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Stock Android vs Android One vs Android Go - Gary Explains

hello my name is Gary Sims and this is Andrew authority now we all know there are different versions of Android Android server and Android hate Oreo and so on but now there seems to be different flavors there's kind of stock Android there's Android one there's Android go what are the differences between all these different flavors well if you want to find out please let me explain okay so the way it works for a traditional OAM like Samsung or LG or while way would be that Google publish the source code for Android part of its Android open source project and then anybody can take that code and build Android for a smartphone or for any kind of development board but on top of that Google have a series of services for example the Google Play Store and things like YouTube and things like the Google music and Google Play movies and those are all things that are provided by Google but they're not part of the Android Open Source project so therefore to get a normal Android smartphone you need to take the source code from Google and you need to have certification so that you can use their apps that they will send you now on top of this normal way of dealing with Android we also have these three variations that I talked about the first is stock Android which you get on devices like the pixel the pixel 2 and before that the Nexus devices like the Nexus 5x and likes at Nexus 6p and so on now those devices they actually get a Android directly from Google so as soon as a change that Google want to ship out whether it's a security update or a bug fix it comes from Google directly to the phone and then there is Android one that Android one was originally launched in India and it was aimed at low-end phones but over the years it's actually grown and now includes some kind of mid-range or high mid-range devices like the Moto X 4 which I'll talk about in a moment now the thing that the Android 1 program it's actually Google offering software services to OEMs so maybe the OEMs are good at doing hardware hardware manufacturing at doing retail channels and advertising and sales but they haven't got an experience at doing much software so Google's say well we'll do the software for you and we'll also guarantee to ship update and upgrade for a certain amount of time on to your handset and that's the Android one program and then there's Android gonna Android go really replaces the original plan of Android one which was for low-end devices and it's a cut-down version since if it doesn't have too many pre-installed apps and there are some special apps like maps go and Gmail go which are aimed specifically for low-end devices now the big difference between stock Android and Android one and then Android Go is that Android Go doesn't come directly from Google Google give it to an OEM like Nokia and then Nokia release it and knock you have to release the updates and the upgrades when they're pushed down from Google now I have got hold of three different devices one running each of these flavors of Android and I had a quick look to see how they differ so I've got the pixel which has got stock Android on it comes with Android 8.1 Oreo and has a security updates including April and I'm videoing this in the month of April I've also got the Motorola MOTO X 4 which is an Android 1 device and that has Android 8.0 Oreo and it has security updates up to March I've also got the Nokia one which has got Android 8.1 Go edition on it but it doesn't have any security updates from January so it seems to be a bit behind there on the security updates now when you look at these three phones side but I said there are some cosmetic differences in the launcher the way things are arrays the widgets that you get in the wallpapers that you get but that's all cosmetic stuff that each of these om manufacturers including Google itself has decided to include on the skin of Android but it's not radical changes we're talking colors and wallpapers and things like that when it comes to pre-installed apps the Moto X 4 had the most pre-installed apps not from Motorola but actually from Google because they pre-installed things like Google Translate and and Google Play Books whereas the pixel had less of these google apps it had the bare minimum kind of the Play Store and YouTube and things like that but it also had the daydream application because the pixel is a daydream compatible handset and the other extreme we've got the Nokia one which had very very few apps pre-installed but they are all available all three devices all the apps from Google are available on the Play Store but now of them came with kind of bloatware they all came with basically a pure Android experience however it is worth noting that some apps are the same across all devices so for example the calculator app was exactly the same across all three but other apps can be quite different so the camera app was different for every single device and they had different ranges of functionality with each device so even though you're buying an Android device and it might be Android one or it might be stock Android the camera app isn't guaranteed to be the same and that's mainly because the hardware that it's running on what's available is very different so for example the Moto X forwards got your camera whereas a Nokia one doesn't for example so there's a big difference in what's available and therefore the camera app has to reflect that okay just to sum up so you've got to stop Google it's on the pixel and the Nexus range and that comes directly from Google and the updates and security patches come directly from Google then on the other hand you've got the Android one program where again the software and the updates come directly from Google and Google offer a period about two years of updates for those phones then thirdly you've got Android go like on the Nokia one and that comes directly from the OEMs in this case from Nokia doesn't come from Google the changes and security packages are shipped on akhiya and then Nakia have to ship them out to the handsets my name is Gary Sims and this is Android authority I really hope you enjoyed this video if you did please do give it a thumbs up you know what I'm gonna ask you please subscribe please hit that Bell notification icon do leave a comments below and well that's it I'll see you in the next one
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