Worlds First Bluetooth Wi-Fi Android Compatible Printer
Worlds First Bluetooth Wi-Fi Android Compatible Printer
see lack of it here from Android
authority we're here at Computex 2012
just checking out all the crazy Android
action we're seeing something pretty
cool here it's a Bluetooth Wi-Fi capable
printer connects to an Android tablet
since I really don't know too much about
it just yet I'm gonna hand it over to
the experts here but just check out
something cool that Android can do hello
guys and thank you and thank you for
your time and I would like to introduce
you our new thermal printers that you
can use for Android we are the Android
war first dart printer that you can
actually use the Android to make a print
directly from from your tablet or your
for example the can print receipts
lottery your your private
come on your private SMS that you don't
want your wife to see and it actually
has a lot of application for example
restaurant ordering who needs a waitress
when you can just put the tablet in
front of you and you just order and you
got all the goes directly to the kitchen
and a robot can bring it all the way to
you you know like a wine everything we
can have a we can have a different kind
of POS system that you order and the
recipients for you banking
transportation and then you anything you
wish and I let my Japanese friend who is
taking care of a lot of business talk a
little bit about hello that's about it
if any question just come talk to us or
talk to your guys thanks guys and I hope
to see you around
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