yeah definitely
that was on
hey it's Josh regard from android
authority what's going on everybody and
I'm here playing with the Samsung gear
VR now do going to is there a better now
obviously we have the gear VR with the
note 4 and you saw a clip of that
already is I'm going to go ahead and get
this thing on
just adjusting the velcro straps on the
side and I mean you Avengers area for
this where we have the Tony Stark lab
from Iron Man and here's what it looks
like now we have a back button over here
with a touchpad which is what you're
going to use the control bunch of the
interface but right now I'm kicking it
with Jarvis and right now looking at
Tony Starks lab and you see over here we
don't really have anything but we do
have the oculus icon right there now I'm
going to start looking around hopefully
I'm going to be still pointing at the
camera once this is over but if I talk a
little weird on the other side it's all
right so we have the heads up display so
this is the closest you're going to feel
to Iron Man which is obviously the
reason why I picked this area but what
I'm doing right now is looking
throughout the entire lab right now and
there are a lot of different items that
are being shown and everything just kind
of comes up it has a very nice display
to it in the terms of you know things
kind of come in and out of your field of
view and you really do get a sense of
the depth of field from here it is
virtual reality after all here's captain
america shield coming up right up close
to me it's like right here in front of
me and have all this information on this
side right here telling me
we show how to knit this is pretty cool
but you can tell me in the comments how
this looks like and that Oh city code
and i'm over on the side and that was
the presentation the the avengers type
of application looking at Tony Starks
lab and that is the Samsung gear VR now
these are obviously special editions
made for these presentations I don't
know if you're going to actually get
this version of the gear VR with the
plate on the front like this
and actually luckily I was able to get a
closer look at the gear VR and here it
is we have the cover that has been taken
off but that's because I wanted to show
you the connection in order to put the
gear or rather the note for it was
easier so you take off the cover right
here just this little visor that's
available and here is a galaxy note 4
that I have in my hands and what you'll
see on the corner over here that I'm
sliding this into is the micro USB port
that will then go right into the device
and then snap right into the gear VR and
from there that you put the visor back
on and then the high resolution AMOLED
screen becomes the display for this
actual entire piece of device now this
is a more or less what you're going to
be seeing in the gear VR this is the
actual unit that'll probably be going on
sale not that iron man one that I was
using that the Avengers booth but yeah
this is the gear VR right here and you
have you have the as I was saying before
you have the back button and the little
touch pad area and on the other side not
really anything except the icons for the
gear and oculus now the straps are also
adjustable as you saw me adjusting in
the previous clip and they are
adjustable for any number of different
sizes of people's heads up from there we
have the just top part which will rest
right on top of your head and in a way
it's going to kind of scrunch down your
hair a little bit but that's alright but
this is the entirety of the Samsung gear
VR I just want to give you a closer look
at it and also actually before I forget
here is the here's the here's the dial
that will allow you to change the
magnification and basically the how
close the phone is to your actual eyes
so that is the Samsung gear VR here at
Android Authority just wanted to give
you another closer
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