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$33,000 Cinema Camera! Sony F55, RX1 and WX80 Hands On

hey guys this is Austin I'm reporting live here at CES 2013 and the Sony booth going over some of the really cool cameras they have to show so let's take a look the first game we have is the Sony rx1 now this looks like a normal little point-and-shoot but it is absolutely not it is one of the first cameras in fact it is the first small camera like this to have a full-frame sensor which is in fact to the exact same sense of this and my huge just a lot of that I'm filming this right now on top of that also does have a fixed lens so it's a 35 millimeter f/2 would be nice to have a bit of zoom or be able to exchange lenses but this have a manual aperture ring as well as a very very nice smoothing for a smooth focus focusing lens on top of that it's also very nice and compact unfortunately though the big thing is it's gonna be $2,800 so very expensive stuff but this is really cool and again nothing that you can come anywhere close to getting I let you have a huge DSLR and pay a lot more money for lenses and a lot kind of stuff now getting to the higher end stuff we have these sony at 55 now this is a full professional reckons you guys may be able to see here it is a full 4k camera so of course this is what you'd be able to shoot movies all kinds are really really high-end stuff as far as the specs go of course it does have a 4k sensor and she's up to 60 frames per second what are you doing 2k you can do it well over 200 frames per sec which is really cool now this is definitely pricey of course as you would expect from something that looks this awesome she's going running about $33,000 in February something just a little bit more my price range is they knew so many WX 80 now this is a tiny little camera enough you guys can top it like it's like sighs my hand really really tiny but it's got a lot of cool features who why it's got a 16 megapixel CMOS sensor with full 1080p video so you should get some pretty good image stabilization and all that kind of fun stuff now on top of that also does have Wi-Fi built-in so you can go ahead and connect it to various different devices so for example you if you have a Sony smartphone you can use it as a remote really really cool stuff it's also very very small as I mention that yet so you guys have it some of the really cool cameras that Sony has launched at CES 2013 and I got my eye on a net 55 but uh $33,000 just a little bit steep anyway guys if you enjoyed this video definitely sure to leave it a thumbs up and subscribe we've got lots more CES 2013 coverage on the way right now anyway guys I will catch you in the next one
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