Samsung Galaxy S4 - Frost White vs. Mist Black color comparison
Samsung Galaxy S4 - Frost White vs. Mist Black color comparison
what's up everyone Clayton young Rick
here from Android Authority comm your
number one source for all things Android
and today we're doing a color comparison
between the white Frost and the black
mist Samsung Galaxy s4 smartphones if
you've had any trouble deciding go ahead
and watch this video and tell us what
you think at the end ok so much like the
Samsung Galaxy s3 before it the g s4 has
shipped in two initial colors those
being the black mist and the frost white
versions of the phone now what we're
gonna do today is show you various clips
in different conditions of both the
colors of these phones so you guys might
have a better idea of which phone you
would like to purchase if you're in the
market for a brand new gs4 now before we
get any farther I'll say that my
personal preference lies with the black
miss galaxy s4 so here's a side-by-side
shot and obviously the capacitive
buttons are off and you can see that the
home buttons are different on each
Galaxy s4 I prefer the home button on
the black because the bezel is more
apparent and as you can see on the back
there is a hidden texture in each and
here's a shot of the galaxy s4 S on a
black background you can see they're
next to each other and their brightness
is all the way up so you notice a little
bit of difference on the bezels so right
here i'm holding the galaxy s4 in the
broad daylight
and you can see the LED flashing still
and it's a little easier to see the
sensors but on the white galaxy s4 you
can see the sensors very very clearly
here we have the galaxy s4 is in the
dark and you can see that the capacitive
buttons give off light into the body of
the white Galaxy s4 while they don't on
the black Galaxy s4 the top bezel on the
black galaxy s4 is very impressive
because the LED light remains invisible
when it's not actually flashing and it's
the same on the white galaxy s4 except
for you can see the sensors a lot easier
and that may be a turn-off to some now
the white color is very nice and you can
see the texture on the back especially
right here around the camera now with
the black miss galaxy s4 the texture
really pops out anyways guys thanks for
watching this short video comparison
make sure to tell us which galaxy s4
you'll be purchasing if you're in the
market for one and why you chose it
thanks a lot this is Clayton Youngberg
with Android authority comm
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