hey guys we're an exponent here and
right now this is the opening entry with
man cave metal these are custom-made
speakers the really intricate and really
cool I'm just gonna give you a quick
quick lowdown the intricacies of these
delicacies never look upon is making the
hand survive
functional and the degree that you know
nothing is solid welded I had a lot of
fun doing that now the rest of the
speaker is metal but this is definitely
the signature piece I shooting for
bullets patterned a little bit after the
movie Terminator of course and these are
actually real power lines they're
actually copper with a silver coat and
that is for your speaker feed well this
is the cannon feature it looks like
something that if you could actually
bolt it out and hold it up to a wall you
could blast a hole through it a lot of
metal transmission parts included that's
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