Top Tips to Make Learning Android Development Easier
Top Tips to Make Learning Android Development Easier
so in some of my previous videos I've
talked you through how to make games and
apps in just seven minutes and hopefully
you've seen that it can be quite easy to
get something decent up and running but
there's quite a big difference between
making a simple app or a game and
actually understanding a whole
programming language and mastering the
art of coding that's quite a bit more
difficult and unfortunately it's also
particularly difficult when it comes to
Android development because with Android
you need to learn Java which is already
quite a complex programming language and
object-oriented programming language
with classes and methods you need to
understand XML which is the code use for
the layout files you need to understand
the product structure how to use the
Android SDK and yeah it's a bit of an
uphill struggle learning how to develop
can be a daunting process for anyone
starting out and it's easy to get put
off before you really get started so in
this video I want to share some tips
that can help you to make learning any
programming language Android development
in particular that little bit easier so
whether you start first of all it makes
sense to start with a good book
I learned to program from a book but I
would say you want to approach using a
book in the correct way so find yourself
a basic introduction to Java or Android
development and read it but don't read
the entire thing as you read the first
few chapters you'll hopefully you ever
take some notes and understand the
basics of how things work understand
things like if statements and variables
but as you get further into the book
things are going to get a little bit
more abstract of choose and you might
find yourself starting to struggle so
what I'd say is often a good way to
start is to read the first couple of
chapters make some notes and then when
you stop understanding what's being said
that's when you stop and take a break
from it and it's at that point I think
it's a good idea to start making a
simple project so that's my second tip
is to start making some kind of project
really early on because Java or C sharp
or any other programming language that's
a massive subject matter you're never
going to completely master any single
programming language there's always
going to be new techniques new commands
that you aren't familiar with instead
then instead of trying to learn how to
program for Android instead of learning
Java learn how to build the thing you
want to build so can't with a simple
project and just learn what you need in
order to make that project so perhaps
be a calculator or perhaps it could be a
quiz which I've recently talked you
through on this channel and by doing
this what you're doing is you're
contextualizing what you're learning
you've got an end goal in mind you're
seeing how those statements and how
those principles work in practice
instead of just thinking of it in an
abstract arbitrary sense this also gives
you motivation and it helps you to see
how everything works together and get
familiar with the tools you need to use
the IDE etc and it's great because at
the end of it you'll have a program and
an app that you can show your friends
and you can try yourself and that's
quite a rewarding feeling too so instead
of just trying to understand the Java
set out to make yourself a little game a
little project and that is the key word
here is little simple you need to make
sure that first project isn't anything
too ambitious cuz a lot of people will
say to me I want to learn how to program
and I'll say why they say because they
want to make an app that will
revolutionize the way people use their
money and I'm like well no offense but
that's such a huge owned undertaking it
involves collaboration with many other
people it's gonna be cloud-based it's
just far more complicated than you
should be using for your first project
so build up to that grand scheme you've
got in your head sure but for your first
project count something really simple
learn to make that and then from there
you'll find you need to learn new things
and that's when you start to make these
projects more more complicated and then
you'll learn more and more stuff and as
you go you'll find that hopefully you
pick up more and more knowledge until we
get to the point where you can say yes I
do understand Java tip number three is
to reverse engineer to ask questions to
approach programming in a collaborative
sense and I like I say not to try and
master the entire programming language
don't get too disheartened if when it
comes to resizing a bitmap or something
else like that you need to look online
and find the method that someone else
has done and say can I use this in my
project because that's how a lot of
programming is done a lot of us don't
actually remember every single statement
we're going to use we just google it
like anyone else you need to have that
basic knowledge and a basic
understanding of how programming
languages work and how to structure the
particular programming language that
you're interested in but beyond that
there's nothing wrong with borrowing
code with reverse engineering and
picking things apart
with reading online with checking how
things work with looking for better ways
to do things always do your research
often you'll find yourself
head against the wall trying to solve a
problem one actually could have solved
it with just a single line of code
because someone's already written a
class that does that job for you
so like I said don't be afraid to reach
out and don't expect to know everything
and to do it all yourself we all need a
little help from time to time as we
develop and get more advanced you're
going to need to find more resources to
pick up more information and it all
depends on what kind of learner you are
but for me I find the easiest way to
grasp a new subject or to build a new
app is to find the video online that
will talk me through it a video tutorial
and the great thing about that is that
you'll see them using the same tool as
you and you can literally follow along
