Finding Flat: How to Interpret Headphone Measurements Seminar | AXPONA 2015
Finding Flat: How to Interpret Headphone Measurements Seminar | AXPONA 2015
give this a go my name is Tyler sins on
the editor Jeep of infidelity I measured
and probably have about a thousand
edible veterans like my time we've got
500 of on-air fidelity and the course or
many measures that don't quite make it
for one reason or another Arab Americans
of something that I can't publish and
also a lot American consecutive loss in
room hey so the first thing to know is
what we're looking for is flat that
there is such a thing as flat it's put a
speaker in an echo chamber microphone
down directly in front of the speaker
the speaker is perfectly flat response
the same at all frequencies as the same
game will see that out of microphones is
we're going to call that flat and we're
going to try to figure out what that
looks like a pair of headphones now I'm
not saying that perfectly flat is best
we don't know that exactly we don't know
where lash is yet but it's a reference
so it may not necessarily the sound the
best it certainly doesn't take can we
count all sorts of things like
and so forth but its start so this is
what hippo measurement she looks like
that frequency response up there and
that's what we will talk about first and
just to identify all the things i'm here
on your second sheets custom that's
frequency response that is a undirected
frequency response in a correct
frequency responsible
second that's isolation how much noise
is held away from you and you listen
pair head low so sealed hip bones will
show Bieber amount of isolation this is
the impedance and electric bass response
to the head bumps this is the 31st
square wave response and then the 300
square way in response the impulse
response and a total harmonic distortion
2 plus noise and then we got a couple
little things here numbers here that
give us a vision see and broadband
isolation and a couple of other things
but for starters we're going to look at
frequency response good ears we say a
speaker's flat we just put a microphone
out here put it in an antelope chamber
or as the gentleman who parties it a two
signals and give this microphone
measures flattening on that speakers
flatten all is good now the problem is
what you hear we can put your head in
and what's that you're here in reason
why that is important for headphones put
headphones on there is no place to put a
microphone in there where you have some
kind of audio signal that's propagated
by it without a bunch of reflections
around it last year was known us about
gating signals so that you don't get any
reflections in the in the measured
signal and then you can know what's
really there well in something that's
this small you're not going to get away
from them questions there's all sorts of
stuff going on inside this coupler
that's important word understands
cutler so it doesn't sim sound out into
space for propagating it couples the
sound here here and the only legitimate
place for you to measure sound in a
headphone is after hear from because
well that's what it's intended to do
just get sound to your ears flat so well
with a splat look like at the eardrum
that's what we're after you what we're
going to go after your first is take the
microphone way put your head project and
what does the frequency response to look
like at your eardrum and why so this
little chart I just love because then
personally like one that I found and
that's it this is a for a 45 degree
angle of incidence so Sam times and 45
degrees the way to do what the eq love
that sound is due to your body your head
poor so the reflections off your ears
and so on and so forth in each of these
lines represent a different opponent of
eq that happens and this big line is the
overall the song so 4 45 degrees
off-axis at the eardrum you're going to
have 20
p at about 2.7 k 20 DB p as a lot but
that's real and that's what your head is
you see here and your head is amazingly
good at figuring out how to hear
something in make it right your brain
wants you to be able to understand what
you're hearing and it tries very hard to
make that work and you live this curve
your whole life and therefore it sounds
flat E so where does this come from ok
so number one here is the spherical head
so your head has gained at high
frequencies as you go up in frequency
you mentioned up in a oceans any air and
water the shoreline saying you know
appear from a pilot that goes to a dog
or something like that so you get water
and appear right there if you have the
lone waves they're going to write pass
that piling lately underneath and that
way is going to say just like it is when
you look at the edge of the pie in your
head but as the waves get faster and
faster and faster pretty soon the
wavelength of waves are getting to be a
habit lately is about the size of the
parley I'll start baggage along and very
high frequency little ripples will be a
shadow behind the highlight where the
ripples aren't because the pilot is
completely interfering with the signal
so you have boundary game next as the
frequency goes up the uncle to to the
signal on the side of the head doesn't
as it has to reflect and go back the
other direction increases the amplitude
of the wave next to the side of the head
this whole boundary game and down the
game is frequency selective with the
size of the object that's feeding the
sample so as soon as the sound gets me
about half a wavelength is the size of
your head you start getting some game in
the end you've got some game that stays
about the same
that's one second effect here is the
