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Sony SmartBand Hands On! [CES 2014]

this coverage of CES is brought to you by Toyota starts lachman here with android authority we're here at the last day on CS we're in the sony booth i'm here with the gentleman named rob bong say it's obviously a sony and we're gonna be taking a closer look at the sony smartband can you please explain now what we're looking at here yeah for sure so what we have is a sony smartband here inside the sony smartband is actually the sony core once you connect it you're going to use bluetooth NFC one touch to connect the two devices together okay once the device is connected you're going to use lifelog lifelog is this application here as you can see from the application you have three different views you have the journey view you have chart as well as the map from the journey view you could see the character as you scroll back into your journey you can see the character actually animate and move first application i'm going to show you is the fitness side cool from the fitness side you can see all the calories you burn how many steps you've actually taken and how long you ran for if you actually look into the calories you can see exactly the goals that you set and how well you do by day by week by month as well as by year so this is a natural progression right now we are testing to testing your fitness but Sony's all about entertainment so we also want to show your your entertainment as well so you can see from the top hear your music icon with the bubble on there the bubble gets bigger is more music you listen to so it's all about tracking your entertainment as well why are you exercise exactly so you can also bookmark special event in occasions so if there's something you want to remember or there's something that you really want to keep it a mark on you can set a bookmark just by double tapping on to the smartband itself interesting once you've set that bookmark we'll see what I actually bookmark this is my best time on this run it's not just about tracking your information it's also about learning from it so I know that this is my best run but why did i do so well in my run it possibly could be all this music i was listening to these are the songs that really motivate me so checks the psalms that motivate you when you exercise exactly any places more consistently while you exercise well actually we just learn from these songs and then you would say you know what let's create this playlist then this time i go last exactly what about the actual smart band itself can we talk about that yeah so the smart band itself will come with two different straps a small strap as well as a large strapped inside the strap is what we call the Sony core we're really the heart of the operation all right it's got one button here and it's got an LED indicator to tell you if you're in active mode or if it you're in sleep mode so what exactly can it do can you control your music with it or what kind of stuff you have this is exactly it you can control your music with it all you have to do is press this while it's an active mode tap on the top once to play tap again to stop okay double tap to pass forward okay triple tap to rewind what about coach rube will tap quadruple tap we'll see what happens there it is waterproof okay ip58 all right all right does use a micro USB charge and what kind of battery life we're talking about seven days of top seven days in any idea on release date or pricing release date we're looking at about spring spring pricing is to be determined be determined will be very competitive with the market that's good that you added that Rob is there anything else that you already know about this particular the biggest thing is that the customizability so right now you get the black bands but if you wanted to accessorize and have personal style you can get a multiple different color bands with it as well as wicked man well it seems like a pretty interesting thing we can't wait to take a closer look perfect thank you very much for your time sir thank you okay starts lack of a with Android already reporting live from the very last closing home into the sony booth here at CES 2014 thank you very much guys and once again thank you to toyota for sponsoring our CES coverage
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