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Withings Move Hands-on: ECG On Your Wrist?

so remember way back when when Motorola first introduced the very first Moto X it was really cool you could customize it online with any back textures that you wanted or any colors you wanted and they would send the phone to you exactly how you wanted not a whole lot of tech companies are doing that nowadays except for one Withings the same company that was bought by Nokia a few years ago is now back on its own again and making smart watches on its own with its own small team and they are allowing you to customize your very own hybrid watch here at CES 2019 they just announced the Withings move and Withings move ECG the regular weddings move it's just a basic activity tracker and it looks like an analogue watch it's really cool and it only cost $70 the more expensive one is 130 and it actually comes with an electrocardiogram so it's called the Withings move ECG you may have heard the term ECG thrown around with smartwatches recently because Apple recently included one in its latest Apple watch so the Apple watch only works with iPhones and so if you're an Android user you don't really have a ton of options out there for you know consumer ready ECG products but that's what the way things move ECG is here to do now at only 130 dollars it's actually a pretty affordable option if you are already going to the doctor for heart issues the way things move ECG is actually really easy to use all you do is put two fingers on each side of the bezel and your smartphone will automatically start recording your heartbeat and it will be able to tell you if you're having heart palpitations or any early warning signs of anything serious now after you're done and if you're satisfied with your results obviously you can just go about your day but if you notice something serious you can actually send those results straight to your doctor and that's huge they are activity trackers but they don't track everything so first of all they don't have an onboard heart rate sensor and that's kind of a big thing for some people they also don't have a built-in GPS which you usually only get with more expensive vices but they do have connected GPS so you can actually pair it with your phone and go out on a run and it uses your phone's GPS if you want to get your hands on the wings move or Withings move ECG you can preorder both of them right now like I said before the weddings move cost $70 it's only available in five color options at the start but later on in the year they'll open up the customization options oh and one more thing if you are a u.s. resident and you want to customize your own walk with things is actually fulfilling all US orders in the US just like moto maker did years ago so you shouldn't have to wait a super long time between ordering your device and having a chip out it won't ship until later on in the year and you do have limited color options so the customization is only gonna be for the cheaper model so I really like this SmartWatch and I want to know what you guys think please leave a comment down below and tell me your thoughts and if you like this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and of course Android authorities here all week at CES 2019 so be sure to stay tuned to our channel and we'll bring you some more tech coverage throughout the week
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