torso and net so this is your body and
your neck mixed your head now your body
is bigger and so you got more game over
here but there comes a frequency where
you've got a body and a hedge which
ducks of space in between and it acts as
like a filter and and so you actually
have a point here where it goes negative
game and that's where sound is winding
its way through between your neck your
head a little bit and then uploads or
the frequency start advocating so that's
another curve because so that's the head
and the body of the neck and now we've
got these colored curves right here
three is the conch up and up and at the
flick back Bobo no I'm very conveniently
in this illustration they three is the
content and that's a major bowl you're
here with us this part right here and
five this one big one is your prior year
from resonance that happens about I
3.5 of the folks at the etymotic oh
there it is same told me as 2.7 eyes
will absolutely go okay What's Up boss
and then for this is this a little
wobbly thing right here this the flange
on your pinup making some reflections
way you add all this stuff up together
and you get this response right here
you'll notice you're a 200 Hertz down
here so it starts writing actually
fairly low and I frankly don't be tired
by this group but but there is a rise
for a while to be able to one killers
and then a much steeper rise of 2.7 and
then a curved shape all the hospital 10k
and a 10k right here you're about
baseline so a 10k it comes down to about
the baseline level and if you guys look
at well it seemed distant okay so now
we're going we're going to talk about
prom black that right there was 4 45
degrees and as you change this angle all
those curves change and they change all
over the place and as your ear changed
if people's ears those curves
interchange so so we drive every curve
that you know
really apply to everybody you know
listen what happens if it's dirty agree
sir all sorts of weird axes
when we when we pick well yet in the
rural areas and historically to adopted
standards for transfer functions or
volume free meal in the diffusive put
simply pre-filled response is a sound
coming directly from in front of you in
an antechamber okay that so we have
what's the response of the eardrum and
the cell phone directly at ease in an
Android chamber and the diffuse field
response is sort of the complete
opposite it's what if Sam was coming at
you from all directions in a room that
this bad concrete interesting one like
that what's the what's the response of
the year all right so this is what these
responses look like now they're upside
down because they're Corrections so flip
this over you're going to have something
like that curve to be shooting before
and the diffuse field curve this one
right here it's probably the
this you
an average sort of responses it's kind
of average but it's really not
necessarily quite right it wasn't
designed for headphones so so the first
most important question is that we need
to ask is what makes sense for a
headphone curve what is the normal
acoustic environment that we find
ourselves listening to when we're
listening to music and sneakers on
sneakers all those speakers music is
designed and engineered playback
monsters so I would contend and have for
years that the target of response curve
that we should be looking for is what's
in the ears when you play good speakers
include room that is what headphones are
trying to simulate because they're
completely artificial think they need to
try to do something that's really feel
and speakers are
so now there's another thing about
speakers if you have to understand and
that is a good speaker measures flat in
an anechoic chamber we can put it in a
room it's no longer flat okay because of
couple things one is the down regain the
room even through the luminous eyes then
there's also that power density of high
frequencies as the frequency goes up on
the speakers the high frequencies tend
to be okay so the higher the previous
even more themes and less of it is being
sent out into the room so the energy
that's just being sent out into the room
and not for you generally speaking is
low frequency heavy so you take a good
sounding speaker a plaque measuring an
anechoic chamber you put in a room that
may sustain to warmer and we're used to
that there's a whole lot of research
done by Floyd's a little back in the day
with Sean olive where they talk about
this and they came to the conclusion
that you don't want to be turning black
one this evening flat and then
and take on the warmth of the room
included because your ears when you talk
in that room when you hear other people
talk to that room here here's figure
that one out and about this room in
description sounds now we play speakers
in that room you have to let those
speakers paper boom sound like the
sounds or your brand's me though this
month with moons house so it's important
to allow the speakers to energize the
moon and to understand that that's your
brain perceives that normal so Sean
olive or the past a little while has
been working on this curve in HR olive
is at arbonne international to do a
bunch research and will bore you with
the details of this research but they
didn't take a lot of research I think
that we do a lot more research who goes
into this like you've made this argument
that using subjective testing all sorts
of things that dis the party sponsor for
pair of headphones and i would say that
he's probably really close so this curve
right here is that pie that very soft
for go start so another about to my
nerves here gradually gets about 1k goes
up so in this case it's not 20 DB but
