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Game Boy Advance Review

hey guys so today I'm here with my review of the Game Boy Advance now of course the Game Boy Advance was the third generation Game Boy and indeed the last generation Game Boy and it really did bring a lot of new things to the table it's especially considering when you put it in side by side with a gameboy color I mean the difference is a really apparent Nintendo changed a lot of stuff a lot was really good some was for the bed okay so let's go ahead and begin with the tour around the console on so starting from the beginning you will see it actually does have that wide display near the display while by today's standards isn't that great back then it was really pretty impressive especially considering you know the gameboy color screen etc etc and of course there were a few downsides to this but I will get to that a little bit later um so over here on the right you do have the standard a and B button you have a speaker which was so-so over here you do have this standard Nintendo d-pad as well as a kind of small start and select button I'm flipping it over on the bottom here you will see an on/off switch you will see the headphones as well as the little thing for the volume I now along the side extra seat had these little grips little grey grips I mean I actually was kind of useful as you know when you're holding the gameboy advance they give you a little bit more grip and of course mostly it was just for the looks but not too bad either way so we go ahead and flip it over here and you will see that actually okay this way and you will see that it's a you have two extra buttons from previous Game Boy advances so you have an Ellen R button both of which are very nice very comfortable you know you're playing it you know very very nice to use I also did have a couple of places for accessories and you do have a link cable spot one of the best features of the Game Boy Advance absolutely is the game library you know it's very very rare to see a handheld console even the game boys that have so many excellent excellent games on it and of course the Game Boy Advance which is really considered to be the pinnacle of you know sprite based game play you know where instead of having 3d models you know the great 2d sprites and the Game Boy Advance was an absolute powerhouse now I mean as far as today you know centering you know comparing against modern consoles it's not that great however you know it's probably close to the Super Nintendo I would say but you know it was unplanned run a lot of really really nice-looking sprite based games I'm so what I mean by this or several games but I just pull out one right here I'm you know pokemon ruby that was a great franchise on the Gameboy dance I'm another one that I don't really think gets enough credit was actually Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire um you know a lot of the movie Bane games get a lot of flack but I should this one was really quite good and actually some of the best graphics I've ever seen on the Game Boy dance indeed though the Game Boy Advance library was not limited to just Game Boy dance titles of course as it is a Game Boy it does feature full backwards compatibility with previous games um so for example you want to take a Game Boy Color game and indeed a game original Game Boy game you go ahead and slide it right in now of course it does stick up a fair bit however no big deal you can't go ahead and play them however there were two major downsides of the original Game Boy Advance the first which absolutely has to be that screen and of course before I was talking I do like the screen quite a bit you know it's it's pretty clear the resolution is pretty nice for a you know a console of this era however through is a major major downside and that was the fact that it does not support any sort of backlight now this is something we take for granted today you know every cell phone every game console everything has a backlit screen however this gameboy advance was the last Gameboy to not ship with a full lit screen basically if you've never applied an older Gameboy basically what this means is that you really can't play in the dark you really need to be in well-lit areas in fact you know outsides about the best place to play your Gameboy especially the Game Boy Advance that was a major major issue really did a limit where you could play the game with dance on the second thing was it takes batteries I'm so go ahead and just flip it over here and in fact you can see mine's a little bit torn up here of course the battery doors break on these Gameboy Advance is quite a bit um but as you can see here it does take double-a batteries and really that's that's you know that was okay for the previous game boys I'm however really is very good really really annoying I mean the life is not too bad on the Gameboy Advance but it really did kind of take away from you know how long you play it you always have to buy new double-a batteries so those are the two major issues with the Gameboy Advance however you know really Nintendo did fix them with its predecessor with its successor rather the Gameboy Advance SP however I will get into that in a later review so overall it looks when some up the Gameboy Advance is a really really great console I mean it's nice comfortable to hold you know if you've ever held a PSP it feels like kind of a smaller version of that you know you do have your very very comfortable L on our buttons you know you have your a and B button all the kinds of stuff that you would expect to see in a gameboy is here the Gameboy Advance is very very solid however I really can't recommend to go ahead and if you really want to go and play through a lot of the Game Boy Advance games I really have to recommend to go ahead and pick up a Game Boy Advance SP you know it's pretty does practically everything the Game Boy Advance does only that actually does have a smaller design with the flip you know it has an actual backlit screen rechargeable batteries I mean the Gameboy Advance SP is everything the Game Boy Advance is plus some however if you aren't interested in getting a Game Boy Advance perhaps you just want to start getting into them because the Game Boy Advance is generally cost about half as much as the SP variety I know you will it won't be disappointed I mean if you don't mind eating through some batteries just like a standard Game Boy and you know having to play in a well-lit area you will not be disappointed the Game Boy advances these days are really quite cheap and you know there are so many great games it's really hard not to pass up so anyway guys that's it for my review of the original Game Boy Advance really saw a console just pretty much overshadowed by the SP so anyway guys thanks for watching
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