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Umi Plus International Giveaway [3 Phones]

hello again ladies and gentlemen I'm Joe Hindy from android authority calm and welcome back to the sunday giveaway let's take a look at what you could win this week okay folks let's take a quick look at last week's contest before we get into this one if you want to find out who won the Moto Z's will have that contest page linked up in the video description below so you can check out who won if it was you congratulations on your victory this week we're giving away not one but 3 Umi plus smartphones these are all aluminum smartphones with 2.5 D glass that gives it a very pleasing look and feel they also come packed with a 4000 milliamp hour battery four gigabytes of RAM 36 gigabytes of storage a fingerprint reader fast charging and an octa-core processor if you want to learn more head on over to the contest page and check out the promotional materials that we have linked up there let's get everyone entered to win this contest the first step is heading to the contest page which is linked in the video description below once there check out all of the information and then scroll on down to the contest widgets log into the gleam widget so you can get started the next thing you should do is click that free entry button you'll get one contest entry be officially entered to win this contest and you won't have to jump through any additional hoops you can tweet about the giveaway on twitter for one contest entry if you want to you can also come back each day the contest runs and tweet about it again for a potential total of seven contest entries another option is to visit UMI's official Facebook page which will earn you 3 contest entries you don't have to throw it a like if you don't want to but you can certainly do so if you want following me on Twitter will earn you an additional 3 contest entries it's a good spot to get a hold of the company if you need to and check out their latest news you can also subscribe to amis youtube channel and earn yourself three more contest entries there they post videos about their products so that you can check them out finally you can earn to contest entries by visiting UMI's official website it's actually very well done and contains information about their products news about what they're doing and a whole lot more once you're done doing some or all the things I just explained to head to the share with your friends section and pick up your custom link share that link wherever you want and each person that enters using your unique will net you to contest entries with a maximum potential total of twenty contest entries available and that about does it for this one folks if you want to keep watching we have our quick look of Google allo linked up there on the screen and in the video description below don't forget to head up the contest page because that's where you're supposed to go to enter this contest and keep it tuned to android authority because we are your source for all things android thanks again for watching everybody best of luck in the contest and have a wonderful day
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