or maybe less actually about their King
and then it rolls off after the over the
top and at 10k right here you are about
at baseline and that's what that sheet
is on the front of the handout in case
time that is that she'd explain putting
some numbers at the moment you're just
an XY interpret a headphone management
you just have to memorize that verb
someday I'll be able to put that curb
into the computer and get canceled if
you use it to correct drink reserved
right now I'm i use a different
correction curve so the research the
correct frequency responses that i have
tended want a little bit more tilt
and then whole lot of about forty eight
or so like that seemed to be correct but
I like actually using the raw Americans
okay so let's look at the hip bones a
good frequency response this is a pair
of nad viso hp50 s and you'll see that
has this Rising part it doesn't start
out at 200 Hertz though it starts out a
little higher if you have a rise in part
and it goes up about our gdp which
without right and it doesn't have it
goes up looma too steep here and then
mission receivers of the skirt you go up
like this we don't even and then it did
sound you fast here but it's about at
baseline at 10k so here's 10k and is
about at baseline and then it rolls off
above now that is about as close as
you'll get to this curve with care
headphones so that is that's good right
that's certain anything these amazing
cookies this is those curves right up
against the regular curve this is the
nae right here and this is a pokal
spirit professional
the 10k there is some people who think
that a dick between porque usually it's
like 5k dipping between 5 to 8 k may be
a good thing Phillips x2 does it and
they gave they think that too much
energy to take a baby kind of annoying
so they talk about how to stay away from
it all right so there's that curve you
guys have a brilliant I'm going to
anywhere explaining of it but it shows
you exactly the kind of cross the points
at which you need to be aware the Green
Line is a speaker that measures flap
your room and the way they got this verb
was that they put to good speakers in a
really good
dummy head mannequin head measurement
head that looks like that that's my
management head like these and they put
in front of speakers and they took
measurements of it directed space on my
little left little right little of
little nap kind of averaged out they
come out said that perv you saw before
and the green one that's flat as a
speaker this cost of the absolutely flat
and then they've been a bit a lot of
work for your elbow people aren't on
headphones and they figured it founded
people one more base and that base would
basically be there if these speakers
were not so we go bigger finger it
actually has that basement skin or
something like that
then they also found it people one if
there's too much trouble seniors black
your group there's really too much
trouble if there is some absorption
there is an additional weight an old
frequency and student this the boundary
games in the room so a1 tilt a little
bit warm till occurs everywhere in a
response in and they found that people
want a little bit of they don't want all
I frequencies right there and it's right
there mister here because it room be a
little distance on that get low
absorption stuff so it's little Jim
Brown years
okay so let's do a quick survey of some
historically good Johnny impulse is at
eight semis are HD 580 famous fans hit
them you can see it's got the peak there
yeah three and a half that's why I just
say so you have papers on most
headphones it ends up happening on my 74
stuck with it no bass boom here no
additional base so this is a result of
Patricia Logan phone as a maid diagram
residence of about under purse or so in
below resonance the baseball's off of
natural result you'll see though that
here's the baseline and you go up to 10
k and the 10k not there it's got a
little bit of an optional for that but
yes campaign so it's this heart back is
nominal for 10k a lot of times it's just
mine was going off of it at all you'll
also notice that there's a lot of great
lines there's only two up here and
that's because my measure
in five different positions so I measure
a little bit for looming back a little
bit up little bit down to the center and
then I average all those memories that's
because there's a lot of resonance to go
on in the air see there's a lot of it
down here you really don't know what's
kind of going on and averaging all
together with a better idea of what how
much energy is that those frequencies
told spatial average
the DGK similar one kind of summer in
the am didn't have that Pete that the 6s
your 605 eighty ad comes up a little bit
faster test maybe not quite as much bass
and if you look above this 3k point it's
stayin rather flat so this headphone is
that have a brighter through that middle
treble region and the k7 one is a
brighter headphone 16 people you just
saw only though it dropped off nicely
crossing the line of 10k roughly
otherwise it so it's a very good this
would be a little bit brighter in the
650 where the fighting is because I'm
gonna go in then the am the beyerdynamic
dt a 80 and it's got more like 650 up
till this point but it's not quite as
high in that point so this is typical
might not have the presence that closest
to the voice
you feel close to the quest but it also
at 10 gauge is substantially above the
baseline so over here is long so this
head was going to have a lot of height
red letters and which does so these
three pebblez 587 71 and eating your
famous for being this triplet pit bulls
wears no warm middle and right kind of
