hey guys so stand here with a video
showing you how to backup your SHSH
blobs using the firmware umbrella so
what this means is that you will always
be able to downgrade to whatever current
firmware you're on now as long as you
have the sh sh blob for it now this is
really important guys is that if you do
not have your SHSH blog you will never
be able to go down to that firmware
again as soon as Apple decides that they
no longer want to start signing it and
let you on that so as long as you have
this you always be able to downgrade to
whatever firmware that you're on
currently that you have the blobs for
okay so let me just show you how to do
this it's a very very simple tutorial so
we just come to this website how I will
have the link in the description and
then come down here and download it for
whichever operating system you have okay
so just download it's no big deal and go
ahead and open it up now all you need to
do is plug your iPod iPhone or iPad into
the computer and it'll automatically
read it so as you can see here it shows
my ipod it's an ipod touch 2nd
generation on four point oh and now guys
all you need to do is click the save my
sh sh that's it then it will save your
sh sh and you always be able to go down
to whatever firmware you're on right now
is in my case it's four point oh but
there is one catch now you have to do
this very very quickly as all it takes
is Apple to stop signing four point oh
and I will probably be doing that
anytime now and then you and then you
will not be able to get your SHSH blobs
so you will be out of luck so guys I
highly recommend do this immediately do
it as fast as you can and then on if you
come over here you can click display sh
shs then you can just make sure that you
do have it did save correctly so as you
can see here I have both three point one
point three and four point oh so at any
time I can downgrade to these firmwares
no problem ok guys so that's pretty much
the tutorial the only last thing I want
to show you is just how did you you
actually use these SHSH blobs and this
is very very simple so all you need to
do is come up here click start TSS
server so as soon as you're ready to go
back down you need to downgrade or
whatever just go ahead and click that
button and as soon as it starts running
all you need to do is open up iTunes and
then just pick out your firmware so like
less I want to go to three point one
point three I just go shit shift and
restore and pick out my three point one
point three firmware
then thanks to tiny umbrella I will be
able to downgrade to it no problem so
anyway guys that's just a really quick
tutorial i highly recommend doing this
because literally they will stop signing
four-point-oh at any time four-point-oh
as well as four point zero point one and
of course you always want to be able to
use the jailbreakme exploit as who knows
how long it'll be too until the next
jailbreak comes out so anyway guys is
highly recommend go ahead just check
this out do it it shouldn't take you
five minutes and then you will be
protected so you'll never have to worry
about not being jailbroken again anyway
guys thanks for watching
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