as they're doing whatever they're doing
you can see how they set things up you
can follow the code as they do it any
errors they make them explain and
explain everything as they go and say
there's no way you can miss a step
because it's so annoying when you try
and follow something from an article or
from a book you build something and then
it doesn't work and Yorkshire white
whereas with a video you can rewind it
and see exactly what they wrote exactly
what order they did it in and how they
use the tool so annoying what song goes
insert this and you're like where's the
insert button I don't know so that's why
videos are so useful for learning to
code and learning to use any tool for
that matter one more piece of advice is
that when you're looking for information
either on Google or on YouTube make sure
it's up to date and relevant because
Android in particular is constantly
developing new techniques are always
being introduced new features and if you
find an article that was written a year
and a half ago it might be completely
obsolete at this point so when you're
searching on Google a quick tip is to go
to the tools and make sure that you're
searching for content that was added in
the last year and that way you know it's
up-to-date and you won't have any issues
with things being deprecated or just
obsolete at this point also important is
that as you're learning make sure that
you do the groundwork and you learn the
basics and don't get too ahead of
yourself that means things like learning
to use debugging tools learning correct
formatting and good practices whilst
this might not be the most fun or
exciting part of programming it will
stand you in good stead for the future
and you'll find that if you get into
good habits now it'll make life a lot
easier once you start working on massive
projects and it's easier to prevent
yourself getting into a bad habit than
it is to fix a bad habit trust me I know
my programming used to be
really interesting debugging being
particularly important of course because
it means that if you've done something
wrong you can find out what you did
wrong rather than just staring at the
code for hours and hoping that the
solution will magically come to you
which is again how I used to go about
things another tip is to break things
down and to learn them in a sensible
order like I say unfortunately
developing for Android is quite
difficult because it involves lots of
different components and sometimes it's
hard to know am i learning Java at this
point or am i learning to use the
Android SDK and instead of trying to
learn the whole thing at once then it
can be a better idea to learn a bit at a
time and in particular it's a good idea
to learn Java first if you're struggling
to dive straight into Android
development maybe take a time out and
learn how to use Java so you can find
loads of Java IDs these are the tools
you use to program job or a great one is
bluej that's completely free you can
download it and then you can write
little programs they'll just print
things out to the screen or work with
numbers or ask the user questions and by
getting familiar with that you'll then
be able to see how that works in the
context of Android development so when
you come to use Android studio you've
got a little bit more familiarity with
it and it might even make sense to learn
a completely different programming
language altogether as I say Java itself
is actually unfortunately quite a
complex language to pick up it's very
strict with its syntax and its structure
if you make any small mistakes won't run
at all and it doesn't read particularly
like English and it's an object-oriented
programming language so all of this
makes it quite complicated to pick up
for the first time even before you add
the Android stuff on top of that so
instead you could choose to learn the
simple language to begin with just to
familiarize yourself with some of the
basic concepts of coding so I learned
basic first and this is a much easier
programming language it reads a lot more
like English with big if-then statements
and go to 10 pythons another very good
one for beginners and c-sharp looks a
lot like Java has only a few differences
but I find it personally a little bit
easier to pick up of course Android
studio now also supports development
with Cottman which is basically a
slightly easier and more beginner
friendly version of Java so that's
another option this is the book I
learned to program from by the way it's
programming in quick basic quick basic
being a version of basic that used to
come packaged with DOS and old Windows
laptops it's been well-loved like an old
teddy bear
with no cover coffee stains water stains
it couldn't look more ancient but it's
thanks to this book that I'm here today
say there you go
and of course if you really stuck with
Android studio in Java then you could
just make the leap to a completely
different IDE that's an integrated
development environment so that means
that you're using a different tool to
build your apps and some of these let
you use different programming languages
say for instance unity development is
useful for making games and that lets
you use c-sharp and some people find
that much easier B for a or basic for
Androids is a tool that lets you make
Android apps using basic there's xamarin
there's tons of options out there
there's even game makers and app
builders that will allow you to make
tools and apps with very limited coding
knowledge and the best of these are the
ones that involve a little bit of coding
understanding because that way you can
then translate that idea and build on it
to eventually make the leap to using the
official tools from Google so everyone
learns differently and of course you've
probably got your own ideas of what can
make learning to code easier if you do
then please share them in the comments
down below and I'm sure other people
would like to read them I hope that some
of these tips have been helpful for you
and if they have then please consider
liking this video share it around and
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this and of course check out Anna Dragic
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