hello again ladies and gentlemen I'm Joe
Hindy from android authority calm and
welcome back to this sunday giveaway
wait no that's not right it's Wednesday
isn't it screw it who wants to win a
cell phone usually we designate this
part of the video to congratulate last
week's contest winner but that contest
is actually still running and you can
check out our YouTube channel for the
video about that giveaway for more
details this week we're giving away the
ZTE acts on phone we finally got our
mitts on one of these bad boys and it
looks like a fairly impressive package
it comes with a decent chipset 4
gigabytes of RAM a dual camera on the
back and some fun tweaks for you music
lovers out there along with a lot of
other stuff if you want to see it in
action we'll have our hands on video
linked up in the video description below
ok folks let's get you entered to try to
win this contest first you need to head
to the contest page which is linked in
the video description below once there
you need to scroll on down to the
contest widget and you will need to
login if you haven't done so already
first things first click that free entry
button there are no hoops to jump
through you just need to click that
button and your enter to win with a
single contest entry for three
additional entries you can follow acts
on phone on twitter so you can keep up
with all the awesome things going on
with this device you can also tweet
about the giveaway for another contest
entry and if you want to you can come
back each day and tweet again for
additional entries which you can do
every single day the contest runs if you
want an additional entry you can watch a
video the video is actually of our hands
on of the acts on phone and this is a
great way to set your curiosity about
the device and get a contest entry in
the process if you so choose you can
subscribe to acts on phone on YouTube to
keep up with all the videos they put out
about this device doing so will net you
three contest entries you can also visit
the axon by ZTE page on Facebook you
don't actually have to like it if you
don't want to but it's another great way
to stay up to date with this device
visit the site and then come back and
collect to contest entries you can also
grab two more entries by visiting the
ZTE USA com website the link is right
there in the contest widget if you need
it take a quick visit look around and
then come back to collect your entries
after you have entered using one or all
of the ways i just described check out
the refer friends section at the very
bottom of the widget to pick up your
custom link share that anywhere with
anyone and for each person who enters
using your
link you'll get a contest entry with a
maximum of 10 contest entries available
and that about does it for this week
folks the axon phone is an impressive
piece of hardware and there are a ton of
ways to get entries best of luck
everybody once again I'm Joe Hindy from
android authority com wire here why not
subscribe to the android authority at
YouTube channel if you're hanging out
for a minute we have a couple of awesome
videos for you to watch right over there
including Josh pagaras hands-on with the
axon phone finally don't forget to check
the contest page which is in the video
description below because that is where
you go to enter this contest as always
thanks for watching everybody best of
luck in the contest and have a wonderful
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