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HiFiMAN RE 2000 - CES 2017

right now I'm introducing the new flagship model in the year monitor from - the name is ar e mm the retail price will be 2000 am I crazy it's a $2,000 for earbuds no it's sounding very well it is a single driver single driver dynamic driver Jenny choice of earphones so why the single single driver single dynamic driver can be a lot of multi driver multi amateur balance driver earphones there's a secret we use very special designed diaphragm here the idea is actually generating from my dissertation when I was in the PhD student my major was is a quality structure is Oh chemicals notice ly in a nano level or a molecular level so at that time I noticed that different topology structures though they will significantly change the properties of the material so this idea this inspire me about the idea to changing the structures of the diaphragm so right now we are using the nanomaterials coating on the diaphragm but not only not just simply just one layer of that the coating is actually we coated like print our pattern on it like a circle or star or like triangle you know all kind of different patterns they all significant change the song quality and so everybody knows about that dynamic driver is a very mature technology it is simple because it's only diaphragm magnets coils but I introduced the I call it topology diaphragm I can simply just change the parameter in the system to adjust the sound the tone the sound in a better way so if you have opportunity I strongly recommend you to try this in the ears you will be a mess thank you very much
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