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Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus International Giveaway with RhinoShield!

filip again ladies and gentlemen i'm joe hindi from android authority comm and welcome back to the sunday giveaway let's roll the intro and see what you could win this week alright folks you know how this works let's look at the last few giveaways before proceeding to this week if you want to know who won all of those giveaways since our last video we have our giveaway landing page linked up in the video description below so that you can check it out if you happen to be a winner congratulations on your victory this week we're partnering with Rhino shield to give away a Samsung Galaxy s8 for those who don't know Rhino shield released a new set of bumpers and they look pretty fantastic the company boasts a case that is 40% thinner than all of their previous cases and a small footprint that protects the phone like a hardshell case but still feels like a soft one the bumper also keeps the front and back of the phone from touching things when you put it down without interfering with the design of the Galaxy S AIDS infinity display if you want to check out the new s8 or s8 plus rhino shield we'll have that linked up in the video description below we encourage you to check it out because it's actually pretty good okay let's get you folks enter to win this contest your first step is heading to the contest page which is linked in the video description below once there check out all the res to see about the s8 and the rhino shield and then scroll on down to the contest widget log into the widget so that you can get started the first option is to tweet about the giveaway on Twitter and this will earn you to contest entries you can come back each day the contest runs to tweet about it again for a potential total of 14 contest entries you have the option to follow rhino shield on Twitter for an additional two contest entries it's also a good spot to check out their line of products another two entries are up for grabs for those who visit rhino shield on Facebook you don't have to throw them alike if you don't want to but it's another good spot to stay up to date on whatever it is they're doing you can also visit Rhino shield on Instagram for two contest entries like Facebook tossing a follow is optional but it can't hurt if you want to finally you can check out the Rhino shield essayed collection for yourself just hit up their website and take a look at all of their products no purchase is necessary and it'll earn you to contest entries after you've done some or all the things I just talked about head to the share with your friends section and pick up your custom link share that link wherever you want and each person that enter your link will earn you to contest entries with a maximum total of 20 contest entries that are up for grabs and that about does it for this one folks don't forget to subscribe and bring the bell to get notified of the latest android authority videos also thanks to rhino shield for putting up this giveaway click the link in the description to go enter the giveaway if you want to thanks again for watching everybody best of luck in the contest and have a wonderful day
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