went somewhere in there there near
neutral and that's a 10 year here
whatever then we have the eto d5000
which came only after the other people
asking headphones and people really
white people thought about this is some
ability is special about the simple and
I wouldn't end what it is is a rising
base that people had if you look at this
route is long fairly straight warm till
that's kind of what you're looking for
the compensated version of these grasses
long straight club this is wrong but
this is close to right right here so I
take people like the d5000 because the
first night that we get some solid base
of this simple along with pretty good
response of the poppets got longer
leading upstairs and have some nice
presents beings in the right place
throughout the right time this is a
little problematic this should go down
to 0 for 2
hurts so you've got some blog here in
the lower mid range so this is going to
be to make sense out just a little thick
lower pit and then of course that will
give the 10k if you're so five DB above
the line which is going to give this hit
bone a little bit of a break brightness
to it so all in all this is a bit of a
slimy basic phone a little bit of basic
situation a little accentuation way up
on top but otherwise pretty good between
San ivories d800 called by some included
the brofest headphone the sam roll along
the other traditional open gigantic hit
balls have so it's got a little more on
the base of the sympathy nice flat
response for sure but it really should
have started to rise so we're out here
to have the presence that we think
should be there in person so concerned
about how much
should be but it's got about the right
price at the top but I can is stayin up
after three K so it's staying sayang
sayang of the six table for starts the
ball up so this headphone is got a
problem in that sixth gate agent 67 k
vision that I said that some people
think is looking to have an option is
it's not so aggressive more years and
that's an accessible problem back it's a
lot a lot of front ends that thing you
drill holes in your ears if it's not
just write it goodbye because of that
will see a little later some of the
other things and I think I have an 800
response on your she is the second major
problem there are patients to take one
of the things you do want to look at is
the square wave response to the lower
square wave response on the right hand
side where it has a little overshoot and
squarely and that my friends is a very
very clean and pull
so the thing that you know the 800
doesn't look all that great terms of
frequency response butting in terms of
its time response is along so that's
where it gets its power not from this
particular graph on the LCD 3 first time
I saw these I went wow I've never seen a
handful that is flat like that always an
unbelievable so this movers are hearing
LCD trees and cleanup and etiquette
follow through oh my gosh it votes in
heaven base they're amazing and people
were just forward by Wow basic sleeping
I would contend and we're going to find
ourselves as time goes on you're going
but it's not enough face you still
actually be a little more and I I've got
to the point where I think that a lot of
these are based light by a little bit
the basic qualities heard the extensions
curve at
of course the matter taste so we don't
know stacks is the SR 007 you can see
that it's got a nice long sort of rice
it's a bit noisy bumpy path we get there
big noisy lumpy butt goes up to the
right place at the right time and it
also sort of comes down nicely until it
is here where you've got something going
on there's all sorts of stuff went on
and in 10 K is have a bit of peak now
what you're looking for is the average
around 10k at the baseline but there's
an eardrum of your account residence at
nine and a half pay the second residence
near 10
I think it's a it's right around 10k is
two points in the first ones to Sydney
quite three times
this thing somewhere in that area
somewhere in that area so there's
another ear canal residence it's going
to happen there that sort of kind of
change around the pen on the sub around
it so if there's a 10k that's kind of
okay as long as the average around it is
down on that baseline and what we see
what this is that it probably is there's
a little bit too much energy in 10k and
forced sex with receptacles and me just
a little bright side along that a little
too air inside this down here we are
looking our battery is due to pad bounce
and we'll show you a little bit more
that meant that's the headphone bouncing
and society your head with the movement
of the diaphragm so there's a resonance
of the pad so we'll show you one picture
that few minutes peplums near the tarpon
Kirk we talked about in nad viso hp50
very much like the target term book the
sphere of professionals ok so this is
where I'm going to take some wild stab
at it your severe canal residences
you'll see there's a peak their feet
their feet there and they're really
really clear and my guess is that that
headphone manages to excite the ear
canal business really well
whatever it is it does a good job with
exciting to your compass similarly
sennheiser by eating both they're over
there and one somewhere in there and let
see on these headphones is this little
dribble rain thing on the front of the
printer hurts square wave and you see
this surprising often the skullcandy
aviators do with
there's just a number of headphones to
do it and what I found is that it tends
not to be a problem so when you see this
these three little rings that are going
down like that about that period and you
