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Samsung Galaxy S10 - Why the leak is bogus!

this league is the Galaxy S 10 leaker ice universe has published an image of an unannounced bezel a smartphone that some believed to be the galaxy s 10 prototype the image is published earlier this week on Twitter alongside the cryptic words quote this may be a design beyond now some may interpret that as a reference to the supposed rumored codename of the Galaxy S 10 beyond the phone does have a similar shape to the Galaxy S 9 and s 9 plus and Samsung is expected to make the S tens bezels even thinner like seen in the image the Galaxy S 10 could also use a discreet camera system like the one in the Opel find X and a sound emitting display removing the requirements of a front-facing camera and speaker now with that being said this probably isn't an S 10 prototype and here are some clues there are a couple of odd reflections on the lower mid left and bottom right and the artifacts across the bottom of the display are suspicious and we rarely see leaked images this soon before devices potential loss possibly in February 2019 for prototype units the first photo of the galaxy s seven arrived around a month before its release the first photo of the s8 appeared around two months before its release and the first photo of the s nine popped up roughly two months before its release and trusted Android leaker on lakes also hinted that the image was a bit sketchy laugh-out-loud leaked and to be fair ice universe didn't actually say that this was the s10 prototype the use of beyond in the tweet could be coincidental or the result of machine translation from Chinese in fact on his way Bowl page ice universe used a caption that translates roughly to quote this is the next step therefore going from this is the next step to this is the s10 prototype is quite a leap of faith what do you think let me know in the comments below or on Twitter I want to hear it do you think that the s10 will look like this or are you thinking hey come on I'm looking for the note this summer this is just too early to even talk about let me know I want to hear it IT people know how this works you try to do focus productive work on your screen but your screen likes up like a Christmas tree with IT alerts and notifications you're not being productive you're being distracted but you can reduce that noise with Moog soft AI ops by up to 99% Moog soft AI ops is an algorithmic IT ops platform that reduces your IT alerts and tickets by up to 99 percent by integrating with your existing IT tools so you can focus on tackling stuff that matters visit Moog saath kaam for a free demo that's Moog soft calm you
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