how's it gone everyone I'm Adam Elina so
it's 2018 let's be honest most
smartphones are nearly perfect when it
comes to audio but nearly perfect isn't
perfect and if you take audio seriously
it's good to know which phone is gonna
do what you want so in this video we're
gonna go over the five best smart phones
you can get if audio is important to you
and if you're curious as to how we got
these results stick around to the end of
the video because I'll be quickly
explaining all of it alright let's get
into it
so the five phones are the LGB 30 the
Galaxy S 9 plus the Google pixel 2xl the
Nokia 800 for weird and the razor phone
let's start there so if you're all in on
this wireless feature the phone you're
gonna want is the razor phone it was
recently updated to Android 8.1 which
means that it now comes with all of the
bluetooth co dat goodies that come baked
into Oreo you'll get app Dex apdex HD
and L Dec 4 bluetooth streaming along
with dual front-facing speakers now the
glaring downside is that this phone is
lacking a headphone jack and even though
it was to stuff in a four thousand
milliamp hour battery it's still a
pretty big inconvenience but to try and
make up for that the dongle that comes
with the razor phone does give it Dolby
Atmos support so if you don't go the
wireless route and end up plugging in a
pair of headphones at least you get
something for your troubles so if you
already have a high-end pair of wired
headphones or are thinking of getting
one in the near future there's really
only one option for you the LG v 30
audio files love the LG v 30 for a
reason and that reason is the headphone
jack not only is that in itself in a
plus these days but this phone also has
a quad back inside that supports a 32
bit audio and an amp that can power
pretty high-end pair of headphones
it also outputs a signal that's stronger
than any other phone on the market and
it has support for f2x HD which is the
next-best codec for bluetooth streaming
after Sony's L Dec not to mention that
if you do plug in a pair of headphones
the harmonic distortion was the lowest
we tested in any smartphone at 0.0009
percent now because both the phone and
the headphones need to have L DAC for
the codec to work the lack of L DAC
compatibility shouldn't really be a
problem for you unless you already own a
pair of expensive bluetooth Sony
headphones like the WH 1000 X Mark twos
during testing some of the own
issues we found with this phone are well
beyond human hearing which is why they
make music sounds so damn good one con
to be aware of though is that the
speakers on this thing are pretty weak
and our testing the output maxes out at
71 decibels making this the weakest
speakers on any of the phones that we
tested and then we have the galaxy s 9
plus Samsung's latest and greatest now
wasn't the best in any one category but
it scored well enough to compete and
let's be real it has a headphone jack it
too supports 32 bit audio and is Dolby
Atmos certified when you plug in a pair
of headphones the razor phone does this
too to be fair but the s9 does it
without a stupid dongle it takes the
prize home for Best processing just
because of that again the speakers here
aren't the best and the Dolby Atmos that
you get on them won't be as impressive
as they are with headphones but it's
still something that the other phones
don't have you also have the option to
customize the frequency response on a
system level which is useful for cutting
out frequencies that you physically
can't hear anyway and then of course we
have Google's flagship the pixel 2 XL
which made this list even without a
headphone jack as Gary would say let me
explain the Google pixel to XL is on
this list not because of its
front-facing speakers which were the
second loudest out of any that we tested
at 74 point 4 decibels or even because
the dongle surprisingly has a noise
floor that was basically identical to
the headphone jack of the LGV 30 at
negative 100 and 1.4 decibels versus
negative 100 and 1.6 decibels no it's
here for the same reason that it's one
of the best phones to get period it's
first in line for updates coming
straight from Google and while that may
not seem like a huge deal right now
pixal owners will be the first to get
any updates or software tweaks that will
make the audio experience even better
it's also compatible with all of the
Bluetooth codecs except for Samsung HD
which is exclusive to the galaxy the
only thing I would make this phone
objectively better is if it actually had
a decent headphone jack which I'm never
gonna let go so just deal with it so if
you don't feel like spending nearly
$1000 on a smart phone I can't really
blame you so we also have a bang for
your buck pic which goes to the Nokia 8
because despite its low price tag it's a
priceless with how well it held up in
our testing not only does it have some
impressive speakers that gets up to 74
supposin volume but it also has a
headphone jack with a noise floor that
was on par with the likes of the google
pixel - dongle and even the headphone
jack of the LGV 30 throwing the fact
that it now has android oreo which gives
it aptX at the xhd AAC and L dad
compatibility and it's well worth the
asking price especially when that price
is usually around 400 US dollars so how
did we get these results well lucky for
us we have the latest and greatest
technology at our disposal a scarlett
2i2 interface okay okay not that
impressive but you'd be surprised at
information you can get out of this
thing with the right software using a
3.5 millimeter - a quarter-inch TRS
connector Y cable we were able to
connect each phone to a top-secret piece
of software called audio right mark it's
actually a free piece of software that
you can download yourself if you're
thinking this is all really simple
you're right
it is there's a lot you can learn by
simply playing a 96 kilohertz 24-bit
test file and then recording and
comparing the results we could have
tested with higher bitrate files but to
be honest there's really no point
we chose something that would meet or
exceed CD quality which is 44 point 1
kilohertz and 16-bit because at the
moment no streaming service even does
32-bit audio and that's how most people
are gonna be listening to music anyway
now as far as testing speakers go
unfortunately we don't have access to an
anechoic chamber but if you can get me
in one let me know so I could scratch
that off my bucket list
so we were only really able to provide a
gross sound pressure level measurement
or SPL by playing a pink noise file on
max volume off of each phone at a
distance of one meter from one of these
guys a decibel reader overall the
front-facing speakers on these phones
were better than the bottom firing ones
but either way all speakers across the
board pretty much sucked if you want
good audio out of these phones grab a
pair of headphones so when we start
talking about wide performance this is a
little bit easier to understand but
harder to hear data aside all of these
phones sound pretty damn good more than
enough for the average person and unless
you spent years training your ears to
pick up the smallest differences in air
pressure you won't be able to really say
that one is loads better than the other
now with that out of the way that's why
we have data in wired headphones lower
distortion and a low
noise floor are better for the final
product that reaches your ears in that
same vein the lower the deviation found
in testing the frequency response the
lesser audio will be altered before you
get a chance to hear it and at the end
of all of this testing you get this
chart comparing the phones so one thing
that's worth mentioning is that phones
with dongles like the Google pixel to
excel and even the iPhone 10 refuse to
output sound at a specified sample rate
why no idea but with three different
people doing these tests individually we
got more or less the same results the
good news is that these phones should
have an easier time getting rid of
distortion the trade-off is that it
technically isn't performing as well
while the average person streaming music
or YouTube videos won't be able to tell
Ultra Hardcore wired listening only
audio files might not be satisfied with
this which is fine because chances are
that type of person should avoid dongles
if they're using power-hungry headphones
anyway now the last piece of testing was
the Bluetooth codecs which was actually
super easy as the companies explicitly
state which codecs they're using which
gave us this chart comparing them so you
can see which phones have what you're
looking for so there you have it if you
care about audio those are the top five
smartphones you can get that won't let
you down I'm out of milena thanks for
watching and make sure to follow us on
social media if you're not already we
have Instagram and Twitter and also hit
the notification bell down there so
you'll be the first to note every time
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