see three peaks over here it's probably
exciting your business is your brain
knows how to deal with that so it
depends this tends not to be a problem
even though it looks like it might be
this is now we're just going through
some headphones and look close to the
target curve this is the shirt 15-3
really one of the best head on that not
you got a nice bass boost in here that
kind of them down the baseline you don't
have a long run up before which you have
to peek in right place and you get a
nice falling response afterwards I find
this headphone Beatles little bit bright
in here and a little bit too bassy down
here kind of a smiley faces fit in phone
when you see that and focus a little bit
too much bass a little bit Swiss trouble
it's probably good headphones to listen
to it low levels to cut a bit of a
pleasure bunch of curved already
Phillips x2 this one is a recently
designed headphone in Rowan Williams you
design this headphone is well aware of
all these things that need to talk about
so we've got a bass boosted gear of a
nice reporting and it stops at 200 hurts
this roll off this is an old and dynamic
headphone you can't get around it you
around this this fall off below the
primary driver business so they can
forgive in hand got a nice little out
here doesn't have the rise so may not
have quite that presence that they
should have and here's that notch these
are the these are the headphones were
they very very specifically designed in
this notch get rid of any harshness and
then you see it comes back a little bit
too hot heavy but if you look at kind of
an average around this area ok it's low
yeah I noticed your energy a 10k but
basically you've got yourself down to
the baseline pretty much that this
headphone sounds a little bit grainy
sound it sounds very nice totally but a
little bit grainy and I think that
graininess you can see and all these
little bumps and Wiggles I think what
they're dumb as they put this Dana by
singers it's squished into the shape
that want you and all sorts
who seek tricks and it ends up a
compensable uneven sound
people to access another really handy
little headphone instead a nice run out
to hear that too much bass since you are
deranged unfortunately so it's going to
sound somewhat thick this peep is a
little bit high so you can get a little
extra brightness and it drops off a
little too bass ackwards down the 10k in
the baseline but there's not this
barking pump that's coming down so this
is a hip moment it has it has a
liveliness to do this p but it also has
kind of a loss of snap and air and
things like that kind of laughable
definition do that kind of stuff now if
we're talking about in your response
this one of the best in your response
headphones I've seen got a little bit of
a bass boost it does lead up a little
bit high and personally but you know you
don't want to have over directly saying
either it's got the bump at pre-k as a
little extra bump up here this is
obviously very common when you see in
ear headphones to have you series of
both of Peaks that's all that residences
of the tubing through all the various of
bits a pieces in there got a kind of
just mentally averaged about a little
bit but generally speaking a good shape
for headphone and if you look at
compensated response generally speaking
is a nice flowing downward that gets
steeper over
that one each by dre solo tube yessiree
Bob can't be Nash and eats too much
anymore if you're sola to is actually a
pretty good hit phone we got too much
lead into the mid range of the base this
had one definitely that sounds thick in
here but good shape on this and then a
roll off back to baseline in 10k but
gone missing is the upper trouble so
this headphone sounds a little thick and
lacks articulation in the upper trouble
but otherwise quite close to the target
or sponsor this AKG came to 67 on them
ts1 and plucks it was the pimple discesa
plug settings on and a pretty good
response we got our notch there in this
region which is probably okay we're
trying to keep it the base of going up
too much over here and but it's got some
bass boost there's other settings that
have more bass in with the nice long run
up so it's a nice present sounding
headphone maybe maybe a lack of high
eyes of here musical fidelity and attend
this is an example when I listened to it
I didn't like it and I measured it
I should like this this is good taking
your baseless right it's a little
excessive comes down fairly quickly you
got a nice crease little one run up to
your be here the peak here it is 15 PP
above which is a little too much and
then it stays high and you're getting
something for this interview 568 if you
get over 10k and well actually we're
like still a TV hi and that's what
killed the simple this info you listen
to it wave right it's just way right and
I almost don't see it as he look
carefully so it's really important to
carefully please grab a th m50x a little
bit on the ear so low cost relative low
cost headphone certainly got a lot of
pad bounce going on down there that's
what all that stuff is in here let's
just add bouncing around but it's got
this you know we're not just its k but
that's probably okay
we can live with Assad ship its stated
otherwise which it does is good too much
longer this is a great sounding
headphone low-cost headphone all right
now some problems okay so here's here's
a couple of ims and I see this all too
often and it's just absolutely
ridiculous but you have a bass boost
that goes all the way up to 800 hers I
think the base ends way lower than that
and it's got 5 10 15 almost 20 bases
this is just ridiculous is it it's a mmm
