hey guys this is Austin and steam use
the demo of gaming on the new iPad so of
course one of the major new benefits of
having this iPad is the fact that it
does have a Retina display and there are
decent maps such as Mass Effect
infiltrator here which support it so
I'll just jump right on in so apologies
advance my gameplay is probably gonna
suck here but uh we'll see how it goes
see this guy fan change guns as you can
see here everything runs nice smooth
fluid not sure on the framerate but it
seems to be very very smooth and how
about any major issues when switch guns
and hop forward here of course the
controls are still kind of bad but yeah
so one question I do have about the new
iPad it's the display so of course
instead of resolution of 2048 by 1536
now that's higher than for example my
gaming PC and in no offense to the iPad
but it doesn't have anywhere near you
know capability of running games and
that full maxed out resolution so while
this game definitely does look very good
and better than on the iPhone the iPad
I'm curious to see what's gonna happen
when developers actually really start to
develop and you know kind of optimize it
for the new iPad next we have Infinity
Blade 2 now this is probably one of the
better-looking games on the iPhone as
well as the iPad almost console quality
really and it has been a day for retina
with retina display support so you guys
can see your it looks good I don't
actually think it's fully optimized for
the retina display just because you can
see some kind of like Jaggi edges and
stuff and yeah I'm really bad at this
I'm not even paying attention but it's
not quite up to what I would expect to
see on the retina display so I don't
know if you guys can see here through
the camera but I can see some of the
detail I was like just getting bashed
here the detail really isn't there which
doesn't surprise me again because like I
said this is so high resolution I mean
it's hard to find you know a gaming PC
that can do this and yeah this is a my
quarter of an inch thin iPad there you
go guys go this is infinity blade - next
up we have Batman Arkham City lockdown
now this is actually a normal iPhone and
iPad apps not rep optimized for the
Retina display however it still looks
actually almost as good which again kind
of brings me back to the point of I
really don't think that the current
generation of games is all that well
optimized go ahead and dodge this guy a
little bit here there's a pulse boost
nope alright we'll take them down but
you guys it's gonna be about it for my
video on gaming if you're interested in
seeing more videos on the I new iPad you
should have hit this playlist on screen
right now
and of course stay tuned to the channel
for lots more videos
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