hey guys was up it's Duncan and stay I'm
pleased to say that 3.0 software update
was just just came out from Apple I got
I've messed around with it for a little
while and I'm pretty impressed I will be
doing several more videos on probably on
you know being more in-depth on it I'm
just guys an overview suit you could
think you can expect and also a little
bit of warning because a lot of people
having trouble right now trying to
download it anyway that's because it
wasn't started
okay guys so I'm gonna run through some
of the new features when you first get
when you first get it on you will notice
that if you scroll to the left when
you're on your home screen when you
scroll left you will see a search this
is a very very cool feature basically it
will you can turn it on and off you can
turn make it finding things but stay
generally you will have it what it will
search for ad like let's say you start
punching let's say you want as it'll
pull up apps songs pictures movies
anything basically emails anything that
you got on your iPod or iPhone and
basically all you have to do is search
it and it will everything will come up
with the same place that's a pretty cool
obviously here there's also some YouTube
support for the you can finally sign in
and see your subscriptions or anything
through there I'm priced to then use it
through Safari but you know that's
definitely a nice thing to have there's
also you could support for downloading
videos off of iTunes whether it's movies
TV shows whatever now I know now I will
say this while you can do it from there
from your iPhone or iPod it's still if
it's over ten megabytes you will have to
go ahead and do it through Wi-Fi you
can't do it over 3G your edge depending
on whatever you have so I just let you
guys know that so you know you won't
don't be expect don't be expecting you
know wherever you are try to get it over
to 3G download a movie or something I
haven't tried yet but I've heard of this
it could be a little slow sometimes
now I'm also now one of the big things
is copy and paste I've been messing
around with it for a little bit and uh
I'm not amazed with it but it's pretty
decent it's kind of me a minute I closed
it and they're messing around trying to
figure it out basically what you do is
you tap and you hold and then you use
you can hit select select all and copy
paste and cut and all that kind of stuff
and basically once you once you
highlight something less that you're on
whatever page um I haven't totally
tested it out because I mean I've only
been use this for maybe like an hour or
so but basically you can drag the little
little little blue icon and drag left or
right to grab more texts or less so you
want necessary
have to get perfect you can trim it
which actually is a pretty nice feature
I thought I mean that's that's a pretty
cool I mean you can cut cut cut copy
paste all kind of stuff it's pretty good
um I know a lot of times like links for
example something I'll always wishing
with the 2.2 I've always wishing I had I
could cut and copy links cuz there's no
way other way to do it and this is works
pretty well
ok now couldn't copy and paste and all
that stuff that's what I've been one of
the major things but well you know with
all the talk of the 3GS and how fast it
is I'm actually saying this 3.0 software
update is fast
well you'll really notice it is when you
go into Cover Flow now if you're I mean
anytime ever burn on any part I pod
including mine
don't cover flow it's kind of been not
that great I mean because obviously that
takes a lot of system resources looking
through it and 3.0 is smooth it's fluid
and it looks great and in general that's
what you'll find with all kinds of apps
I mean it's almost like I mean it's
every all your abs will probably be
getting a nice nice improvement same
with Safari now Safari didn't load
amazingly fast but I definitely could
notice it was it was a decent bit faster
which I I definitely like that because
sometimes far as you get slow a lot of
time that Safari there have been a whole
lot of add-ons for sorry but there is
all at autofill you can I don't know I'm
saying I guess you can do autofill you
can turn it on which is a nice feature
makes fart a little better but yeah so
I'm sorry guys I'm kind of skipping
around here I've trying to remember
everything and I will do a more in depth
later so we're going back into music
about the Cover Flow use also it's
mostly the same there were a few uh
there's a few differences one of the
main ones is like in the newest iPod
Nano you can shake shake it
no shelf of your music same way goes for
the iPod and iPhone I think it's I think
it's pretty great I mean it's you can
turn off some people complained this
little teasing stuff and I didn't really
really wasn't that great for me because
I was I liked having to shake it a lot
to try to get it so I didn't
that problem but let me go into settings
here there are a few different things
back in 2.2 when they released it if you
double tap the home button and bring you
back to your first page well now there
are settings where if you double tap it
you can bring up your iPod you can bring
up a search so that's in addition to the
home button so that's kind of cool
and I see here then you can change the
search when you go into spotlight search
you can change it to if you don't want
it like you can mean making everything
from contacts and apps and music and
video notes calendar all that kind of
stuff you do that for Bluetooth
obviously bluetooth has been in the
second generation iPod Touch for a while
but you have not been able to use it
it's actually been in there and
basically 3.0 turns it on I turned it on
I was just messing I turned it on and
connected it and actually it worked
pretty well I mean did I mean I was kind
of I was I don't know I just
he was cool okay so I've covered a lot
of the stuff oh oh yeah sorry the voice
memos that is actually a kind of a cool
thing in one question I had before was
whether it be on the second generation
iPod Touch yes it is even though he
doesn't have a microphone obviously you
can buy a microphone for it and record I
actually don't have a microphone so I
can't really say anything about it but
it is on here which I'm really excited
about that's that's cool and I'm looking
forward to getting into that this has
just been a quick video there's all
kinds more improvements such as app
store all kinds of stuff push
notifications this is just a real brief
thing I do want to say this your 3.0
just came out maybe a few hours ago
and if you have had not tried already I
would hold up I several people have had
their have had some major problems to
people are no have have had it crash out
and restore and been a huge hassle so I
would probably hold up for a while I
will have a video here soon another way
to get it I'm gonna be prime making
these all day but guys just just be
careful if you haven't already tried it
you might want to wait a day or two for
everything to calm down
because you definitely don't want to get
your device messed up anyway that's just
about it for 3.0 my first look at it
definitely I will be lots more videos as
I get used to it and get into all the
different details and everything but as
so far I'm I'm pretty impressed mostly
with just the speed and the clock cut
copy paste all kind of stuff anyway yeah
yeah I guess that's just about it
hey guys be sure you go check out sitcom
we've got all kinds of iPhone and iTouch
news jailbreak tutorials and lots of
really good app reviews edition be sure
to follow me on Twitter twitter.com
slash blazing dreams thanks for watching
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