portal pebble is probably ok but boy
just going to get overwhelmed by the
base bowers and Logan c5 same thing is
huge amounts of 80 enemy here's a
monster turbine on the top and the
turbine pro theoretically the German
produce a better head home and what do
they do between the two well they gave
this bass boosted let loose amount
they're actually made a little more
light hearted urban people liked it work
ok fellas followed that trail get it
and then here's the NY here for PT this
is where we disembark Miss Annie Killian
he doesn't think that the base needs we
bumped up but if you look we've got a
real nice it is gradually starting a
little bit in here maybe you can start a
little bit earlier goes up nicely to 13
BB up ready to this area and then falls
down we've got a non-jew here which is
probably okay and you're right around
the baseline intent a and then you've
got energy still existing up here so
it's good well I would say that the EMA
like ER cork p and the ones that are
close to that there's a couple models it
or is there any more just a tee tee now
who has that this it may be the most
accurate in ear headphone in terms of
trouble resolution and that's been a
thought in the head
long time and I think I can assure you
that need is a ted-like is very very
interested in resolution up above 10k
and how that how that high frequencies
work this is actually a very very good
sound hip bone although i'd say like a
little bit more basement they got there
so here's Pat announced this is a
frequency response curve you can see in
these curves is a little artifact over
here and this is what the wire dynamic
bt48 has got air-filled bushes that are
pneumatic and a beauty bound salon so
that's thousand a lot and I wasn't
exactly sure I mean a lot of web work
about this I've just learned by guessing
you know what seemed to come out of the
talking engineers and tell me but I pan
well I also noticed on my isolation plot
so this is this temple of the edge while
I place and I think I didn't understand
this for quite a while but you can see
that this is 0 DB isolation so I'm
getting no isolation of the 100 Hertz
and then I'm actually getting louder
here at 200 hurts so the headphone is
work is not is not only are they not
isolating they're actually amplifying
the sound that reason is this online
isolation plots the same and then I
realized that it happens in the same
place and this is the bad bouncing
against aside your head amplifying the
outside signal the outside Sam as it
comes in so the outside sound is it is
energizing the residents not just the
prior here is the driver energizing
president here is the outside air
outside noise energizing the residence
but sure enough those those artifacts
are at the same exact frequency home
places an effect on from Pat non-psychic
so I told you I also made your
headphones in a number of different
positions and some headphones are more
picky than others about getting the seal
and this is a good example of a
headphone that has a problem of the seal
that you're looking that the future vice
is changing over the entire range here
as I move these headphones around and
this is really common in hip bones that
are very very tightly sealed so this
stable that has a very very tight seal
on the side of your head and what
happens is it either seals or it doesn't
and move luxury another vision
and then and what I will do is a lot of
times when I measure my headphone like
this I've got some felt that I can sync
between the hippo nimah in the in the
head so i can make it like a controlled
leak like your hair and a lot of times
it will make this measuring at home like
this less touching the other thing is is
if I if I have a really hard time
getting hit on to measure properly I
will allow Lenny's I could I could have
not have this heart of everything here
because I can see that it's not sealed
right when I'm just an advil but if I've
gone through three different positions
and it's been a pain in the ass every
time and I sit down and it's not sealed
right I'm gonna go by I'm letting this
one go through because this headphone is
hard to steal so I will lay there is an
art to do to making these variables
there is a degree of control that I have
or what he's going to look like and I
try to be as honest as I can and then to
what the hell sounds like watch I'm
devil stop and they're going to take the
head blown off and listen more carefully
how much is the base how is achieving
seal so i can get the feel for what the
headphones likes when i put it back on
i'm measuring it so that it looks like
where I heard so there's kind of a fine
art to this thing this is an on-ear
headphone and this is a situation where
it just seals different no matter where
I put it so it's just just all over the
place and I just do the best I can for
most of the measurements and then in the
end see what comes out and that's what
you get but you see something like that
it's because this headphone just doesn't
like to see on the air
and then this is the one this is one
weird clicks it does one or the other
there's this either does this work does
that but it doesn't do anything in
between and I'll try to get it to do
this all the time but a lot of times it
was like this is just won't cooperate so
I have to let it be what it does but it
does have a head on your head as well so
it's legitimate to allow these artifacts
to show up in the bedroom now um no go
to a comb filter it right there humble
tourism okay so comb filter is if you
take an audio signal and then you keep
the same signal and delay it just a
little bit okay put it back onto itself
get times when these frequencies this
