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The Galaxy S8, dual-audio and Bluetooth 5 - Gary EXPLODES!

this is my happy face this is my upset face this is my frustrated face now I'm pretty frustrated there's so much misinformation going on about the internet about the Galaxy s8 about its dual audio feature and about Bluetooth 5 but I'm compelled to make a video about it now if you were know why I'm so frustrated please or let me explain ok maybe I'm being a bit dramatic but let me just clear a few things there's going to be a short we don't want to kick up a few things for you let me tell you in no uncertain terms that the dual audio feature of the galaxy s 8 has nothing to do with Bluetooth 5 let me repeat the dual audio feature on the Galaxy s8 has nothing to do with Bluetooth 5 now let me explain why that is way way back let's when bluetooth first came out we have Bluetooth version 1 then Bluetooth version 2 and Bluetooth version 3 now in kind of version 2 and version 3 we've got this idea of streaming audio to either a Bluetooth headset that maybe you were using to hands-free while you're driving or to a speaker and it uses a special codec called the SBC and basically the mandatory part of Bluetooth and all the speakers that we've seen most of the speakers 99.9 at the speakers you today are using that technology from Bluetooth to and from Bluetooth 3 now when Bluetooth 4 came out it had a new kind of Bluetooth in it which called Bluetooth Low Energy at the time they also played around with this idea of being called Bluetooth smart but today it's basically called Bluetooth Low Energy and the older system which was Bluetooth 2 and Bluetooth 3 with all the streaming is nowadays called Bluetooth classic now Bluetooth Low Energy was designed for things like the Fitbit okay things that only send a little bit of information and an irregular basis heart monitors health monitors Fitness monitors sensors all this kind of stuff that only require and will need to run off small batteries maybe in those coin size packages may need to run for months at a time now Bluetooth Low Energy uses about at least half of the energy that Bluetooth classic does now when we take up our smart phone today we have a smart phone is there any connection to a Bluetooth device if it connect to a speaker it connects using Bluetooth classic if it connects to my Fitbit or to a similar device it uses Bluetooth Low Energy and these are called dual mode dual mode bluetooth devices because they can cope with Bluetooth classic and Bluetooth Low Energy now Bluetooth five only extends and works on the boot Bluetooth Low Energy specification Bluetooth classic remains exactly the same nothing has changed since way back in the day when we had kind of Bluetooth two blue two three okay so Bluetooth classic has remained the same Bluetooth Low Energy is what's changed in Bluetooth five so when we're talking about this thing about double the speed and four times the range and all that kind of stuff which I've covered in other videos they apply to Bluetooth Low Energy now why is it important it's important to understand because Bluetooth classic actually had a bit speed of up to three megabits a second and Bluetooth Low Energy didn't only had one megabit per second recently before that it was even less than that and now with Bluetooth 5 it has 2 megabits a second so Bluetooth classic is faster and is still faster than Bluetooth Low Energy but Bluetooth Low Energy uses less power now at the moment there are not very many or certainly not very really popular but audio over Bluetooth Low Energy Solutions that means how you can connect a headset or a speaker to a phone using bluetooth low energy still uses Bluetooth classic now that's going to change I'm sure there's going to be now that we've got this 2 megabits a second throughput for Bluetooth Low Energy that's going to change this gonna be but all your over ble audio over blue low energy coming out and that's definitely going to happen but today when you buy your Sony speaker or your JBL speaker or your anchor speaker and you connect it to your smartphones using Bluetooth classic now the Samsung Galaxy f8 have got Bluetooth five and it has got Bluetooth classic and it has got that dual audio feature now the dual audio feature is just something that Samsung have done in Bluetooth classic I don't know how they don't they put in maybe two Bluetooth chips all I know doesn't matter how they've done it at the moment it just matters to understand that it's actually just an extension a special way of using Bluetooth classic and so anybody that says but the Galaxy s8 has got bluetooth slide because it can connect to two speakers that's not right I'll say it again Bluetooth Low Energy is not used when you're connecting to those two speakers now while we're talking about the Galaxy s8 and we'll talk about Bluetooth I want to tell you something I've actually managed to get Bluetooth 5 working on the Galaxy s8 ok ignore signal and that was me just being but I have actually managed to yet now I want to give a huge shout out to the folks over at Nordic semiconductors now Nordic semiconductors make these Bluetooth 5 development boards and that's what I use during my initial Bluetooth 5 testing which is the speed in the range of Bluetooth 5 I have 2 of these boards and Nordic semiconductor have been really really helpful and they contacted me after they saw my last video and Gary we can tell you how to get Bluetooth 5 working on the Galaxy s8 now I'm going to do a full video about that whole thing but let me tell you one thing it's not what you're expecting everything I said in my last video is absolutely true but there's a trick to this I'll explain why life is so stay tuned I'll try and get that video out maybe in the next week or so well I'm going to in from under Authority and I hope you enjoyed this video please do give it a thumbs up if you did please do subscribe to you'll find out when I've make my next video available if you hit that Bell icon you'll get notification when I release my next video and last but not least plea - over to Andrew authority calm because we are your source for things Android
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