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Fixing Our Terrible WiFi 💀

hey guys Boston and our Wi-Fi sucks so you guys would probably remember our old set alright now that was great it was cool to have everything in one office but as we started expanding we've gotten another office that's across the hall it's awesome because it's unlabeled us to do a ton of cool stuff build some new sets have a lot more space but the problem is that the Wi-Fi is now a straight-up disaster so that's where a sous comes in really do they sponsor this video but more importantly they hooked us up with their brand new Lyra trio hopefully the saving grace to our terrible Wi-Fi situation so the thing is we actually have good internet here at the office we have a dedicated business line with 300 megabits per second up and down and as long as we're actually here in the office typically we get pretty decent speeds so over Wi-Fi a lot of times we're actually going to be pretty close to that full 300 megabits per second now see there we go we're getting 190 240 260 I mean that's definitely totally solid speed now Wi-Fi is really important for us as not only we're obviously going to be doing stuff like watching videos and downloading stuff but importantly we deal with a lot of really giant video files for constantly uploading to YouTube uploading and sending files back and forth between us and of course most importantly downloading those sweet sweet steam games to do the benchmarks with so in comparison if I run a speed test and our second office you're going to see that the speeds are slightly less than 280 megabits per second so right now we're getting for maybe 5 megabits up and up down to 2 1 so the thing is Natalie doing that great speeds but almost more important than that it sort of drops out pretty consistently so the way that a mesh Wi-Fi system works is pretty straightforward so right now we have a single Wi-Fi router now it's going to be a fairly high-end AC solution and it's fine for a small space but the laws of physics mean the Wi-Fi can only go so far so if you take a look at the actual lyra itself you'll see that the way of getting around this is just to add more stations to the mix I think it sound really simple as if bunch of engineers that the seuss didn't spend years and hundreds of thousands of man-hours on developing a product I'm like is that my Wi-Fi it's fine don't worry about it [Laughter] out of the years of we've shot videos I've never heard Ken say the words my thumb was in the shot so the way this works is that one of these will function as your main base station so just like any other Wi-Fi router you just need to connect it via ethernet to your modem and especially you have a smaller house or apartment one of these is actually going to be enough to cover it however if you've got a little bit of a bigger house or specifically for our situation you have an office that has a lot of space to cover you can connect to the additional hubs and they will all work together what's unique about these is that nine do they have 3x3 mimo Wi-Fi but you're also going to be getting this triangular design so it's cool about that is that now I do have full dual band support for two point four out of five to carats Wi-Fi but because they do have this triangular shape you're going to be getting some better range so you have to think about a mesh network a little bit differently than a standard Wi-Fi network and that your devices are going to be connecting and bouncing between all of these depending on where you are in the house but also only one of these typically at least although I'll talk a little bit more about that later is going to be connected to your router so these also need to be able to communicate between each other and the 3x3 plus the actual triangular design makes all of this work a lot better than a traditional 2x2 solution the triangular design also helps the lie right to project better Wi-Fi signal into multiple story houses so this is something that actually wouldn't mind using in my own place so I do use a mesh network in Google Wi-Fi well for the most part it actually does work really well one of my main issues is the performance it's reliable but a lot of times when I'm farther away from the main base station I see significantly reduced speeds in addition while these will work wirelessly if you have a newer place that has decent at Wired around your house you actually can use the Ethernet backhaul to connect each one of these to the network independently so that will give you some better speeds because instead of them having to talk to each other wirelessly it can all be done via wired Ethernet and you're going to be getting the maximum speed so recurrent network setup is pretty straightforward so a lot of that surrounds this thus tornador that I built with Linus a little over a year ago which currently has over 150 terabytes of capacity that we use to store all of our raw footage as well as our completed projects so Jimmy has the iMac Pro which is connected via 10 gig Ethernet to this tornador so you actually don't need the Wi-Fi that much but for Ken and I we're actually pretty much entirely relying on Wi-Fi be able pull down files and that kind of stuff so let's actually get this that with our ups installed and our cable modem disconnected the next step is to install Lyra so all we do with this guy is just plug it in with the included power cable and plug it directly into our cable modem so we plug the Lyra into power as well as connect our ethernet port into the land /when then we just need to turn on our cable modem and we will be up and running hopefully the next step is to download the Lyra app for iPhone or Android and it should be as simple as just connecting it like this excellent your library mesh Wi-Fi node has been discovered and there we go the Lyra is set up so our next step is to take our other base stations and spread them out throughout the office so one of the main things we actually need to keep in mind is that we have to cover not only this space but also the space across the hall so the base stations is really straightforward all you do is plug them in and then inside the app they will be added and then once everything is tied together any firmware updates are done you're going to be up and running inside the app you can see that not only do we have the main light up but we also do have the secondary one in the office as well as most importantly for what we need here we have a Lyra set up in our secondary studio so with Lyra we are getting features like a eye protection which is using Trend Micro to be able to analyze any kind of threats on the network but the most important question is is it going to be faster in here now let's find out please be faster please be faster all right pings pretty quick and oh yeah I do 120 hundred 30 Wow and that's not serious uploads well 170 180 megabits so no it's not going to be the full 300 megabits that's theoretically possible but considering that we were at 2 3 and 84 megabits per second and here before this has made a huge difference so that my friends is how we fix the Wi-Fi and our studios of course huge shadow sues for sponsoring this video and if you guys wanna go check out the Lyra the link will be in the description
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