end starting it Tina audio signal and
you go through a delay of X amount of
time and then you genius the Regency as
you run up and you get to places where
there's Knowles where the half
wavelength is
that leg and then cancelled out exactly
so at five per person 1500 2500 vrbata
tada you're going to get cancellations
now that could happen in headphone if
their sound it comes to the back of the
driver around to the front of the driver
and enters the area in your here and all
for some is famous for this one of the
ways that they try to synthesize then
there s logic they call it is some of
the sound from behind the driver comes
back around the front goes into the
acoustic chamber and what I found
whenever I see artifacts that looked
like this is that the headphones are
horrible so you can see up here you got
this bump and then there's another one
right there you can see you can see a
post in this and then one more so this
is where dynamic t1 but if you look at
the square wave responds in time you
seem really sharp nasty looking bitches
and these if you remember that other set
of nice rings are market can differently
these are j looking the other rings were
nice line which is collapsing down so
these have a bar maybe z component
because they're not sinusoidal here's
another one you can see these very
distinct bumps
aa-12 and you can see how jagged the
responses here similarly the older so
mrs. Olfa sometimes mentioning again
very very much having usual effects
having really disturbing transient
responses there so that's one you keep
out your eye out or if you see these
humpy bumpy things up here and you see
this stuff if you're going to have a hit
from this tizzy and not very good
resolving okay here but saw as a glass
there are no earbuds that sound any good
whatsoever these are the kind of the
rest in the pocket of your ear they
don't have any seal they can't get base
and courier basically because they're
just too small a hand with enough air
they're not sealed and so you end up
with the no base on login and this this
is pretty good it's actually pretty good
right here this is pretty good your your
foot but you know the kids they won't
base so they're going to turn this stuff
up you're going to try to get something
happens and they're going to end up with
all this stuff really really loud in
their ears and that's not good
earbuds are just downright dangerous
glad I will do that and I'll tell you
something for starters rake our old
Apple here but by the time their last
one came around was actually pretty darn
good you might notice that this is a
better flatter extension than that
sentence just so Anna's got a decent up
here but he's still got no base well he
came out of the earpods that focus more
of the sound in your ear and they
actually managed to get from the Roloffs
starting a 200 Hertz the roll-off
starting at 100 Hertz let the whole
octave and that's pretty good so the new
half of your paws are really probably
are the best your bud that I her
one of this this is this you and PK one
is kind of envision but alright so
here's a really bad ones just to a that
out howard leight cigna this is the this
is actually an industrial headphone that
is made for isolating him so it's for
work environments but it's a hip bones
in a suit listen to music while you're
doing it just visible just incredibly
screeching right up here just this is
the current cost probe or delay you
think that was an earbud but it's a
full-size feel at home just visible this
is the flare audio are one this is
nesting headphone it was designed by one
of metallica's through some death metal
bands before he's here who have idea
that this pattern of diffusers behind
the public would work really well though
any pattern instead is probably going to
have some resident frequencies and boy
is it got rhythm frequency right there
the middle these are just works out
alright so I got 10 more minutes in like
50 more slides I'm going to talk just
briefly about Square weighs a lot of
people normally they talk about square
waves is the sum of a bunch of autumn
lines and that's true get all the autumn
Armani's you put into the proper phase
alignment you add this drove of sine
names together you get that and then if
you add like you know 11 or 12 or minus
whatever this to get something a little
bit more swear you change the face so
that the high frequencies are more
advanced and get a little blip on the
front end like that you change the ratio
so if you have more high frequency
energy and not enough over easy energy
tableside way to look like that or
square way to look like that in any if
you want too much slower you can see
another hydrogen seen it rounded off
square waves to look like that so the
point of us where ways is that as
frequency response changes the shape of
the swear big chains but it's real
confusing thinking about square waves
and all of our moccasins does that mean
that you can
our lives that they well there's another
way to think about square waves entirely
that is like this is switch going to
turn on in a colonel I don't care about
their maternal okay it's not name of God
they analyze it like that but it's not
made that it's made by turning something
on and what happens is the leading edge
how fast it goes up is slew rate lid and
that slew rate is going to be
proportional to the van past the high
frequency response look you know how
flat how high something is so how
quickly get up a leading edge is going
to be totally indicative of the high
frequency response and then its ability
to keep that energy up there for a long
period of time is proportional over time
