartan TouchWiz on here
which is one of the best parts about
these new Samsung devices but if you
want an even faster and more fluid
experience you can actually do that by
getting into the settings the first
thing you have to do though is remove
any bloatware that might be on the phone
now this is something that those of us
who get carrier versions of these phones
definitely have to pay attention to
thankfully in TouchWiz it's kind of easy
to remove or disable these applications
just head into the app drawer that now
has an edit button and when you hit that
button a bunch of little remove icons
show up on pretty much any application
by pressing these remove icons you'll be
able to remove or just disable certain
applications most carrier bloatware is
going to be only disabled this is a tip
that could essentially be used for any
other phone but it's kind of important
for the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 especially
if you get it on a carrier because
there's always that bloatware coming
from people like 18t or beyond but
removing the bloatware is only part of
the answer the other thing you can do is
change very slightly the aesthetic of
the animations inside of TouchWiz and
that's something that Android has built
in from the beginning just head on over
to the about devices portion of the
settings and then go to software info
and it's there that you're going to find
build number when you tap on this line
multiple times it will tell you that you
have become a developer and when you go
back to the regular settings screen
you'll find developer options there now
quick warning developer options on any
Android build can be pretty robust and
if you mess up too many things on there
it could make Android a little bit
harder to use
sometimes even inoperable at its worst
so what we're looking for here are
specific options that say animation
scale in them so when you go down into
the settings you'll be able to find
three of these options that all are at
1x that's the amount of time that it's
going to take for the animations to run
across all of Android in this case
bringing that down to 0.5 X essentially
cuts that time in half so you have
faster transitions while still remaining
pretty fluid you can also turn them off
completely but that makes Android feel a
little re so really point five is
probably just how far you want to go so
you can still get that nice fluid
feeling in your software once you're
done with all of that you've freed up a
bit of performance by removing and
disabling bloatware and you've actually
made the software feel and look even
faster by making the animations go for
half the time that way you can actually
speed up the experience and get even
more performance out of an already
powerful package in the galaxy note 5
and so there you have it for these five
tips for the samsung galaxy note 5 these
5 tips will allow you to not only get
the most out of the s-pen for the note 5
and also keep it from breaking but you
can also get a little bit more
performance out of it by getting into
the developer options and removing your
bloatware at the very least disabling it
if you have any other tips and tricks
that you want to share not just with us
but with the entire Android Authority
community make sure you pop them into
the comments down below and if you
haven't already subscribe to our channel
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the review of the samsung galaxy note 5
but even more from all of my colleagues
in android here at android authority you
can head on over to Android or decom
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