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What will Android P be called?

um discharge regard what's going on everybody and I'm here with David Emmel what's P gonna stand for so we're gonna do this whole Android pee thing here's the thing folks Google really likes to lay it on thick when it decides to lay out the clues but sometimes what they do is a total misdirect anyway so let's take a look at all of the options from where I'm sitting it can only be three things Android pie or pecan pie or pumpkin pie or whatever Android peppermint and Android popsicle I'm sucking but they're not I wish so popsicle seems so obvious but then cake can't came out of nowhere and then like nougat they kind of begged this new God they kind of backed themselves in a corner with that one yeah I mean with Oreo though like everyone knew it was gonna be Oreo and then I don't think everyone knew I was over you are I think everyone knew it everyone thought it should be Orion well other than that it was just that weird like orange no I mean come on I thought it was like orange cream Pires alia no no I was just gonna be orange but in that vein I mean it could be pretzel pretzels are salty nobody really got to be sweet I know I know that's why I said that's a little bit probably popsicle maybe like petroleum jelly you don't eat what's another pee like I want to think of like this mama granite hey Street pastry that's in general girl pop-tart okay someone did say pop-tart on I think it was Twitter or I think yeah I thought pop-tart was pretty clever PEP I'm close to okay poke I would love that yeah but again not a that is not a dessert I wouldn't I'm close to putting looking of foods that's that begin with P look at that second one it's not Android poop everybody uh just so that yeah pear paprika and arrow this is not a pumpkin purple carrot pump no pumpkins are not sweet home visit recipe prickly pear I would love it if they'd used enunciation and had two words Android prickly pear I'll live with a pea yeah that'd be AI an apple but like their fruits there they're healthy I just realize we're missing one that I think is so obvious pasta pie Android has a long history with pies before it became KitKat the rumored frontrunner for Android K was key lime pie and after that lemon meringue pie for Android L now there's a history of Pi in Android but they ended up not really going with those names before but it would make sense if Google is considering it again oh what about pepper man Oh perfect Efrem is pretty good I think okay it's you didn't me peppermint or popsicle but I really think it's gonna be peppermint now yeah I do think peppermint is up there peppermints up I think peppermints like actually I like pancake the second is popsicle this rumor started when Google introduced their spring wallpapers and one of them happen to have a bunch of very Andy looking popsicles on them possibly a red herring possibly not I can't say for sure but popsicle is definitely in consideration I'm not convinced though because with Android lollipop and now popsicle that would be a lot of pop maybe their marketing team just likes the word pop but what do I know I like pancakes yeah pancake is cool but it's not it's a breakfast I really think pepper man it's gonna be entropy yeah as my vote right that's not even my vote I will put money on it oh hey well if you want to put money on it let us know what you think we need me I will bet you money okay well actually make you money you'll bet you venmo yeah yeah last up is peppermint the Android pee Easter egg has a distinctive peppermint tea color pattern to it it's been a long long time since Google put in Easter egg with actual clues to the name so this too could be a misdirect for the sake of prediction though I'm gonna say that popsicle and peppermint are both mr. X and I think that Google is finally gonna go with a pie name so if you want to tell us what you think Android pee is going to be let us know what you think in the comments down below I don't think we're gonna have much of a debate in the comments section like we can't we can't really fight over yeah cuz everyone's gonna agree with me per minute like there's no other option yeah for all things pepper which is not good [Laughter]
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