to lower and lower frequencies so when
you look at where way you're actually
looking at the frequency response in
another way the thing is that you add in
some phase stuff so you can have to
changes in the in this due to the phase
shift that where they don't show up in
frequency response all of this stuff
that you're seeing today is on on the
interval t site in the
but um on the top bar and a quarter
single resources and then goes
interpreting business and stuff like
that there's Lisa articles that have
most of the stuff in here this is a
chart that talks about the shape the
square waves and what it means I'll draw
your attention to this one just because
it goes below the zero line like that
and this one is not necessarily mean it
doesn't have little feetsies back if it
goes below the line like that it gives a
low frequencies are there they're just
out of phase so what this means is this
they have plenty of days it's just going
to be loose seven days
sennheiser bc 800 everything going to
the square wave we have a wacko based on
the sennheiser 800 which is indicated by
the slime ball in here and but we have a
credible resolution we've ever seen with
JT square waves on the T 1 and the y RT
1 look how absolutely pure and clean
this transient edges that transient edge
is key for you to be able to tell where
sound is coming from if your ears q on
time sometime arrival signals and your
ears one here that edge very very
clearly in order to be able to localize
for the sound is coming from well that's
the energy so if you have really fine
leading edge responds like that you're
gonna get by damaging if you have three
leading edges on this swirly thing what
are you here's trying to cue on what's
where's the time if they won't they will
confuse them in a class image so the AKG
k 71 series headphones has a square wave
if it looks a lot like that and pig
image very well as well here's the
awateh GLC be too and something first of
all wow talk about bass response so
that's a lot of bass response right
there and then they had this in this
supreme phaser it has these like double
front end
things and this is one of those ones
where it probably doesn't do too much
math exam but it does do some stuff in
terms of pinpoint precision imaging same
is true with the Sennheiser 8580 that
has that turtle front end deter
ballooning actually doesn't doesn't harm
totally and it doesn't hurt to listen to
it's not aggressive but you lose some
definition and the image is doesn't
image by this big great OBS 1000
sony NPR v600 the old-school headphone
got base one out of phase there and
doesn't have a lot of hydrate to
response and then I start get th e plus
noise but i'ma let you guys just asking
questions because I've got like five
minutes left and ya got five minutes
left so one you guys just go ahead a
sequential yeah Barney those will boast
I don't have any pictures of it right
here and i have i have some i can get
out but the most products of their noise
canceling headphones are very very very
very good they they don't measure
particularly well but most noise
cancelling headphones part just 34 in
terms of the way to bed or they you all
sorts of weird things and sound and
because it's worth looking at the noise
cancelling and
this is the line all grass PDF now there
early 736 vision idea how many
it's difficult for 25 minutes by doing
straight up noise cancelling headphones
this is measured passively which is
actually pretty good and then the noise
cancelling active and this is one of the
barriers which we look at the square
wave you get pretty weird so the hydrate
response and square wit there's some
definitely some pretty weird ones audio
technically that's shape of the square
waves and travel is completely out of
phase here so start sewing down and then
goes up so it's the treble the Hydra was
completely out of a is on that give the
noise cancelling circuit audio technica
dry skin seems equally ragged-looking
also look at the distortion figures
right here this while all this should be
below this little wine a little one one
percent line and a lot of these
headphones are going to boulder
that this is the bose quietcomfort 25 so
this is a bose noise canceling headphone
and what you see is that it's got good
shape on the on the frequency response
it's a dumb question terrible just it
but this is not bad shape this
appreciate these square waves all these
things in so most pretty different noise
answers there are there other passing
that was not so much yeah
there is kind of subtle differences
that I used was all native integration
it's not an industry standard
composition purpose when it comes with
that head that I thought was best news
I've come to believe that will probably
be better use the diffuse field response
because it has more that presence region
crimes in it I will eventually one of
the things I work on this year is
turning people to sponsor like people
like sent my certain philipson vehicle
companies to sponsor the the development
of an online tool like a turn pass or
you can just say oversee this M on this
edge municipal caramel together
they live a cocktail and flirting close
and very much my do that
most important goals in life begins
ladies drinking budget born so I gotta
convince matters
you know maybe software will be good at
doing crafts and stuff like offering
alright my time is up
I was an amplifier
ah that was too long to answer okay so
wait what is no time my computer you use
for your measurements both of these are
these are all measured at like less or
home so it is very little again all
right thank you buddy
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