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The New Gmail - Everything You Need To Know

hello again ladies and gentlemen i'm joe hindi the android authority app guy and gmail has a fairly significant redesign coming down the pipes right now and you can check it out early here's everything you need to know about the new Gmail okay so let's start with how you can get this new look for yourself in the top right corner of the Gmail page there is a good old fashioned gear icon click that and then click the try new Gmail option and win the page reloads you will have the new Gmail look it's easy peasy the new Gmail definitely looks more attractive but the layout doesn't actually change all that much you still have the tabs across the top various email categories on the left margin and Google Hangouts integration in the bottom left corner for the main page at least everything is basically identical to what it was before switching to the new Gmail even keeps the same theme you had before along with the same advertisements the new compose button also looks quite nice anyway the basic navigation and layout are the same compared to the old Gmail they just look a lot nicer more colorful and more modern you shouldn't have any problems learning the new setup there are some new elements to the main page the right side of the screen now houses icons for the new Gmail add-ons by default I had Google keep Calendar and Google Tasks there but there is an ad button where you can add additional stuff like a sauna Trello and a bunch of others adding these add-ons through the website as the icons to the right side for easy access clicking any of these icons opens a right margin with functionality relative to the icon that you pressed thus if you want to check your calendar while typing an email you just hit the calendar icon on the right side and you can without switching tabs or anything like that there aren't a ton of add-ons just yet but we imagine the selection will improve over time we'll talk about one final piece of the new looks in this segment and they are these subject lines in the default view attachments now show up as big colorful icons below the subject line complete with an icon and part of the attachment name the icons change based on what kind of file it is you can click on open and download attachments without actually opening the email thus adding a bit of bergen AMA goodness to the proceedings those who don't like this can click the gear icon and change the display density from default to comfortable or compact and that removes this functionality and makes it look like the old Gmail along with the new look came some new features as well we've already talked about the new add-ons in the right margin as well as the new attachments thing in the looks section so we won't talk about them again here the first and probably best change is the inclusion of quick controls whenever you hover over a subject line with your mouse four icons will pop up on the right side those buttons let you delete archive or snooze emails and you can mark them as unread this is vastly faster and not available in the old Gmail while we're on the topic snooze is a new feature as well that lets you stash emails away until a later time it works almost exactly like the snooze button on an alarm clock or most to-do list apps it'll just notify you of the email later on in the day when you might be able to finally give it a look the mouse-over feature also works with contacts when you mouse over a contact it'll show their information along with some action buttons that let you quickly send an email schedule something on your calendar or get a hold of them on Google Hangouts interesting that Google still cares about hangouts in 2018 but it is what it is don't worry Headley's email is uncensored on purpose and yes I did ask him first the last new feature is the inclusion of better security notifications Gmail does a much better job of getting your attention when it Flags something as being potentially dangerous this includes a massive red box that lets you know what a message seems dangerous to Gmail you can't possibly miss it and good on Google for adding more security stuff okay so the current gmail beta or whatever it is isn't 100% complete yet and there are some additional features coming down the pipeline ostensibly before it actually launches to the public in full the first feature we'll talk about is called nudging Gmail will start bugging you about emails that you haven't responded to after a period of time thankfully it doesn't appear as though Gmail is gonna be really annoying with it it'll likely just be a small notification somewhere on the subject line to remind you that you haven't yet responded to that particular message then there is the confidential mode that you probably heard about when you saw all of those headlines about self-destructing emails in Gmail confidential mode lets you send emails with an expiration date and of course the email will delete itself after it reaches said expiration date it also includes with passcodes where Gmail automatically sends SMS messages with the passcode to the recipient we would love to show you more but it is a feature still in development so all I could find were some screenshots the mode also includes the ability to remove the right to do some things for instance you can send an email and remove the recipients right to forward the email or even print it of course a simple screen shot gets around all that but at least Gmail is trying finally Gmail plans to change how it does email subscriptions and notifications the new Gmail a I will eventually occasionally recommend that you drop an email subscription when it thinks you aren't interested anymore meanwhile high priority notifications will alert you to emails less often focusing on the ones it thinks are important that one isn't really necessarily new but it'll be slightly different inside of Gmail oh and there are plans to improve offline support as well including the ability to write respond to delete and archive up to 90 days of messages now it's important to know that this is all new stuff we have seen some comments and complaints about some features being a little buggy such as the snooze mode I didn't run into any of those problems during my testing but it is something to be aware of of course you can always go back to the normal Gmail at any time by clicking the gear icon and choosing the option to go back to the classic Gmail if you need to otherwise what we have here is your basic overhaul you have a few modern features dotting a much nicer looking landscape we'll also be paying attention to the new Gmail add-on feature because that should get pretty powerful over time as always you can tell us what you think in the comments below or let us know if we missed anything also for those who are worried Google did expressly state that no big changes were coming to the inbox by Gmail service anytime soon aside from making them iPhone 10 compatible and that about does it for this one folks if you want to learn more we do have the written version linked up in the video description below if you liked this video you know what to do and if you didn't well you still know what to do as always thanks for watching everybody and have a wonderful day
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