this is the app screencast gives the
ability to record anything that is going
on on your phone it has many in-app
options from screenshots video selection
of the ones you took benchmarking and
options options include video resolution
normal or high video orientation
landscape portrait or auto and frame per
second select 10 to 30 frame per second
with different ranges variable in
between it gives you the ability to
change the file name of the animated UI
or not so for lower end vices it won't
slow down your device well I'll try to
get between windows and enable
transparency in your user interface or
not as you can see there is little leg
between windows but later on you will
see some slow down when XD in the game
while recording I think my memory was
maxed out on the with my limited 512 ram
cut the rope was a demonstration is I
had no problems with that everything ran
very smooth no slow down while recording
and little interference sometimes I'd
like to see this app include later on
down the road is audio recording either
through the mic or the audio output
because it make it a lot easier to do
many other things overlays or whatever
and coming up is where there is some leg
I think my rat was maxed out I have 512
with the droid 3 any device anything
over that is should have little problem
with video leg or recording right here I
really did enjoy this app i look forward
to see update set i released later on i
should make it run even smoother and
give more options overall I felt like
pretty polished app though and this is
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