this coverage of CES is brought to you
by Toyota at a convention like the
Consumer Electronics Show accessories
always has a huge presence but this year
it was a little different because a
specific genre of accessory really took
the spotlight and that's wearable tech
now while we might not have been able to
look at all of the wearable tech at CES
2014 we wanted to show you the
highlights of the ones we did get our
hands on guzik's is a company you might
not have heard of but they want an
Innovation Award at CES this year and
they have some very cool augmented
reality wearable technologies and so we
thought you'd like to know and I'll take
it away I'll let her do it
the m100 it's a visual display for your
smartphone but it doesn't end there it's
actually got its own processor so you
can load applications right to it we're
targeting the medical industry and the
industrial applications as well so you
might go into a warehouse and have your
employees be able to pick their know the
location of where they're picking seeing
what inventory is available right on
their screen and they can scan the
barcodes right with the camera that's
built in so everything can be done
hands-free do you consider this
particular product to be competitive to
Google glass we have you know yes yes
and that in that it does a few things
differently yeah and because we're we've
been around since 1997 we actually know
how the technology will interact with
the way people will use it so for
instance one of the big differences is
that we have a digital see-through box
okay and as you just saw yeah you know
it's very bright you can see everything
on air there and you can read it you
can't do that on Google if the Sun hits
it the wrong way or if you're a surgeon
with the bright lights looking down at
your patient and also the patient data
disappears your host I see it so is the
patient yeah
so that's why we've taken a lot of that
expertise we have over the years and
built this device with it so we're here
to introduce the Epson Moe Vario BT 200
smart glasses what you can see is that
we have two displays that are centered
in your field of view so effectively you
get a large floating image right out
there in front of you in addition we
have motion sensors a front facing
camera that allow you to fully sense the
environment for augmented reality and
best the best yet we run Android yeah so
via this touch controller we run Android
for oh and it does run off a touchpad
interface yeah and you do get a six hour
battery life nice so right now we have
some very cool kind of light virtual
reality games that you've probably
experienced a games will be talking
we've got three that are being demoed by
a developer named Sean McCracken of
imaginary computer is actually a very
well-known glass develop my records very
popular and Namco Bandai has an
augmented document in action exactly has
an augmented reality tabletop virtual
fighter game really cool and you know we
have a number of partners as a streaming
media on the streaming media site in any
Android app you can basically slide load
onto the device now we weren't able to
get our hands on the pebble steel but we
did want to give it a mention here in
the wearable tech of CES 2014 and that's
particularly because as a pebble fan
myself I'm really looking forward to
seeing what else pebble will be able to
come up with after creating a whole new
design for this particular version of
the SmartWatch it comes with a metal
band and has a metal face now but the
screen is still about the same and the
functionality is still pretty much all
the same but it does show that pebble is
looking to really evolve and I'm really
looking forward to what they have in
store for us for the rest of 2014
so what we have is a sony smartband here
inside the sony smartband is actually
the sony core once you connect it you're
gonna use a Bluetooth NFC OneTouch to
connect the two devices together okay
once the device is connected you're
going to use life blog life log is this
application here as you can see from the
application you have three different
views you have the journey view you have
chart as well as the map from the
journey view you could see the character
as you scroll back into your journey you
could see the character actually animate
and move first application I'm going to
show you is the fitness side cool from
the fitness side you can see all the
calories you burn how many steps you've
actually taken and how long you ran for
if you actually look into the calories
you can see exactly the goals that you
set and how well you do by day by week
by month as well as by year it's not
just about tracking your information
it's also about learning from it so I
know that this is my best run but why
did I do so well in my run it possibly
could be all this music I was listening
to these are the songs that really
motivate me this protects the songs that
motivate you when you exercise exactly
any places more consistently while you
well actually we just learn from these
songs and then they would say you know
what let's create this playlist and this
time I go that's brilliant idea man
exactly what about the actual smart band
itself can we talk about that yeah so
the smart band itself will come with two
different straps a small strap as well
as a large strap inside the strap is
what we call the Sony core and you can
control your music with it all you have
to do is press this while it's in active
mode tap on the top once to play tap
again to stop okay double tap to
fast-forward okay triple tap to rewind
what about code root will tap they have
quadruple tap we'll see what happens
there we're looking at the LG life band
touch it's a sophisticated product
that's designed to actually help you in
a lot of ways this is Brandi's the true
expert I'm gonna let her take us through
the first ones pretty much your basics
is going to be your
time your date and your battery life you
press it again that's how many calories
you've lost throughout the day that's
your goal and that's how close you are
to your goal the postie you get the
light will slowly turn from a red to
yellow to a green and there's your miles
how many steps you've taken and let's
say you want to go to the gym and you
want to start a separate set of data so
you're going to workout mode and then
from there you'll also be able to see
your stats and also it can sync with
your phone to use and control your music
as well as get call and text
notifications very cool so how exactly
does it read all that data that allows
it to you know come to the determination
so it uses an accelerometer and an
altimeter the future of fitness
wonderful well thank you so much for
your time Randy you're welcome thank you
and once again thank you to Toyota for
sponsoring our CES coverage
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